
sanxi town, lechang: sending off new recruits to join the army and embarking on the journey of strengthening the army


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recently, sanxi town, lechang, shaoguan, carried out a farewell event for the new recruits in the second half of 2024, expressing warm congratulations and high respect to the young people joining the army and their families.
at the farewell party, the head of the armed forces department of sanxi town expressed his earnest expectations for the new recruits who are about to embark on a glorious journey. he hoped that after joining the army, the new recruits would put the country and the people first, train hard, fight tenaciously, and become outstanding soldiers of the new era with superb skills, strong military skills, and good work style, and make contributions to consolidating national defense, building borders, and defending the territorial integrity of the motherland.
two new recruits from sanxi town paraded around the town after the farewell ceremony. they were dressed in green military uniforms, with ribbons on their shoulders and flowers in their hands. they were upright and energetic, full of expectations and longing for the upcoming military life. amid the sound of gongs and drums, the families of the new recruits, veterans, town and village residents, and student representatives followed the parade team holding red flags to send off the new recruits to join the army and embark on the journey of building a strong army.
by organizing farewell activities for new recruits, sanxi town further creates a strong atmosphere of supporting and respecting the army, sows the seeds for young people to join the army and serve the country, further strengthens the new recruits' strong determination to join the army and serve the country, and encourages them to contribute their own strength in the great journey of realizing the dream of a strong country and a strong army.
text and photos | reporter ouyang zhiqiang correspondent zhang jianhuan