
being stabbed with more than 200 needles is not considered school bullying? media: tolerating small evils will breed big evils


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"i really want to die in school!" this was the desperate cry of a sixth-grade girl.

not long ago, multiple videos circulated online showed that a girl in the sixth grade of zhangqiu bilingual school in zhangqiu district, jinan city, shandong province was bullied by a boy who transferred to the same class as her. in the video, the victim's thighs were densely covered with more than 200 needle holes, all of which were pierced by the boy's desk with awls, compasses, etc. pain, fear, helplessness, this girl endured unspeakable pain at an age that should have been happy.

regarding this issue, the security section of the zhangqiu district education and sports bureau told the media that the incident mentioned in the video occurred half a year ago. in june of this year, the zhangqiu district education and sports bureau and the local police station participated in the investigation. the results showed that it "did not meet the standards of school bullying" and was only regarded as an ordinary dispute, and civil mediation was recommended.

this determination has left many netizens dumbfounded. if this is not considered bullying, then the definition of school bullying by the relevant departments is simply too lenient to be absurd!

in recent years, school bullying, bullying and violence have occurred frequently. the cruel methods used by the violent students and the bad effects have long exceeded people's perception of "fighting between children" and "bullying classmates". these bad behaviors have caused serious damage to the physical and mental health of the bullied students, and have also greatly disrupted the normal teaching order of the school and eroded the healthy and harmonious campus culture. what's more frightening is that some "problem teenagers" are not ashamed of it, but are proud of "showing off violence".

there is no insurmountable gap between small evils and big evils, bad behavior and illegal crimes. there is only "one step" between them. "muddy water" treatment will not "hurt" the bullies. if we cannot punish, educate and reflect on them in place, how can we ensure that similar incidents will not happen again? severely punishing school bullying in accordance with the law has become a common wish of society.

my country has issued a series of laws, regulations and policy measures to prevent and punish school bullying. it is worth mentioning that the tianjin provisions on preventing and controlling school bullying, which was officially issued in november 2018, further clarified the identification criteria for school bullying and the responsibilities of schools in preventing school bullying, providing a legal basis for effectively preventing and curbing student bullying incidents.

small good deeds cannot lead to great virtues without accumulation, and small evil deeds will eventually lead to big crimes!

in the face of school bullying, all sectors of society have the responsibility to prevent and stop it. as the front line of education, schools should not only strengthen campus safety management and monitoring blind spots, but teachers should also resolutely take responsibility, strengthen daily legal education, and completely break the mindset of "making big things small and small things nothing". parents should pay attention to their children's movements and psychological fluctuations at any time, and do a good job of psychological counseling and education for their children in a timely manner, so that children know that parents are their strongest backing and dare to speak their minds in front of them.

only with the joint efforts of the whole society can every child thrive in a harmonious atmosphere and prevent "small evils" from accumulating into irreparable crimes.