
un security council holds open meeting on ukraine arms transfers


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according to cctv news, on the 13th, the un security council held an open meeting on the issue of arms transfers in ukraine at the request of russia. at the meeting, china's deputy permanent representative to the united nations geng shuang reiterated china's position on the ukrainian issue and refuted the relevant remarks of the us representative.
at the meeting that day, un under-secretary-general for disarmament affairs izumi nakamitsu said that the transfer of weapons and ammunition by the parties to the conflict must comply with relevant international treaties and security council resolutions. she called on all parties to protect civilians and civilian facilities in accordance with international humanitarian law and resolve the current conflict through political means as soon as possible.
russia's permanent representative to the united nations, nebenzia, said that using long-range missiles provided by the west to ukraine to attack russia would lead to serious consequences. nebenzia reiterated that russia is willing to negotiate with ukraine, and it is the western countries that refuse to negotiate.
chinese representative refutes groundless accusations and calls for an early ceasefire
in response to the remarks of the us representative, geng shuang, china's deputy permanent representative to the united nations, said that the us representative spread false narratives in his remarks, distorting and slandering china's position on the ukraine issue. china is not the creator of the ukrainian crisis, let alone a party to it. china has not provided weapons to any party in the conflict, and has carried out normal economic and trade cooperation with countries around the world, including russia and ukraine. china's position on the ukraine issue is objective and fair, and does not favor any party.
geng shuang said that china calls on the parties to the conflict to demonstrate political will, meet each other halfway, cease fire and start peace talks as soon as possible. the international community should create favorable conditions and provide practical assistance for this. all parties concerned should give priority to peace and humanity and devote resources and energy to diplomatic efforts to cease fire and stop fighting.
geng shuang stressed that in may this year, china and brazil jointly issued a six-point consensus on the political solution to the ukrainian crisis, which reflects the greatest common denominator that the international community can form around the ukrainian crisis and has received positive responses from many countries. in addition, african countries have also put forward ten peaceful proposals to resolve the crisis, and some other countries in the global south have also put forward similar initiatives, which fully demonstrates that diplomatic negotiations and political solutions meet the common expectations of most countries and are what the international community wants. (cctv reporter xu dezhi)
editor: zhao xi