
nearly one year after the israeli-palestinian conflict, the houthis used missiles to attack the hinterland of israel for the first time: they claimed to use hypersonic missiles, but the israeli army denied it


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according to cctv news, yemeni houthi armed spokesman yahya sarea said on the 15th that the houthi armed forces used a new type of missile to attack the hinterland of israel that day. sarea said that the side used a new type of hypersonic ballistic missile to launch an attack and successfully hit the target. the israeli military's defense system failed to intercept and destroy the missile. the missile flew 2,040 kilometers in 11 and a half minutes.

in response to the houthi rebels' claim, the israeli army said the missile's trajectory was straight, so it was not a hypersonic ballistic missile as the houthi rebels claimed. the israeli army also said that the ballistic missiles used by the houthi rebels to attack tel aviv and surrounding areas were hit by the israeli interception system, but were not completely destroyed. the report said that the israeli army will investigate how the missile flew to the center of the country.

▲the houthi armed forces used missiles to attack the israeli hinterland on the 15th.

some media pointed out that this was the first time that yemen's houthi armed forces used missiles to strike central israel, which also marked the continued escalation of tensions between the houthi armed forces and israel. israeli prime minister netanyahu later warned that the houthi armed forces would have to pay a heavy price.

for the first time, missiles were launched into israel's hinterland.

what missiles are the houthis using?

since the outbreak of the current round of israeli-palestinian conflict, the yemeni houthi armed forces have repeatedly launched missiles and drones at israel, and have also targeted ships in the red sea. reports pointed out that the organization last launched an attack on the israeli mainland in july. on july 19 this year, the yemeni houthi armed forces announced that the organization had launched an attack, using drones to attack the central israeli city of tel aviv, causing many casualties.

reports say that the july attack also showed that the group has the ability to strike important israeli cities. the day after the attack (july 20), the port of hodeidah, a city on the red sea in yemen, was attacked by israeli fighter jets. according to sarea, the missile attack on the israeli hinterland on the 15th was also a retaliation for israel's air strike on july 20.

▲on july 20, israel launched an airstrike on hodeidah. photo courtesy of cctv news

the houthis in yemen said they were using hypersonic ballistic missiles. according to reports, the flight speed of hypersonic ballistic missiles is at least five times the speed of sound, and their trajectories are complex and difficult to intercept. last june, iran, which has a close relationship with the houthis in yemen, unveiled what it called its first domestically produced hypersonic ballistic missile, the fatah hypersonic ballistic missile. it was reported at the time that in theory, the fatah could reach israel within seven minutes, and its speed made it difficult for israel's air defense system to intercept it.

it is worth noting that this is not the first time that the houthis have claimed to have used hypersonic ballistic missiles. according to xinhua news agency, the houthis claimed in june that the organization used its own hypersonic missiles for the first time to attack the mediterranean sarah 5 cargo ship in the arabian sea.

however, according to the israeli military, the israeli air defense system had already identified and intercepted the missile when it was launched, but it was not completely intercepted. according to reports, israel launched several interceptor missiles in an attempt to intercept it. the investigation found that at least one "arrow" interceptor missile hit the missile, but it did not completely destroy it. instead, it caused the target missile to disintegrate in the air, causing the warhead and fragments to fall to the ground. the shrapnel hit a train station, causing minor damage.

the israeli military also pointed out that the missile's trajectory was straight and it was not a hypersonic ballistic missile.

the prime minister issued a stern warning.

houthi armed forces: as the anniversary approaches, israel will suffer more attacks

reports pointed out that this round of israeli-palestinian conflict broke out on october 7 last year, and the tension between israel and lebanon's hezbollah and yemen's houthi armed forces has continued for several months, but it is still unusual for missiles to hit central israel directly.

in response to the attack, netanyahu warned at a cabinet meeting that the houthis should understand that anyone who attempts to harm israel will pay a heavy price, and "it is recommended that those who want to stay awake visit hodeidah."

saraiya said that as the current round of israeli-palestinian conflict is approaching its first anniversary, israel should be able to expect more similar attacks.

just one day before the houthis fired missiles at central israel, hezbollah in lebanon said on the 14th that in response to israel's attack on a town in southern lebanon, it attacked and destroyed an israeli tank with a guided missile. it was reported that on the morning of the 14th, several projectiles flew from lebanon into northern israel, some of which were intercepted and some landed in open areas, but no casualties were caused.

the report said that this act of launching attacks directly on the other side's land has raised concerns that the fighting may extend to new fronts and threaten peace in the entire region.

red star news reporter li jinrui compiled cctv news (zhang yuchen, zhang zhuoya), xinhua news agency (reporter wang shang)

editor zhang xun responsible editor deng feiguang