
millions of dollars in "bride price" not coming from legitimate sources? police reveal the true identity of online love "boyfriend"


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recently, ms. su from weicheng district, weifang city, shandong province, went to the bank to help her online boyfriend withdraw 1 million yuan. the bank staff found something unusual and called the police, asking them to come to the scene to assist in the investigation. the police found that ms. su could not accurately describe the source of the funds, and immediately launched a further investigation. after investigation, it was found that the 1 million yuan was the proceeds of fraud by ms. su's online boyfriend, and ms. su became a "tool" to help carry out the fraud.

my online boyfriend wants to give me a "bride price"

"comrade police, someone wants to withdraw 1 million yuan in cash. we feel something is a bit unusual. please come over to check." on the evening of september 3, the police from the anti-fraud center of weicheng branch of weifang public security bureau received a call from a bank in the jurisdiction, requesting the police to come to the scene for assistance. after hanging up the phone, the police rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

after arriving at the scene, the police found a large amount of cash on a window counter of the bank. the staff were doing the final counting, and a woman was sitting in front of the window waiting.

"this is the 1 million yuan in cash that ms. su wants to withdraw, but the amount is too large. for safety reasons, please check the details." the staff member said that the woman waiting to withdraw the money was surnamed su. two days ago, she called the bank to make an appointment to withdraw 1 million yuan.

the picture shows ms. su going to the bank to withdraw money.

after seeing the police, ms. su did not behave abnormally, but kept urging the bank staff to give her 1 million yuan.

"what is the purpose of so much money?" in response to the police's questioning, ms. su said that it was her "bride price" for marriage. but when the police asked her about the source of the funds, ms. su hesitated and could not accurately describe the source of the funds. subsequently, the police took ms. su to the public security agency for further investigation.

after investigation, it was found that half a month ago, ms. su met a man online and they soon fell in love. during the online chat, the man said that he was out of town and it was inconvenient to withdraw the payment, so he transferred the payment to ms. su's bank account and asked her to withdraw cash. when she learned that the withdrawal amount was 1 million yuan, ms. su was surprised at first, but thinking that her boyfriend trusted her so much, she readily agreed.

1 million yuan came from a deceived elderly

after understanding the situation, the police realized that things might not be that simple, so they conducted further verification and inquiries.

after verification, the police found that the 1 million yuan was transferred by tian from beijing. the police immediately started to work and contacted tian as soon as possible. during the call, tian, ​​who was deeply trapped in the scam, lied that the money was a gift to his "daughter-in-law". when the police asked about the specific situation of the "daughter-in-law", tian was unable to explain and refused to disclose the contact information of his family.

unable to confirm the safety of the funds, the police immediately suspended the payment of 1 million yuan in ms. su's bank account. after the suspension, the police further inquired about the contact information of mr. wang, the son of tian. "hello, we are the police from weicheng public security bureau. your mother transferred 1 million yuan of betrothal money to your girlfriend's bank account. we are here to verify the situation with you." mr. wang on the other end of the phone was confused and claimed that he did not let his mother transfer money to his girlfriend.

"has my mother been cheated?" mr. wang then hurried to ask his mother about the situation. the police also repeatedly communicated with tian and used real cases to explain and dissuade him. finally, tian suddenly realized that he had been cheated.

want to make money easily with "good friends"

not long ago, tian met a friend named sun through a friend's introduction, and later added him on wechat. on wechat, sun and tian often chatted and felt that they got along very well, and became good friends.

during one of their conversations, sun said that his internet connection was not good and asked tian to help him operate futures. tian used the account and password provided by the other party. after the operation was successful, he saw that the other party made money easily, and tian was tempted.

subsequently, according to the link provided by sun, tian registered an account and invested 200,000 yuan, which he soon lost. the police later verified that the 200,000 yuan was transferred to a stranger's account. after losing 200,000 yuan, tian did not feel cheated. sun told tian that the fluctuation was temporary and asked him to invest another 1 million yuan, which tian did without hesitation.

in order to get the money safely, sun used ms. su, whom he met through online dating some time ago, as a "tool" to commit fraud. ms. su, who was blinded by love, wanted to help her "boyfriend" withdraw the money without hesitation.

mr. wang has brought his mother to beijing to report the case to the police. on the afternoon of september 4, mr. wang made a special trip from beijing to weifang to present a silk banner to the police officers in charge of the case to express his gratitude.

police reminder:

be cautious when investing online. all those who require you to put the investment money into your personal account are scammers. you must verify the qualifications of the investment institution repeatedly, keep your eyes open, and be cautious when investing and managing your finances. at the same time, when making friends online, you must verify the identity of the other party, do not easily provide your personal identity and bank card information to the other party, and do not help others withdraw money, so as to avoid becoming a "tool" for telecommunications fraud.

author: li na, reporter of legal daily, correspondent liu ying, and hou guiyong