
head of russia's central nuclear test site: ready to resume nuclear testing


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according to reports from russian media such as the moskovsky komsomolets on the 17th, andrei sinitsyn, head of the russian central nuclear test site, said in an interview with a rossiyskaya gazeta reporter that the test site is ready to resume nuclear testing.

andrei sinitsyn, director of russia's central nuclear test site

according to russian media such as rossiyskaya gazeta, russia's central nuclear test site is located on novaya zemlya and was established in 1954. it can be used to test million-ton nuclear weapons. the last nuclear explosion at the site was in 1990. rossiyskaya gazeta reported that sinitsyn said in an interview that the mission of the test site is to ensure national security.

a reporter from rossiyskaya gazeta asked in an interview, "the united states has unilaterally withdrawn from the inf treaty. we cannot rule out the possibility that the united states will decide to resume nuclear testing to update its nuclear arsenal. many people say that we may have a new round of nuclear confrontation. is the test site ready to resume nuclear testing if necessary?"

in this regard, sinitsyn said, "the test site is ready to resume full test activities." he also said that the relevant test facilities and personnel are ready, "if we receive an order, we are ready to start testing at any time."

previously, russia had made a clear statement on the issue of nuclear testing. according to reports by ria novosti and other media in march this year, russian president vladimir putin said in an interview that if the united states conducts a nuclear test, it is possible that russia will do the same.