
go back to the origin of ulanbuhe and see how telunsu turns sand into green in the desert


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from july to september this year, trunusu invited consumers to embark on an organic traceability journey of "going to wulanbuhe together". in the brand traceability, trunusu unveiled the mystery of the desert organic milk source for the first time, leading consumers to wulanbuhe in person, allowing everyone to experience the ecological miracle of "desert turning into oasis" in person, and allowing more people to perceive the brand proposition of "desert organic, making the earth better".

transforming desert into oasis, achieving better organic ecology

for the dairy industry, the choice of milk source is crucial. while most dairy brands choose grassland as their milk source, trunusu is different and has set its sights on the ulan buh desert. compared with finding excellent grassland, "transforming the desert" is really not a "pleasing" act. what kind of "natural potential" and "innate advantages" does trunusu see in the ulan buh desert?

the ulan buh desert is one of the eight major deserts in china. before it was governed, it was barren and barren. fifteen years ago, telunsu came here together with all parties and discovered its uniqueness. ulan buh is located in the golden milk source belt at 40° north latitude. the climate here is dry and sunny, providing an excellent living environment for dairy cows. 3200 hours of sunshine makes the grass full of nutrients, and long-term ultraviolet radiation and high-temperature scorching sand disinfect and sterilize, reducing the disease of dairy cows. what is rare is that ulan buh is the wettest desert among the eight major deserts in china. there are abundant groundwater resources here, which come from the natural groundwater in the upper reaches of the yellow river. it can irrigate pasture and provide high-quality water sources for dairy cows. at the same time, it is precisely because it is deep in the hinterland of the desert, far away from the pollution of factories and cities, forming a natural desert isolation belt to ensure the natural purity of the organic milk source.

in 2009, trunusu joined hands with various parties to officially enter wulanbuhe and started the vast project of "using milk to control sand". it takes a long time for a desert to become land. first of all, it takes at least three years to purify the land. then, the soil is cultivated and green plants are returned to the fields to continuously enhance the soil fertility and organic matter. through organic planting to improve the oasis soil, no fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides are used, so that crops such as pasture, alfalfa, and oats can grow naturally. organic crops provide sufficient nutrition for dairy cows and can produce better quality milk; at the same time, the cow dung returned to the fields also nourishes the land, making the sandy soil more fertile. in this way, the desert eventually turned into an oasis. in the long process, it not only improved the local organic ecology of wulanbuhe, but also formed the trunusu organic circular industrial chain.

the creation of the ulan buh desert oasis has also helped trunusu’s “desert organic milk” occupy an “organic high ground” and formed a unique regional product advantage. for many years, the traditional perception that “good milk comes from the grassland” has been rewritten by trunusu, and the concept that “good milk can also be grown in the desert” has entered the public’s field of vision.

create a "regional business card" and establish an organic circular industrial chain

in recent years, telunsu has also made a lot of efforts to bring the "regional business card" of the ulan buh desert oasis to the public.

on april fool's day, april 1, 2021, trunusu showed consumers the organic ecology of ulanbuhe for the first time through the social hotspot of "not selling milk, but selling sand"; on membership day in 2021, trunusu gave away 100,000 "baby pumpkins" around the desert, allowing consumers to feel the "organic strength" of the desert oasis; in 2023, trunusu had in-depth cooperation with the popular variety shows "longing for life" and "moving forward", and won a larger amount of exposure for ulanbuhe.

this year, trunusu has stepped up its efforts, focusing on the ulan buh desert oasis, and has taken "earth art" to its extreme. it has launched the micro-documentary "miracle of the desert" in ulan buh. together with brand spokesperson yi yang qianxi, it has explored the answer to trunusu desert organic through an in-depth exploration journey in ulan buh, in the two-way rush between man and nature; it has co-created the "earth image" outdoor film exhibition with the top french luxury photography artist paul rusteau, allowing more people to see the desert flowers of ulan buh; it has also invited musicians such as ma di, chen hongyu, xiao juan & the residents of the valley to bring an audio-visual feast in the ulan buh desert oasis, leading consumers to immerse themselves in the ecological miracle of "transforming the desert into an oasis" through music.

while online marketing is in full swing, offline marketing is also being used to reach consumers. trunusu has started a traceability journey, organically combining the industrial chain with the local ecological experience. not only can you see the trunusu organic industrial chain and experience the ecological miracle of "desert turning into oasis", you can also deeply experience the advantages of the local desert isolation zone, sunshine and water sources through activities such as cross-country driving in the sand, boating in nalin lake, and sunset long table banquets.

enjoy the miracle of "turning sand into green" at zero distance

in this organic traceability journey, the most visually impactful thing is the exclusive organic grassland of trunusu. trunusu hopes to "grow" milk in this pure land of ulan buhe. the first step is to turn the desert into an oasis. only by turning the sand into green can a better source of milk be born. therefore, after entering ulan buhe, trunusu has been committed to developing the primary industry of local agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry.

in 2009, trunsul joined hands with various parties to sow the first wave of seeds in wulanbuhe, and planted large and tall trees around and densely planted, forming the first windbreak. organic plants such as alfalfa, silage corn, and oat grass seen on the organic grassland also provide support for windbreak and sand fixation and increase the coverage of water wetlands. finally, a strong visual impact wonder of desert and oasis coexisting here was formed.

immerse yourself in the happy life of dairy cows

during the breeding process, trunusu always improves animal welfare to ensure the health and comfortable life of dairy cows, creating a "happy life" for them.

in the exclusive organic ranch of telunsu, the cows are equipped with professional nutritionists and health doctors, who provide scientifically proportioned nutritious meals - alfalfa, oats, straw, silage and other common desert plants in ulan buh are used as the main roughage, supplemented with vitamins and minerals for scientific feeding, and the proportion of organic forage consumed is as high as more than 98%. the cows living here drink natural groundwater from the upper reaches of the yellow river. through repeated filtration and purification, the quality of drinking water for cows is ensured to reach a standard close to that of human drinking water. secondly, the "working hours" of cows have very regular and scientific breeding guidelines. the working hours will be flexibly deployed according to the number of cows in stock and their physiological signs. each cow enjoys regular vacations and physical examinations.

ulanbuhe is also a dream place for dairy cows. cows like dry environment very much, and the desert is a natural "simmons mattress". the high-temperature sterilized sand allows dairy cows to lie in bed better, which not only ensures the comfort of dairy cows' rest, but also avoids the occurrence of diseases such as mastitis.

it is precisely because telunsu provides such high-end feeding conditions for dairy cows that they can stably produce high-quality milk, ensuring the better quality of "desert organic milk".

witness the birth of "desert organic milk"

on the basis of developing the primary industry, trunusu is also constantly improving the secondary industry. the trunusu organic exclusive factory is the "green esg factory" that the brand strives to build.

as an exclusive organic factory, first of all, the control of milk sources is very "strict": after the raw cow's milk is injected into the milk tanker through the pipe, it will be sent to the factory within 3 hours; it will also undergo 62 tests before entering the factory, and then go through warehousing, filtration, disinfection, inspection and other procedures before finally being filled and shipped out of the factory; there are strict organic control levels throughout the entire production process. each bottle of desert organic milk has passed the dual organic certification of china and the european union, and is visible organic good milk.

secondly, in terms of milk packaging and transportation, truensu has also done a very good job: the bottle of desert organic milk is packaged in renewable paper, and the bottle cap is also made of new plant-based materials, meeting consumers' expectations for the environmentally friendly attributes of the product; in terms of transportation, truensu adopts an intensive transportation method, which reduces energy consumption and carbon emissions, and is more environmentally friendly.

this traceability not only fully demonstrated the ecological cycle industry chain of organic planting, organic breeding, and organic processing of trunsu, but also made people understand the advantages of the origin such as the ulan buh desert isolation zone, sufficient sunshine and natural water sources through projects such as cross-country driving in the sand, boat trip to nalin lake, and sunset long table banquet, so that more people can understand the advantages of "desert·organic".

promote the integration of the three industries and form a sustainable business model

at present, social responsibility and environmental awareness have become one of the important indicators for evaluating companies. how a company plans and arranges its brand esg will directly affect the introduction of subsequent resources and determine whether its brand story can be told for a long time.

in the process of "using milk to control desertification" for many years, telunsu has continuously promoted industrial integration, and while forming an organic ecological cycle industrial chain, it has also conveyed the brand's greater esg pattern and concept. with agriculture, forestry, livestock and animal husbandry as the cornerstone and framework, it has laid the foundation for subsequent industrial development; then vigorously developed the secondary industry processing industry, incubated a complete organic industrial chain, and while realizing commercial value, it also contributed to the improvement of the local environment and ecology; with the opening of the tertiary industry cultural tourism industry, telunsu has used brand power to continuously improve the regional exposure of ulanbuhe, showing the better side behind "desert organic milk", so that consumers have more trust and recognition of the product.

in fact, esg and business are not independent entities, but can be integrated with each other. telunsu has found its own balance point between social welfare and business through the integration of the three industries, and has gained recognition from consumers through years of persistence and accumulated brand resources.

"go to ulan buhe together" is a marketing activity that builds brand recognition through "seeing + experiencing", and also allows consumers to intuitively feel the results of the integration of the three industries of telunsu and its persistence in long-termism. this is a journey from what you see and taste to what you get and believe, and then to a better organic value resonance. while better winning consumer recognition and forming brand assets and word-of-mouth accumulation, it reversely achieves the mutual promotion and integration of "agriculture, culture, and tourism", and conveys the brand proposition of "desert · organic, make the earth better".

over the past 15 years, telunsu has worked with all parties to deepen the desert management in ulan buh. it has not only found the direction for product upgrades and iterations, but also formed a sustainable business model. it has provided new ideas for other brands on how to integrate the tertiary industry and carry out esg marketing, and has also anchored a reference esg business model for the dairy industry.