
there is a "caring home" in chunshu street, xicheng district, where a special family reunion takes place before the mid-autumn festival


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on september 14, a "special" family of three came to the "caring home" family visit base of chunshu sub-district office in xicheng district. the warm interior decoration made the child gradually become more lively from being reserved. parents and children played together in this small "children's playground" and shared beautiful memories.
it turned out that the couple changed custody after the divorce, which resulted in one party being unable to visit the child for a long time, causing conflicts. this reunion was the practice of the street justice office and the xicheng district people's court building a "caring home" family visit base.
according to the relevant person in charge of the chunshu subdistrict judicial office, the establishment of the "caring home" family visit base is to transfer the place where children meet their parents from the serious court or the controversial home of one party to a more warm and harmonious community environment. not only is the atmosphere here relaxed and friendly, but conflicts can also be resolved through professional guidance and coordination.
on that day, in the "caring home", forces from the court, judicial office, mediation committee and other parties participated in the mediation. the judge explained to the parents from the perspective of maintaining family affection, resolving conflicts and protecting the healthy growth of minors; judicial office staff accompanied the parents in the mediation, and selected professional psychological counselors carried out psychological counseling to help both parties and the children relieve their emotions and communicate sincerely; the street people's mediators persuaded from the perspective of reason and provided marriage and family counseling services.
in the next step, chunshu street will continue to work with multiple departments such as the court, civil affairs and community to continue to promote the construction and application of the "home of care" family visiting base, and contribute to building harmonious family relationships and protecting the healthy growth of minors.
photo provided by chunshu subdistrict office