
russian deputy defense minister fomin: open to peaceful resolution of ukrainian crisis


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on the morning of september 13, the beijing xiangshan forum held its first plenary session entitled "security cooperation and prosperity and stability in the asia-pacific region". russian deputy defense minister fomin delivered a speech. photo by xie luying,
china, september 14 (reporter xie luying) on the morning of the 13th, the beijing xiangshan forum held its first plenary session. russian deputy defense minister fomin expressed russia's position on the ukrainian crisis and called on the international community to pay attention to the truth of the ukrainian crisis and seek a peaceful solution.
fomin pointed out that the ukrainian crisis has led to regional tensions and posed huge global strategic risks. the ukrainian crisis has changed the world's understanding of modern warfare. new combat methods such as unmanned warfare and electronic warfare have been widely used.
fomin said that russia conducted "special military operations" to safeguard its own security interests. on the issue of the ukrainian crisis, russia is open to peaceful solutions and is willing to engage in dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and equality to seek common interests; on the other hand, russia is wary of western countries' involvement in the ukrainian crisis and is worried that a peaceful solution will be used by western countries to achieve their geopolitical goals.
fomin called on the international community to pay attention to the truth of the ukrainian crisis and seek a peaceful solution. he said russia is open to discussing and resolving security issues, but it must be done on the basis of mutual respect, honesty and equality.
editor: zhang yanling, wang yuebo