
the philippines, japan and south korea act as agents, and the united states and the west hide traps|reference exclusive


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as the wars in ukraine and gaza spiral out of control, and as the economies of europe and the united states are suffering from inflation, western society is torn apart, and class and racial conflicts have reached historic peaks. asia needs to be highly vigilant to avoid europe and the united states diverting their misfortunes to the east, thus undermining asia's hard-earned peace and economic prosperity.
asians will never forget that asia was once a land of war. however, there have been no major wars in recent decades, and decades of peace have been won. today, europe continues the curse of the tragedies of world war i and world war ii, with wars raging everywhere. the ukrainian war has been going on for more than two years, with heavy casualties on both sides, but the scale of the war is still expanding, and there is no sign of peace so far. if the situation escalates, it may even fall into the vortex of nuclear war. the gaza war is also a bloodbath, an asymmetric war, and it is difficult to see the end in the dark tunnel.
asians embrace the current peace, are deeply saddened by the ignorance and hegemony of waging war, and are very wary of nato's recent proposal to expand eastward to asia. the provocative behavior of us and european warships is an extension of the cold war hegemony ideology. if we are not careful, the war in europe will spread to asia.
asians are very sensitive and hate war. the major wars after world war ii took place in asia, while europe and the united states were at peace and economically prosperous. the korean war and the vietnam war were nightmares for asians. subsequently, asia moved towards comprehensive economic construction, aiming for a peaceful and prosperous asia.
this is because of china's reform and opening up and the dividends of peace. from the 1980s to today, after about 40 years of iteration and updating, from labor-intensive "processing with imported materials" to "changing the cage for new birds", china has become the world's strongest industrial country, asean's economic growth rate has also continued to rise, and the trade volume between china and asean has also broken historical records. the economies of japan and south korea have continued to innovate. although they have experienced twists and turns, their per capita gdp has already ranked among the ranks of developed countries in the world.
today, europe and the united states are in a governance regression crisis. under the influence of neoliberalism, the government has indulged in all kinds of chaos. some states in the united states have determined that stealing no more than $950 is a misdemeanor, and prosecutors can choose not to prosecute; they also advocate decriminalization of drugs, condoning drug dealers, and causing society to fall into deeper chaos and rifts. pamela paul, a columnist for the new york times, recently wrote that the rate of fare evasion on new york city subways and buses has soared, with the latter accounting for about half and the former reaching one-sixth. graffiti is everywhere, giving people a sense of disorder and chaos. she especially misses the early 1990s, when new york city adopted a zero-tolerance policy on crime, resulting in great public security. today, governance has regressed significantly.
in fact, the situation in europe is similar. the fare evasion rate in the paris subway is comparable to that in new york. the london subway is also notorious for being old, unpunctual, and dirty, and cell phone robberies are becoming more and more rampant inside and outside subway stations. the instability of public security in western society has become a long-standing problem. behind it are the rising class contradictions, racial confrontations, and rising prices caused by inflation, which have harmed the middle and lower middle classes, the lazy governance system, and the decline in quality of life.
all of this has a profound impact on global geopolitics. for a long time, the west has looked down on asia from a superior perspective, believing that asian countries such as china and singapore are second-rate countries. however, from the perspective of public opinion, on the contrary, the support for the leaders of china and singapore is much higher than that of europe and the united states, because the government departments face a lot of internal supervision and checks and balances, and have long-term macro-planning, avoiding the absurd leadership style of the west in recent years.
since diplomacy is an extension of domestic affairs, europe and the united states are also erratic in diplomacy, focusing only on how to reap short-term political benefits. for example, trump significantly increased trade tariffs on china during his tenure, leading to rising prices in the united states. biden once opposed this, but after his election, he still "followed trump's rules" to avoid being attacked by populist forces. as a result, prices in the united states have soared, and the victims are still the people.
in the eyes of asians, this is all the harm of ideology. however, asians have long transcended themselves, are down-to-earth, seek truth from facts, and strive for the well-being of the people. they must always be vigilant and reject the danger of war temptation.
however, the dangerous tendency of europe and the united states is that the prolongation and lack of solution of the war in ukraine and gaza may stimulate decision-makers in washington and nato to spread the war abroad to resolve internal conflicts. historically, this is a common trick, that is, launching an external war to eliminate internal rifts.
the united states and nato have chosen japan, south korea, and the philippines as their proxies to stir up trouble everywhere, which is equivalent to diverting the troubles of europe and the united states to the east. all of asia must be highly vigilant. the arrival of the asian century means upholding peace and not being dragged into the abyss of war, especially in the face of hidden nuclear war traps, which must not be taken lightly. peaceful development is the highest program of the asian world. china's peaceful rise is to lay an important foundation for the asian century of peace.
this article was published by hong kong's "asia weekly" on september 16, with the original title "beware of the troubles from europe and the united states flowing into asia."