
there isn't a single line of dialogue, but hundreds of thousands of people gave it a high score of 9.0?


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editor: zhou xinrui

a puppy sitting on the sofa.

playing a game that originally required two people to play,

when you are hungry, go to the refrigerator and get some wholesale frozen products.

what is different about it?

maybe it’s “single dog” shining into reality——especially lonelybar...

even at this moment, there is no sound in the house except for the noisy advertisements...

i want to drink some happy water to relieve myself.

even the straw goes against it👇

following the running straw,

i was also "forced" to peek into other people's happiness...

looking back at the tv, a soul-searching question was raised:

“Are you alone?”(are you lonely?)

# i looked in the mirror a little bit

fortunately, the next second, a solution was attached:

buy your own robot👇

#it turns out that the idea was to target the wallet

the puppy made a phone call without saying anything.

that night, i stared at the ceiling in a trance and couldn't fall asleep for a long time...

on the day of delivery, he got up early and stood in front of the window, looking forward to it.

the rapidly wagging tail behind him revealed his inner joy.

after some trials, the robot officially entered the puppy's life.

they accompany each other.

let's go out together👇

enjoy street performers 👇

dancing freely under the gaze of everyone 👇

go take a photo👇

eat hot dogs 👇

and because i can't control the strength,

the first time holding hands was not so pleasant👇

the puppy's life has been transformed with the integration of robots.

it made the originally cold room feel like home.

the tv that previously reflected the lonely figure,

i actually waited for the real second player to join.

as the robot fell asleep,

the dog next to him turned off the tv.

cover with a blanket…

the robot's company seemed to be an antidote to the puppy's miserable life.

at that time, the puppy and the robot thought that such ordinary and happy days would last forever.

but separation is often like an uninvited guest, always coming uninvited.

that day, the puppy took the robot to the beach to play, and everything seemed so beautiful.

they played together,

traveling on the seabed,

finally, i lay on the beach, sunbathed and fell asleep...

when i woke up, the excitement was gone.

the crowd had dispersed without anyone noticing, leaving only the two of them lying there.

the puppy stood up reluctantly and beckoned the robot to go home.

but as expected, something unexpected happened:

the robot cannot touch water, so it has rusted and cannot move.

the previous peace and security was just an appearance of happiness, and the hidden dangers have never disappeared.

just as contradictions are often hidden behind seemingly insignificant little things, accumulating until they explode.

looking at the robot lying on the ground, the puppy was extremely worried.

but no matter how it was dragged, pulled, lifted or pulled, the robot did not move at all.

fate has closed its loop at this moment.

when they first met, the puppy had to work very hard to move the express box a little bit.

at this moment, the bullet of fate hit the puppy right between the eyebrows.

the puppy tried to find someone to help, but there was no one around.

the advent of public telephones gave it hope again.

unfortunately, the expected sound did not come.

instead, it was a joke from god:

the telephone line had been cut off at some point.

under the robot's comforting gaze, the puppy had to leave first.

despite not sleeping all night, i bought tools and rushed to the beach early the next morning.

what greeted it was a notice that "the beach is closed and will reopen the following summer."

he tried to submit an application.

break in,

even picking locks,

i even went to jail for this, but it was of no avail.

he had to give up.

when i got home, i put a note on the refrigerator saying "open june 1st".

wait for the day when the beach opens again and take the robot home as quickly as possible.

this is the background of the "96th academy awards" best animated feature film "robot dreams" 👇

there is not a single line of dialogue in the entire film.

but hundreds of thousands of people gave it a high score of 9.0👇

zhou yutong recommended it in an interview, and she would watch it twice or three times👇

it was called the "tear-jerking" movie of the year by the audience who watched it👇

but until now, it seems that everything that happened in the animation is a bit too coincidental...

what if the puppy didn’t take the robot to the beach that day?

what if the puppy stopped the robot from going into the sea that day?

if the two woke up early and sought help from the people around them,

or if the puppy goes out a few minutes earlier the next day,

avoid the morning rush hour and arrive before the beach closes?

but isn't that what life is like...

the appearance of the word "if" is the beginning of a false proposition.

every relationship that ends in failure, looking back, there may be a hundred ways to avoid it.

but no one can guarantee that if they avoid it this time, they will never be separated again next time.

back to "robot dreams" itself, the focus of the animation may not be on the word "regret"...

after that, the puppy returned to its original state and continued to live numbly, as if the robot had never appeared.

the robot still lay on the beach motionless.

one day, three rabbits suddenly appeared on the beach and found the robot lying on the beach.

the kind rabbits fed the robot a can of care oil, which restored its vitality.

after saying goodbye to the rabbits, the robot set out on its journey home.

it stood outside the door and rang the doorbell impatiently, but there was no answer.

just as the robot was about to find out what was going on, a knocking sound suddenly woke him up...

it turns out that it was just a robot's dream.

the reality is: the rabbits were forced to dock because their boat had a hole in it.

in order to fill the hole, the rabbit simply knocked off one of the robot's legs.

after violently pulling off the parts above, he casually discarded the broken leg, patted his butt and walked away...

the puppy wasn't much better.

halloween is coming in the blink of an eye, and it strives to integrate into the festive atmosphere.

but it always seems to be overdoing it, so much so that it becomes a little clumsy or even embarrassing.

sitting by the window in a daze,

the puppy seemed to see the figure of the robot.

the next second, the doorbell rang as expected.

not caring about the candy that had spilled on the floor, the puppy staggered towards the door.

but the next second after opening the door, it realized that it had been dazzled.

at this moment he realized: he had already lost the robot.

missing you grows like a weed...

as autumn turns to winter, the robot's second dream also quietly arrives.

similar to the first dream, the robot was born out of the ice.

i returned to the familiar downstairs humming the little tune from my first dream.

this time he finally saw the puppy, but to his surprise:

the puppy already has a new robot that looks exactly like him.

they held hands, opened the door happily, and went home.

the robot could only hide behind the trash can in embarrassment.

i was afraid that my “uninvited arrival” would ruin this beautiful picture.

in addition, it also received a provocative smile from the new robot.

finally, the robot, with nowhere to go, dragged its tired body back to the beach again.

the dream ended here. in the days when we didn't see each other, fear gradually took over.

in fact, there is no so-called new robot on the puppy side.

it is still trying to adapt to life without robots, but all efforts have ended in failure.

in an attempt to distract himself, he signs up for a ski trip, but it backfires.

not only was he maliciously mocked,

finally, he was injured and went back...

sitting on the bus on the way back, listening to the laughter of other couples,

however, due to his injury, he couldn't open the package, and the puppy's loneliness reached its peak.

it subconsciously drew the appearance of a robot on the glass.

drops of water fell, faces overlapped, and the robot also shed tears.

everything has its own sense in the dark...

soon spring passed, the promised summer arrived as scheduled, and the beaches were about to open again.

however, something unexpected happened on the eve of the reunion:

the illegal gold miners held up a detector and dug out the robot one step ahead.

he turned around and sold it to the owner of the scrap recycling station.

after the violent crash,

it seems that the robot has finally come to its end...

the puppy on the other side was completely unaware and ran to the beach as soon as the time came.

but all he got was the discarded limb of a rabbit.

if this were real life, the story would have ended here.

but the robots in the movie are much luckier than ordinary people:

the appearance of the raccoon changed its fate of being scrapped.

this raccoon had passed them by in front of the underpass.

at that time, it also cast envious glances at the two of them...

the raccoon took the remaining remains of the robot back home.

reassemble them piece by piece like mending them,

giving robots a second life.

this time, he became the raccoon's helper.

i also have my own new home.

the little raccoon is very careful.

it noticed that the robot's right leg was not so good.

i will buy a new leg for it at the market.

and another bright shade of yellow is about to brighten the puppy's life.

after losing the robot, xiaogou also tried to buy the same model.

but every time i got the only negative answer.

looking at the new robots with complete functions, the puppy remained calm.

until the end of the store, a yellow robot with the same eyes as the old robot finally caught the puppy's attention.

the puppy bought it.

still in this city, the puppy and the robot started a new life.

that long and painful separation seems to have been quietly healed by time...

but fate, the screenwriter, always seems to like playing jokes.

while preparing a barbecue with the raccoon, the robot accidentally discovered the puppy he had been thinking about day and night...

memories flooded into his mind like a tide, and he ran downstairs to the puppy without hesitation.

he was successfully stopped the next second before he disappeared in the crowd.

the puppy was stunned for a few seconds before recognizing his old friend.

the two hugged each other tightly, and everything seemed so reasonable...

but the weird-looking yellow robot and the raccoon that appeared out of nowhere made the atmosphere even more awkward.

suddenly, ketchup fell to the ground, bringing the robot back to reality. this was the robot’s last dream.

it realized they would never be the same again...

but at this moment, compared to the imminent reunion, it may be more appropriate to let go silently.

finally, the robot turned on the radio and played the song that he had listened to with the puppy before.

the music that says robot's favorites is turned up high.

this is not just a simple song, but a memory shared by two bodies, rooted deep in the soul.

at this time, the body precedes the brain and emotion exceeds reason.

in this city, two souls that once crossed paths are dancing to the rhythm across a street.

just like the tacit understanding back then...

are they family, friends, or lovers?

the relationship between these seems difficult to frame with a simple word.

just like everyone has a ta in their life,

during that time, he shared every little joy with us.

in fact, people spend their lives repeatedly learning to say goodbye.

every time you meet someone in any relationship, it counts down from the moment you first meet them.

but at least the happiness we once had is real and vivid.

this song is the robot's final blessing to the puppy.

the song is over, and what needs to be faced must be faced.

the puppy seemed to have discovered the robot, but this time the robot hid behind the window...

at least we have met again in countless dreams, so this time i choose to let go.

at the end of the movie, the puppy gave up looking for the source of the sound.

they and the yellow robot stepped to their new beat;

the robot returned to the raccoon.

and take their new steps together.

there will be regrets, but every encounter has its unique meaning:

they won't make the same mistake again.

i became a better person and learned how to love better.

the robot learned to control the strength when holding hands👇

and the puppy also remembered to apply anti-rust oil to the new robot and reminded it not to go into the water👇

objectively speaking, this relationship has come to a perfect end:

i'm doing well, you're doing well, and that's enough.

after all, the part of me that has been changed by you will replace you and stand with me forever.

just like what karen mok sang in the lyrics:

there are so many people in the world, how lucky i am that i have one of us.

if regret is the norm in life, then at least we have treated each other sincerely, been happy and blessed.

look forward and embrace the new future.

final word

perhaps every story will eventually come to an end,

but at least, we've seen the same moon.

i wish you all a happy mid-autumn festival. remember to eat mooncakes.