
in the first eight months of this year, shanghai's total import and export value reached 2.81 trillion yuan, and state-owned enterprises' import and export grew rapidly


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on september 18, the paper reporter learned from shanghai customs that according to shanghai customs statistics, in the first eight months of 2024, the total import and export value of shanghai was 2.81 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.6% over the same period last year (the same below). among them, exports were 1.17 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.9%; imports were 1.64 trillion yuan, a decrease of 1.1%; and the trade deficit was 465.96 billion yuan, a narrowing of 9.8%.
imports and exports of general trade and bonded logistics grew steadily, while the decline in processing trade narrowed. in the first eight months, shanghai's imports and exports in general trade amounted to 1.68 trillion yuan, up 0.5%, accounting for 59.8% of shanghai's total imports and exports in the same period (the same below); among them, exports grew by 4.7%, an increase of 1.3 percentage points over the previous seven months. in the same period, imports and exports in bonded logistics amounted to 727.53 billion yuan, up 1.3%. in addition, imports and exports in processing trade amounted to 375.97 billion yuan, down 2.2%, a decrease of 0.7 percentage points over the previous seven months.
private enterprises accounted for more than 30% of imports and exports, and state-owned enterprises' imports and exports grew rapidly. in the first eight months, shanghai's private enterprises' imports and exports totaled 909.46 billion yuan, up 5.7%, accounting for 32.4%, 0.6 percentage points higher than the previous seven months; state-owned enterprises' imports and exports totaled 292.62 billion yuan, up 6.2%, accounting for 10.4%. during the same period, foreign-funded enterprises' imports and exports totaled 1.6 trillion yuan, down 2.8%, accounting for 57.1%.
the growth rate of imports and exports with the countries participating in the construction of the "belt and road" has increased, and the decline in imports and exports with europe and the united states has narrowed. in the first eight months, shanghai's imports and exports with asean amounted to 370.75 billion yuan, an increase of 4.4%; imports and exports with the eu and the united states were 530.93 billion yuan and 313.31 billion yuan, respectively, down 6.9% and 1.9%, respectively, and the decline narrowed by 1.2 and 1 percentage points compared with the previous seven months; imports and exports with japan, taiwan, my country, and south korea were 246.29 billion, 172.08 billion, and 143.87 billion yuan, respectively, down 4.5%, up 13.8%, and 12.4%. during the same period, shanghai's imports and exports with the countries participating in the construction of the "belt and road" amounted to 999.87 billion yuan, an increase of 4.3%, an increase of 0.8 percentage points compared with the previous seven months.
the export of mechanical and electrical products accounted for nearly 70%, and labor-intensive products continued to grow. in the first eight months, shanghai exported 803.54 billion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, an increase of 2.3%, accounting for 68.6% of shanghai's total exports during the same period. among them, automatic data processing equipment and its parts, and ships were exported for 92.53 billion yuan and 43.86 billion yuan, respectively, up 8% and 104.8%, respectively. during the same period, exports of labor-intensive products amounted to 126.55 billion yuan, up 7%, accounting for 10.8%. among them, textiles, furniture, and plastic products increased by 6.8%, 18.5%, and 13.1%, respectively.
imports of electronic information product parts and components grew rapidly, while imports of iron ore and its concentrates continued to grow. in the first eight months, shanghai imported 696.19 billion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, up 0.7%, accounting for 42.5% of shanghai's total imports during the same period. among them, electronic information product parts and components such as storage components, central processing components, and flat panel display modules were imported for 20.22 billion, 6.59 billion, and 7.77 billion yuan, up 79.5%, 83.7%, and 13.9%, respectively; imported automobiles were 41.8 billion yuan, down 21.9%. during the same period, imports of iron ore and its concentrates, unwrought copper and copper products, and unwrought aluminum and aluminum products were imported for 109.51 billion, 34.75 billion, and 9.73 billion yuan, up 20.2%, 42.4%, and 54.6%, respectively.
the paper reporter deng lingwei
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