
undergraduate and postgraduate studies are "upside down"? not surprising! there are two universities in sichuan


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sichuan news reporter zhong fan
lanzhou university recently announced that in 2024, the total number of graduate students will exceed the total number of undergraduates for the first time. the situation of "upside down" between undergraduate and graduate students in colleges and universities has once again become a hot topic. specifically in sichuan, whether this phenomenon also exists in colleges and universities in our province, sichuan news reporters conducted an investigation on this.
the number of new graduate students in two universities in our province exceeds that of undergraduate students
according to the information publicly released by various universities, the number of new graduate students in sichuan university and university of electronic science and technology of china currently exceeds the number of new undergraduate students.
the official website of sichuan university shows that there are 9,296 undergraduates and 10,234 postgraduates in the class of 2024; the official website of the university of electronic science and technology shows that there are 5,097 undergraduates and 7,927 postgraduates in the class of 2024, and 4,221 undergraduates and 5,977 postgraduates in the class of 2024. moreover, the phenomenon of postgraduate students exceeding undergraduate students in the two schools can be traced back to at least 2019.
looking across the country, the phenomenon of "inverted" undergraduate and postgraduate education in universities is not uncommon. similar situations have occurred in many key universities in beijing, shanghai and guangzhou.
according to reports, when peking university held its 2024 opening ceremony recently, the school welcomed 4,408 new undergraduates, 6,936 new master's students, 3,867 new doctoral students, and 1,741 new international students. the same is true for fudan university, where there are 4,337 undergraduates and 12,321 graduate students in the 2024 freshmen.
is the “upside down” of undergraduate research a good or bad thing?
however, for universities, is the "inverted" undergraduate and graduate enrollment good or bad? on september 18, @张雪峰老师 also joined the discussion, and he wrote: "universities are divided into three types: research universities, teaching and research universities, and teaching universities. as research universities, it is very common for 985 project universities to have more graduate students than undergraduates. this is the case for tsinghua university, peking university, fudan university, and jiaotong university. as an important scientific research center in northwest china, it is normal for lanzhou university to recruit more graduate students! i support lanzhou university this time!"
in sichuan, sichuan university and university of electronic science and technology of china are the only two “985 project” universities in the province.
sichuan university has a complete range of disciplines, covering 12 categories including literature, science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, law, history, philosophy, agriculture, education, and art. it has 37 discipline-based colleges (departments) and overseas education colleges. at the same time, the university is an independent degree authorization unit, with 53 first-level disciplines authorized to confer doctoral degrees, 2 doctoral cross-degree authorization points, 37 master's professional degree authorization points, 11 doctoral professional degree authorization points, and 48 postdoctoral mobile stations.
after more than 60 years of construction, the university of electronic science and technology of china has formed a multi-level and multi-type talent training pattern from undergraduate to master and doctoral students, becoming a multi-disciplinary research university that fully covers the entire electronic information discipline, with electronic information science and technology as the core, engineering as the main focus, science and engineering penetration, and coordinated development of science, engineering, management, literature, and medicine. the school currently has 19 first-level discipline doctoral degree authorization points, 31 first-level discipline master's degree authorization points, 4 doctoral professional degree authorization points, and 12 master's professional degree authorization points. there are 18 postdoctoral mobile stations. in the fourth round of national first-level discipline evaluation, 4 disciplines of the school were rated a, of which two disciplines of electronic science and technology and information and communication engineering were rated a+, and the number of a+ disciplines ranked first among western universities.