
shenzhen stock exchange released the "etf investment and trading white paper", and the scale of individual investors holding more than one trillion


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on september 13, the shenzhen stock exchange released the "etf investment and trading white paper" (hereinafter referred to as the white paper). the white paper shows that in the first half of this year, funds continued to flow into the etf market and the investor group maintained a steady growth.
as the concept of index investment continues to gain popularity, more and more investors choose to use etfs, a low-fee, high-liquidity, low-threshold investment tool, to participate in on-site investment. as of the end of june, the number of etf holders in the shenzhen stock exchange has reached 3.34 million (without penetrating feeder funds), which is 2.29 times that of the end of 2020. as investors who trade stocks gradually participate in etf investment, the scale of the shenzhen stock exchange etf market has maintained a steady growth trend, with an annualized growth rate of 37% since 2020.
according to the disclosed etf semi-annual report data, the holding structure of the linked funds is calculated. as of the end of june, as institutional investors increased their holdings of etfs in large quantities, the proportion of etfs held by institutions and individual investors was 57% and 43%, respectively. in terms of the absolute value of etf holdings, the total holdings of individual investors were 1,076.81 billion yuan, an increase of 16.284 billion yuan from the end of 2023, accounting for 42.92% of the total.
among them, individual investors hold non-monetary etfs totaling 1,029.966 billion yuan, an increase of 16.620 billion yuan from the end of 2023, accounting for 44.34% of the total. in terms of holding methods, compared with investing in etf linked funds, individual investors prefer to hold etfs directly, with individual investors directly holding etfs totaling 731.341 billion yuan, accounting for 67.92%. among them, individual investors directly hold non-monetary etfs totaling 684.497 billion yuan, accounting for 66.46%.
as domestic etf products continue to expand, investors' acceptance and trust in etfs are increasing, and trading activity continues to improve. in the first half of the year, the total transaction volume of domestic etfs totaled 14.66 trillion yuan, and the total transaction volume of non-monetary etfs reached 11.48 trillion yuan, both of which set a record high in the first half of the year.
in terms of dividends, the frequency and amount of etf dividends increased significantly in the first half of the year. from january to june, there were 30 dividends, with a total amount of 5.384 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 78%. the fund industry actively reduced etf fees. the total management fee income of 145 fund companies in the market was 58.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 13.76%. at the same time, the scale of management increased from 26.4 trillion yuan to 29.6 trillion yuan.
the csi a500 etf currently being issued has added new vitality to the market. the csi a500 is the first core broad-based index after the new "national nine articles". it more completely depicts the characteristics of industry leaders in my country's capital market, taking into account both new quality productivity industries and traditional industries, and can provide investors with better tools to allocate new quality productivity leaders. it is reported that among the constituent stocks of the csi a500 index, there are 253 shenzhen-listed companies, accounting for more than half, which also fully reflects the characteristics of "excellent innovation and high growth" of shenzhen-listed companies.
(author: shenzhen special zone daily reporter xiong ziheng)