
the philippine military evacuated xianbin reef in a panic, saying "we will come back", and the island is more worried about the outcome


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the philippine army realized that they had gone too far and evacuated xianbin reef overnight! the pla's tactics are also applicable to the taiwan strait

after more than 5 months of pulling,the philippines finally evacuated the xianbin reef lagoon in a panic under the pla's iron-clad blockadethe outside world generally believes that china’s great victory this time can not only provide experience for resolving other disputed islands and reefs in the south china sea in the future, but also deter the nearby taiwan island.

1. philippine warships evacuated xianbin reef in a panic

let’s review the background of the matter.

a few days ago, the philippine coast guard ship teresa magbanua illegally stayed at xianbin reef in china's nansha china continues to counterattack, the philippines' greedy plan to stir up trouble in the spratly islands has been completely shatteredas a result, for a long time, the crew on the philippine ship faced serious supply problems. they could only drink air-conditioned water to survive, and even secretly stole the fishing nets of chinese fishermen. they looked very miserable.

however, despite its seemingly disastrous defeat, the philippines shows an unrepentant attitude.

first, philippine defense minister gilbert teodoro made a harsh statement:they warned the chinese side not to touch their dilapidated ship "mount madre" stranded on the ren'ai reef, otherwise it would be an act of war and the united states would get involved.secondly, he commended the stationed crew members and insisted that even if the 9701 ship withdrew, there would be other coast guard ships "coming back".

these remarks drew criticism from filipino netizens, most of whom believed that the philippines was undoubtedly "treating a funeral into a wedding". you know, on the day the 9701 ship returned, many crew members were carried off the ship on stretchers.

2. where does the philippines’ self-confidence come from?

i just don’t know where the philippines’ confidence comes from.

indeed, the united states has been making frequent military moves in the south china sea, repeatedly stressing that it has an obligation to protect the philippines under the us-philippines mutual defense treaty. coupled with the us-japan joint military exercises and the deployment of the typhon missile system, these have given the philippines the illusion that it has strong support behind it and can provoke china without scruples.

however, everyone knows that the philippines has completely overestimated the strength of the united states, japan and other countries, and underestimated china's determination.regarding the south china sea issue, china has long made it clear that it will continue to carry out rights protection and law enforcement activities in the waters under china's jurisdiction in accordance with the law and resolutely safeguard national territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

in other words, china will not make any compromise or concession. if the philippines continues to provoke, it will only bring disaster upon itself.

3. the tactics used against the philippines also apply to the taiwan strait

history always repeats itself surprisingly well.this is the case with the philippines and ukraine. to be frank, the so-called "help" from the united states is nothing more than an attempt to turn these countries into "bridgeheads" against china and russia. however, when the situation escalates, the united states may not really take risks for them.

this outcome has made the taiwanese media and experts worried. they are worried that their own future will be the taiwan's famous commentator tang xianglong said: the united states betrayed the philippines alive, so won't taiwan repeat the same mistake?

this is becausethe pla's comprehensive blockade tactics also apply to the taiwan strait: it can not only effectively control the situation, but also minimize conflicts and losses.

therefore, in the face of the philippines’ arrogant rhetoric and provocative actions, even if china really needs to use military force to solve the problem in the future, it will not give the united states an excuse to activate the us-philippines mutual defense treaty, because the united states has no chance of winning at all.

in short, whether it is the philippines or taiwan, they are delusional that they can win a great victory with the support of the united states. such short-sighted provocations will ultimately only dig their own graves.