
some companies have orders scheduled until june next year! new policies will further support equipment upgrades


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data from the national development and reform commission shows that equipment upgrades in several key areas such as industry, agriculture, and construction are expected to drive the formation of a huge market with an annual scale of more than 5 trillion yuan, and among them, the manufacturing industry is relatively large in size and has relatively large growth potential. among the more than 50 billion yuan of equipment upgrade re-loan contracts signed so far, energy-saving upgrades in the manufacturing industry are also the largest.

as the equipment renewal policy continues to increase in strength and efficiency, equipment parts companies at the front end of the industrial chain have felt many new changes this year. we went to luoyang, henan, where bearing companies gather nationwide, to take a look.


this is the largest production base of reducer bearings for robotic arms in china. reducer bearings mainly play the role of rotation and support. most of the joints of robotic arms on the market use products from here. this year's large-scale equipment upgrade has driven the development of cnc machine tools and industrial automation, especially the increase in demand for robotic arms. on average, one robotic arm uses three reducer bearings.

lv ruifang, director of technology r&d department of luoyang hongyuan bearing technology co., ltd.:robot reducer bearings and thin-walled cross roller bearings have seen significant growth, with more than 400 new customers and an increase of about 20% in the number of orders.

more than one company has felt the increase in orders. in the workshop of this bearing company, more than 300 sets of new energy bearing equipment have been packed and will be shipped to tianjin, hunan and chongqing. the relevant person in charge told reporters that the large-scale equipment upgrade in the energy fields of wind power, photovoltaics, hydropower, etc. has driven the increase in the output of wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, and hydro turbines, and the corresponding demand for parts has naturally increased.

wang gaofeng, deputy general manager of luoyang axle technology co., ltd.:the orders for bearings used in new energy equipment have increased significantly, up 50% from the same period last year. at present, our orders have been scheduled until june of next year, and we have added 4 new customers. many of our products are used to expand the functions of wind turbine mainframes and to replace and repair intermediate parts.

zhou xinyu, director of the equipment industry division of the henan provincial department of industry and information technology:as the effects of large-scale equipment renewal policies continue to be released, the added value of henan's equipment manufacturing enterprises has increased this year, reaching 16% so far. the annual revenue growth of key coal mining machinery and equipment enterprises is expected to exceed 10%, the order growth of lifting and electrical equipment enterprises has exceeded 10%, the cumulative growth rate of automobiles and parts has exceeded 30%, and the production and sales of key metal cutting machine tools, industrial instruments and other products have also achieved substantial growth.

liquid-cooled servers are hot sellers
data centers are accelerating towards green

in addition to components, let's look at the characteristics of this year's large-scale equipment upgrades through a specific category of products. computing centers are important new infrastructure, but they are also one of the areas with the fastest growth in energy consumption in recent years.

in this round of equipment updates, how can we make the computing center “newer and greener”?


when the reporter arrived at a server factory in jinan, he found that both people and machines were busy. now the average number of liquid-cooled servers coming off the production line every day reaches 1,000.

lu jian, general manager of production department of inspur electronic information industry co., ltd.since the beginning of this year, our orders have grown rapidly, mainly orders from large domestic internet data centers and some computing power projects.

the relevant person in charge told reporters that most of these orders came from guangdong, guizhou and other places, which are "provinces with strong computing power." after many years of use, a considerable number of servers in the local data center have aged and urgently need to be updated.

li rengang, director of the china computer federation:most traditional data centers use air cooling technology. with the upgrading of data centers, liquid cooling technology has gradually been introduced into data centers. the biggest advantage is higher heat dissipation efficiency and lower energy consumption. in the process of equipment upgrading, these advanced and green equipment are replaced into the data center.

in order to cope with the growing orders and more complex liquid-cooled server production processes, the company also updated its equipment this year.

chen peng, smart factory production manager of inspur electronic information industry co., ltd.:this year, we have launched more than 20 new intelligent production and testing equipment for liquid-cooled servers, which are mainly used for air tightness testing and pressure testing of liquid-cooled servers. after the equipment upgrade, our annual production capacity has exceeded 300,000 units.

targeting the new product and service demands arising from this year's large-scale equipment upgrades, shandong, a "major manufacturing province", is currently accelerating the creation of an equipment upgrade "toolbox".

liu wei, second level researcher of the planning and technology transformation division of the department of industry and information technology of shandong province:at present, we are expanding the supply and demand resource library for equipment upgrades and technological transformation in the industrial field. we have now recorded more than 2,000 high-quality equipment products and more than 1,000 high-end software products, providing support services for enterprises to carry out equipment upgrades and technological transformation.

local governments have introduced new policies to further support equipment upgrades

the macroeconomic operation data for august released recently showed that from january to august this year, the investment in equipment and tools increased by 16.8% year-on-year, contributing more than 60% to the total investment growth; in august, the added value of many equipment manufacturing-related industries showed double-digit growth. the latest data from the national development and reform commission shows that more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and cities with independent planning status, including beijing, shanxi, sichuan, and the xinjiang production and construction corps, have introduced policies and measures to strengthen support for large-scale equipment renewal, covering equipment renewal in the fields of old elevators, data centers, energy and electricity.

the national development and reform commission stated that in the next step, it will work with relevant departments to further increase the intensity of the "combination punch" of fiscal, taxation, finance, investment and other policies, and the central government will accelerate the issuance of approximately 150 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special government bonds to support large-scale equipment renewal.
