
outrageous! a female employee of a gold shop used lead blocks to replace more than 40 kilograms of gold in three years, and cashed in more than 18.94 million yuan!


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the urumqi public security bureau recently disclosed a gold theft case: the gold jewelry in the gold shop seemed to be intact, but in fact a large amount of gold had been "stolen and replaced". it turned out that the crime was committed by an internal thief. the counter leader of the gold shop took advantage of his position and replaced the same weight of gold with lead blocks over a period of three years. he embezzled a total of 45,814.57 grams (45.8 kilograms, about 91.6 pounds) of gold jewelry from the gold shop, with a total value of 18.941926 million yuan.
on september 16, the related topic ranked first on weibo's hot search list.
many netizens expressed shock at this:
female shop assistant stole 45.8 kg of gold in 3 years
“my boss really appreciates my hard-working image.”
recently, the tianshan district branch of the urumqi municipal public security bureau cracked a major case of embezzlement.
the story began in the fall of 2021. mr. ma ran a jewelry store, and hu hui (pseudonym) came to apply for the job. because of her rich sales experience, she soon became the counter team leader. once, hu hui forgot to put the gold jewelry back to its original place when she got off work. after a few days, no one found it, so she had the idea of ​​selling the stolen goods for cash, and she actually succeeded.
hu hui's daily expenses were very high, and her salary was completely unable to meet her daily needs. in addition, her debts continued to grow. gradually, she came up with an idea...
"no one has discovered the last time, so it must be fine. why don't you try again..." hu hui's boyfriend huang zhi (pseudonym) advised her "considerately". "if we are really discovered, you work there every day, so you will definitely find out the flaws. let's not be too obvious, and quit while we are ahead..." under the repeated instigation of her boyfriend huang zhi, hu hui decided to take the risk again.
since then, hu hui, who had a "task" to go to work, was energetic every day and waited for opportunities. she often took the initiative to work overtime and was the last to leave, becoming the most responsible partner in the eyes of her colleagues. hu hui's serious work image made her boss, mr. ma, very appreciative and trusting. not only that, he also let hu hui do the inventory in the store...
time flies, and on april 1 this year, hu hui asked for leave for something, so mr. ma personally conducted an inventory in the store. this check surprised mr. ma - he actually lost dozens of kilograms of gold jewelry. on the same day, mr. ma went to the tianshan district branch of the urumqi municipal public security bureau to report the case.
the police from the economic crime investigation brigade of the tianshan district branch quickly launched an investigation and identified hu hui as a major criminal suspect. after hu hui was arrested, she truthfully confessed that she and her boyfriend huang zhi used lead blocks of equal weight to replace gold jewelry to deal with the company's weighing and inventory. they took the gold jewelry out of the store and sold it many times. the illegal proceeds were used to repay debts and for the two to squander. during this period, huang zhi was responsible for ordering lead blocks and selling the stolen gold. afterwards, the police arrested the criminal suspect huang zhi who had fled to fujian and brought him to justice.
it has been found that the two suspects embezzled and sold 45,814.57 grams of gold jewelry, converting them into rmb 18.941926 million in cash. the stolen money was used to purchase real estate, cars, repay debts, invest in opening stores, transfer money to others and for personal consumption.
at present, the police have recovered property worth more than 5 million yuan.
the criminal suspects hu hui and huang zhi have been transferred to the people's procuratorate for prosecution by the public security organs on suspicion of embezzlement.
explain the law through cases
what is the crime of embezzlement?
according to article 271 of the criminal law of the people's republic of china: if the staff of a company, enterprise or other unit uses the convenience of his position to illegally take the property of the unit for his own use, if the amount is relatively large, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall be fined; if the amount is huge, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall be fined; if the amount is extremely huge, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment and shall be fined.
common forms of occupational embezzlement:
1. borrowing money from others in the name of the company and then taking it for oneself or absconding with the money;
2. taking advantage of one’s position to possess the company’s products without paying;
3. fail to record the payment and income obtained by the company through the signing of contracts, take it for oneself or use it for personal purposes without authorization;
4. unauthorized withdrawal of company funds for personal use and failure to return them;
5. making false payroll or labor costs to siphon company funds;
6. falsely reporting a high price when purchasing goods or services and pocketing the difference;
7. directors, supervisors, and managers take advantage of their positions to embezzle company property;
8. reimbursement of personal expenses at the company without authorization.
how to prevent occupational embezzlement?
1. improve corporate systems. formulate comprehensive rules and regulations around important links such as financial management, goods circulation, and contract signing, standardize the application, use, and reimbursement processes, strictly review and control, regularly clear accounts, and strengthen supervision and inspection.
2. standardize education and training. strengthen pre-job legal and professional ethics training for employees, establish a correct view of the rule of law and professional ethics, and comprehensively strengthen the construction of the employee team.
3. strengthen risk prevention and control. if the signs of occupational embezzlement are detected, the company should immediately initiate self-inspection, report the case to the public security organs in a timely manner, and cooperate with the police to quickly collect relevant evidence to prevent the company's economic losses from further expansion.
source: urumqi public security bureau, upstream news, public information