
ministry of veterans affairs: this year, an electronic preferential card will be launched to expand the unified preferential treatment program nationwide


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lizhi news beijing office reporter/liu xin

on september 13, the state council information office held a series of press conferences on "promoting high-quality development".

wang zhongcheng, director of the department of supporting the military and preferential treatment of the ministry of veterans affairs, introduced that the preferential treatment card is a symbol of honor for veterans and other preferential treatment recipients, and a certificate for enjoying preferential treatment, which has attracted much attention. at present, the unified preferential treatment projects across the country have involved many aspects such as finance, communications, express delivery, refueling, and air travel, and will be gradually expanded and standardized in the future. based on reality, various localities have actively enriched preferential treatment projects and usage scenarios, and widely mobilized social forces to participate. the scope of preferential treatment has gradually expanded to cultural tourism, accommodation, shopping, and health care. there are more than 100,000 units, enterprises, and social organizations that are enthusiastic about supporting the military and preferential treatment, and the atmosphere of respect and respect is becoming increasingly strong. "due to the uneven economic and social development of various regions, there are differences in preferential treatment projects and strengths between regions. i hope everyone can understand this difference." wang zhongcheng said.

in the next step, the ministry of veterans affairs will adhere to the principle of giving equal importance to spiritual and material matters, actively respond to concerns, further improve the preferential policy and system, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of preferential treatment recipients. adhere to doing our best and acting within our capabilities, closely combine with local realities, gradually enrich and expand preferential treatment projects and usage scenarios, continuously improve the value of preferential treatment certificates, and enhance the recipients' sense of honor and gain. adhere to a systematic concept and problem-oriented approach, and improve the supervision, management, and efficient operation mechanisms of preferential treatment work as soon as possible to ensure the high-quality development and steady progress of related work.

wang zhongcheng said that on the one hand, this year, the government will sign the "cooperation agreement on supporting the military and preferential treatment for veterans" with more than 110 companies to expand the nationwide unified preferential programs; on the other hand, the electronic version of the preferential card will be launched in a timely manner to realize the informatization and digitization of the preferential card, which will become more and more practical and easier to use.
