
unswervingly promote green and low-carbon energy transformation


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text | meng fanzhe
driven by energy transformation, new growth points continue to emerge in my country's industrial upgrading, and there is more support for cultivating and expanding new quality productivity.
in the process of promoting energy transformation, paying more attention to the application of new energy technologies, new models and new formats will help to better coordinate development and security, achieve building before breaking and safe carbon reduction.
"the efficiency of coal mining has been greatly improved, and the energy consumption of production has also been reduced." in shouyang county, shanxi province, a coal company in a mine more than 500 meters deep, with the help of underground 5g network, miners can command mechanical coal mining with a remote control, and advanced technologies and equipment such as ai unmanned inspection and ai analysis and early warning are also gradually being applied. the intelligent construction of mines has become a vivid epitome of the positive results achieved in my country's energy transformation.
innovation is the "golden key" to open the door to energy transformation. adhering to innovation-driven development is one of the important concepts and principles guiding my country's energy transformation. in 2014, general secretary xi jinping proposed a new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation", which outlined a grand blueprint for energy reform and development, opened up a new path for energy development with chinese characteristics, and promoted major changes in my country's energy production and utilization methods.
accelerate the construction of a new energy system that is clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient, accelerate the formation of a new energy consumption model that is economical, efficient, green and inclusive, and jointly promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth... the white paper "china's energy transformation" released not long ago comprehensively introduces the historic achievements and accumulated practical experience of my country's energy transformation over the past decade. my country's energy transformation has continued to make significant progress, laying a solid foundation for promoting sustainable economic and social development and enhancing the well-being of the people.
energy is the basic support for economic and social development. thanks to the commissioning of the uhv dc project, it only takes 7 milliseconds for the green electricity from the baihetan hydropower station to reach jiangsu, more than 2,000 kilometers away. clean energy development has achieved a new leap, clean and efficient energy utilization has achieved new results, green energy technology has achieved new breakthroughs, and energy system reform has made new progress... driven by energy transformation, new growth points are constantly emerging in my country's industrial upgrading, and there is more support for cultivating and expanding new quality productivity.
achieving green and low-carbon energy development will also help address climate change and solve prominent problems of resource and environmental constraints. data show that by the end of 2023, my country's clean energy power generation will be about 3.8 trillion kwh, accounting for nearly 40% of total power generation, an increase of about 15 percentage points from 2013, and the green content of energy continues to rise. developing renewable energy represented by photovoltaics and wind power, and building a safe and sustainable energy supply system with non-fossil energy as the main body will help achieve deep decarbonization and inherent safety in the energy field, and solidly promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality.
general secretary xi jinping pointed out: "energy security and safety are related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and are the 'major issues of the country' that cannot be ignored for a moment." my country has become the world's largest energy producer and also the largest energy consumer. promoting energy transformation means that energy supply security must not only "keep up and meet the needs", but also "improve quality and increase results". unswervingly promoting high-quality energy development will provide a strong energy guarantee for economic and social development.
the key to keeping the energy bowl full is to deepen the transformation of energy production and consumption methods. the "qilu petrochemical-shengli oilfield million-ton ccus project" is the longest carbon dioxide pipeline in my country. the project allows oil wells to "eat" carbon dioxide and "spit out" more crude oil. at present, shengli oilfield has applied this technology in 13 blocks, achieving an increase of more than 50,000 tons of oil. by skillfully using new technologies, the traditional oil industry has achieved both increased production and transformation. in the process of promoting energy transformation, paying more attention to the application of new energy technologies, new models, and new formats will help to better coordinate development and safety, and achieve building before breaking, and safe carbon reduction.
the decision of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee proposed to "deepen the reform of the energy management system" and "accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system". energy transformation is a broad and profound systemic change in the economic and social system, and a long-term strategic task. looking to the future, we will seek progress while maintaining stability and work hard for a long time to promote the green and low-carbon development of energy. a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient new energy system will make china's modernization momentum stronger.