
last year, the national government procurement exceeded 3 trillion again. the ministry of finance cracked down on violations.


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the latest national government procurement data is released.

on the 14th, the ministry of finance released a brief summary of national government procurement in 2023. the scale of national government procurement in 2023 was 3392.96 billion yuan, a decrease of about 3% compared with 2022. this is the eighth consecutive year since 2016 that the scale of government procurement has exceeded 3 trillion yuan.

however, in the past three years (2021-2023), the scale of government procurement has continued to decline slightly. this may be related to the increasing contradiction between fiscal revenue and expenditure, the insistence of local governments on living a tight life, and the vigorous reduction of general expenditures and non-rigid expenditures.

government procurement refers to the use of fiscal funds by state organs, institutions and organizations at all levels to purchase goods, projects and services within the centralized procurement catalogue or above the procurement limit standards formulated in accordance with the law. in recent years, this expenditure has accounted for about 10% of the national fiscal expenditure. it is an important way of spending fiscal funds and is also related to the operation of many enterprises. therefore, it has attracted much attention.

data from the ministry of finance shows that in 2023, the scale of government procurement of goods, projects and services will be 773.81 billion yuan, 144.868 billion yuan and 117.048 billion yuan respectively, accounting for 22.8%, 42.7% and 34.5% of the national government procurement scale.

compared with 2022, the proportion of government procurement of projects and services in 2023 has increased. with the deepening of the reform of government procurement of services in recent years, the proportion of service procurement scale exceeded that of goods for the first time in 2017, and this proportion in 2023 reached a record high in recent years.