
"promoting high-quality development" ministry of veterans affairs: more than 6,000 martyrs have found their relatives


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (reporter yuan qing wang hongze)on september 13, the state council information office held a series of press conferences on "promoting high-quality development". ma feixiong, vice minister of veterans affairs, said at the meeting that searching for and excavating the remains of martyrs, conducting identification and protection, and searching for relatives of martyrs are commemorating a small number of martyrs, educating hundreds of millions of future generations, conforming to the feelings of the people, and reflecting the responsibility of the state.
"although this work is very difficult to promote, we must resolutely do it no matter how difficult it is, and we must do our best." ma feixiong said that based on this understanding, the ministry of veterans affairs has successively established a martyrs memorial facilities protection center, a national martyrs remains dna identification laboratory, and a national martyrs remains search team; issued relevant policy documents to carry out this work; organized and implemented projects such as the collection and protection of the remains of the red army martyrs in the xiangjiang campaign; and opened a government public service platform for martyrs' relatives. so far, more than 6,000 martyrs have found relatives.
ma feixiong said that the martyrs' memorial facilities are an important red gene bank of the party and the country. good protection, management and use are related to the inheritance of the martyrs' spirit and the eternal stability of the red country. to this end, the ministry of veterans affairs has continued to promote construction and improvement, focusing on the relocation and management of scattered martyrs' memorial facilities. a total of more than 250,000 martyrs' tombs and other memorial facilities have been repaired, and more than 77,000 scattered martyrs' tombs have been relocated to martyrs' cemeteries, and the overall level of martyrs' memorial facilities has been improved.
ma feixiong introduced that the ministry of veterans affairs has continuously stepped up the management and protection of martyr memorial facilities, implemented graded protection, strictly regulated management, and promoted digital construction. at present, about 150,000 martyr memorial facilities and more than 730,000 martyr tombs across the country have all been entered into the information system.