
putin signed an order to increase the number of russian armed forces by 180,000! zelensky also signed a law to include the ukrainian armed forces in the new military branch


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according to cctv news, russian president vladimir putin signed a presidential decree on september 16 local time.the russian armed forces have increased their strength to 2,389,130 ​​personnel,in1.5 million are military personnelthe presidential decree also instructs the russian government to allocate funds to the russian ministry of defense from the federal budget.

in december 2023, the russian armed forces increased to 2,209,130 ​​personnel, including 1.32 million military personnel.the russian armed forces have increased their strength by 180,000 personnel.

image source: visual china-vcg111481489964

on september 16, local time, ukrainian president zelensky signed the law.incorporation of unmanned systems forces into the ukrainian armed forces as an independent service

on september 3rd, local time, the ukrainian verkhovna rada (parliament) passed the bill with 294 votes in favor.integrating unmanned system forces into the ukrainian armed forces systemthe bill.

on february 6 this year, president zelensky signed a decree instructing the establishment of an unmanned system force. on may 7, the ukrainian unmanned system force was established. on june 10, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine announced that vadim sukharevsky was appointed commander of the unmanned system force of the armed forces of ukraine.

in addition, on june 25 local time, ukrainian president zelensky signed a decree approving the decision of the ukrainian national security and defense council to establish unmanned system forces as a separate service in the ukrainian armed forces. the decree has been published on the website of the ukrainian presidential palace.

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