
a list of important information on the evening of september 13


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【news express】

1.on september 13, the ministry of finance and the china securities regulatory commission respectively issued administrative penalties against pwc.due to the illegal behavior in the audit project of evergrande real estate in 2018, the ministry of finance imposed an administrative penalty on pricewaterhousecoopers, confiscating illegal gains and imposing a fine of 116 million yuan. at the same time, pricewaterhousecoopers was given an administrative penalty of warning, suspending its business for 6 months, and revoking its guangzhou branch. the china securities regulatory commission confiscated all business income of pricewaterhousecoopers during the period involved in the case, totaling 27.74 million yuan, and imposed a maximum fine of 297 million yuan, for a total of 325 million yuan in fines and confiscations.

2.on september 13, the latest financial data released by the people's bank of china showed thatin the first eight months of this year, rmb loans increased by 14.43 trillion yuanat the end of august, the balance of rmb loans increased by 8.5% year-on-year;the increase in social financing scale was 21.9 trillion yuan, 3.32 trillion yuan less than the same period last year. at the end of august, the stock of social financing increased by 8.1% year-on-year. at the end of august, the balance of broad money (m2) increased by 6.3% year-on-year., the same as last month; the balance of narrow money (m1) decreased by 7.3% year-on-year.

the head of the relevant department of the people's bank of china interpreted the financial statistics for august and said that the people's bank of china will adhere to a supportive monetary policy stance to create a good monetary and financial environment for the economic recovery. monetary policy will be more flexible, moderate, precise and effective, increase regulatory efforts, and accelerate the implementation of the financial policy measures that have been issued.start to launch some incremental policy measures to further reduce corporate financing and household credit costs, maintain a reasonable level of liquidity. maintain price stability and promote a moderate price recovery as an important consideration for monetary policy, and meet reasonable consumer financing needs in a more targeted manner. continue to enhance macroeconomic policy coordination and support proactive fiscal policies to achieve better results, focus on expanding domestic demand, promote both consumption and investment, pay more attention to consumption, eliminate backward production capacity, promote industrial upgrading, and support the dynamic balance between total supply and total demand at a higher level.

3.q: on september 12, a spokesperson for the european commission said that the price commitment solutions submitted by the china chamber of commerce for machinery and electronics and all electric vehicle manufacturers in the eu electric vehicle anti-subsidy case did not meet the requirements, and the eu intends to reject the relevant price commitment applications. what is china's comment on this? a:china has noted the relevant statements made by the eu. china is deeply disappointed that the european commission has ignored the sincerity and efforts of the chinese industry and proposed to reject the flexible solution proposed by the chinese industry without in-depth communication.on august 20 and september 9, the european commission released the final ruling of the eu electric vehicle anti-subsidy case twice, continuing the wrong practice and ruling high tariffs. china cannot agree with or accept this, but has always been sincere and worked hard to properly resolve frictions through dialogue and consultation. on august 24, the chinese industry proposed a price commitment solution within the time limit of the investigation procedure of this case, fully considering the demands of the european side and showing maximum flexibility. the chinese industry said that its price commitment proposal is fully compliant and enforceable, and all technical issues can be jointly resolved through consultation. it is understood that many eu member states have also shown great interest in the price commitment solution. the european commission rejected the relevant plan without a detailed evaluation, which not only hit the confidence of the chinese industry to continue cooperation, but also did not meet the expectations of eu member states, and even more did not meet their public statement that they hope to resolve this case through dialogue. since china and the eu agreed to launch consultations on the eu electric vehicle anti-subsidy case on june 22, the working teams of both sides have conducted more than ten rounds of consultations intensively. china has submitted tens of thousands of pages of facts and evidence to the eu, and also proposed flexible solutions, making great efforts. however, the eu claimed that it was willing to resolve the issue through dialogue, but on the other hand, it quickly and hastily rejected china's suggestions and never gave any specific countermeasures, which showed no sincerity at all. if the consultations ultimately fail to reach a consensus, the responsibility lies entirely with the eu. the key to the current consultations lies in whether the eu really has the political will to resolve the issue. china urges the eu to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of china, france and the eu at the trilateral meeting on properly handling economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation, to show sincerity and action, and to seriously consider the reasonable concerns of the chinese industry. china has both the utmost sincerity to properly resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and the utmost determination to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of chinese companies. china will closely follow the subsequent progress of the eu and will take all necessary measures to firmly defend the legitimate rights and interests of chinese companies.

4.the latest data obtained by reporters shows thatin august, cross-border funds maintained a net inflow into the domestic market. foreign investors increased their net holdings of domestic bonds by approximately us$17 billion that month, achieving net inflows for 12 consecutive months.

5.the shanghai stock exchange released the "etf investment and trading white paper (first half of 2024)". in the first half of 2024, the trading activity of the domestic etf market reached a new level, with a total transaction volume of 14.7 trillion yuan and a total transaction volume of non-commodity etfs of 11.5 trillion yuan, both of which set historical records year-on-year.among them, the overall transaction volume of shanghai etf was 11.8 trillion yuan, with an average daily transaction volume of 100.8 billion yuan, an increase of 12.6% over the same period last year; the total transaction volume of non-commodity etfs was 8.7 trillion yuan, with an average daily transaction volume of 74.1 billion yuan, an increase of 24.3% over last year.

6.the general office of the shanghai municipal people's government issued the "action plan for shanghai to promote the construction of a global fintech center with high quality", which proposed to strengthen direct investment and financing support for financial technology the establishment of a special fund for shanghai's financial technology industry, further play the role of government-guided funds, and guide and drive social capital to increase investment in the field of financial technology. encourage large financial institutions, technology companies, etc. to set up special equity investment funds in shanghai to form an equity investment system covering the entire life cycle of financial technology companies. promote the upgrade of the "pujiang light" action, support financial technology companies to use multi-level capital markets, and raise funds through listing, bond issuance, etc. support leading financial technology companies to focus on their main business and increase the integration of industrial chain resources through absorption, mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations. support financial technology companies to carry out cross-border mergers and acquisitions and integrate high-quality overseas project resources.

【industry information】

1.on september 12, the 6g scenario use case and demand research project, with a representative from china mobile as the main speaker, was approved at the plenary meeting of the business and system technical specifications group of the 3rd generation partnership project (3gpp, an important organization for formulating global communication international standards) held in melbourne, australia.this is 3gpp's first 6g standard project, which has been supported by more than 90 companies around the world, marking the official entry of global 6g standardization work into the substantive stage. (cctv news)

2.the state post bureau released data showing that in august, the postal industry's delivery volume reached 15.94 billion pieces, a year-on-year increase of 17.3%.among them, the express delivery business volume reached 14.38 billion pieces, a year-on-year increase of 19.5%. in august, the postal industry's business revenue reached 137.01 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.7%. among them, the express delivery business revenue reached 114.12 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.9%.

3.the shanghai development and reform commission issued a notice on matters related to the development and construction of renewable energy in shanghai in 2024, which pointed out that the construction of onshore wind power and photovoltaic power station projects should be accelerated.the onshore wind power scale of 248,410 kilowatts and photovoltaic power stations planned to be implemented in various districts this year are 48,896 kilowatts. after evaluation by shanghai electric power company, they can be fully guaranteed to be consumed and all included in the 2024 onshore wind power and photovoltaic power station development and construction plan. all districts should strengthen supervision and guidance on development companies, accelerate the construction of projects included in the construction plan, and power grid companies should handle grid access procedures in a timely manner; strive to approve onshore wind power before june 2025, start photovoltaic power stations before june 2025, and connect projects under construction to the grid for power generation as soon as possible. encourage qualified onshore wind power projects to carry out transformation and upgrading work in accordance with the "management measures for the renovation, upgrading and decommissioning of wind farms" (guo neng fa xin neng gui [2023] no. 45). one of the raw materials for steel, the price of scrap steel has been on a downward trend since the beginning of this year. especially since the third quarter,the price of scrap steel accelerated its decline, reaching a new low in mid-to-late august. data showed that as of september 12, the average price of scrap steel in september was 2,129 yuan/ton, down 605 yuan/ton from the beginning of the year and down 20.23% from last year.faced with the continuous decline in scrap steel prices, both scrap steel recycling companies and steel production companies have chosen to reduce inventory and reduce the risks brought by price fluctuations. (cctv finance)

[individual stock benefits]

jinchengxin: subsidiary signs contract worth approximately us$76.52 million

zhite new materials: signed a strategic cooperation agreement with saudi arabia's mabani company

damingcheng: holding subsidiary signs 759 million yuan advanced computing technology service project contract

jifeng shares: subsidiary obtains passenger car seat assembly project

seres: plans to purchase 100% equity of longsheng new energy for rmb 8.164 billion

shenghong technology: plans to repurchase company shares for rmb 70 million to rmb 140 million

【new stock subscription】

september18day(next wednesday), a total of 1 new shares were subscribed.subscription code: 920019, upper subscription limit 2.1533 million shares, issue price 4.33 yuan.