
when shen dianxia passed away, her hands and feet were rotten and her family members had to cut her throat to save her from suffering.


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february 14, 2008, was a heartbreaking day. the stars of the entertainment industry were shrouded in sorrow. the former comedy queen, shen dianxia, ​​passed away quietly at the age of 63 after a long battle with illness.

what is heartbreaking is that her last moments were so painful. the organs in her hands and feet began to rot and the pain was unbearable. faced with her mother's suffering, the family finally made a difficult decision: to remove the breathing tube and set her free.

what kind of emotional entanglement is hidden behind this decision? and what kind of struggle did shen dianxia go through in her final journey of life? let us walk into the end of this legendary artist's life and uncover the truth of her last days.

starting in 1997, the hong kong entertainment industry was shaken by a shocking piece of news: lydia shum and adam cheng announced their divorce. they were once regarded as a model couple in the entertainment industry. they had been together for ten years, but eventually decided to go their separate ways.

their love story began in 1987, when 42-year-old lydia shum married 36-year-old adam cheng. this "sister-brother love" immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. after marriage, lydia shum not only continued to shine in her career, but also perfectly played the role of a good wife and mother.

while adam cheng is busy with work and his career is booming. on the surface, the couple seems to have the life that many people dream of.

however, the long-term work schedule made the two of them spend less time together and less common language. shen dianxia struggled between taking care of the family and maintaining her career, while zheng shaoqiu was caught in the whirlpool of work and found it difficult to balance family. slowly, the distance between the two grew farther and farther.

in 1997, the news of their divorce shocked the entire entertainment industry. in an interview, shen dianxia's eyes flashed with complex emotions. she said: "it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain this marriage. we can no longer find common ground.

"and zheng shaoqiu chose to remain silent, but the pain and helplessness in his eyes could not be concealed.

after the divorce, shen dianxia devoted herself to her career and her daughter. she said in public: "i hope my daughter can be strong and not be affected by the shadow of her parents' divorce.

"however, zheng shaoqiu quickly threw himself into a new relationship, a move that sparked much speculation and criticism from the public.

the end of this marriage not only had a profound impact on lydia shum and adam cheng, but also brought great pressure to the growth of their daughter joyce cheng. lydia shum once lamented: "for children, the divorce of their parents is undoubtedly the greatest harm."

although the marriage ended in failure, shen dianxia chose to face the future with a strong attitude. she did not let the shadow of the past overshadow her life, but faced life positively and optimistically.

this experience gave her a deeper understanding and appreciation of life, and in the days that followed, she cherished the people and things around her even more.

the divorce in 1997 was an important turning point in shen dianxia's personal life and a microcosm of an era in the hong kong entertainment industry. it reminds us that even a seemingly perfect marriage requires constant efforts and communication from both parties to maintain it.

at the same time, it also shows shen dianxia's strength and courage in the face of life's changes, and this spirit has become a portrayal of her second half of life.

in 2006, the wheel of fate unexpectedly rolled over shen dianxia. the comedy queen who had always been optimistic and cheerful was suddenly diagnosed with severe kidney disease and high blood pressure.

this news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the hong kong entertainment industry.

after the news came out, the hospital entrance was immediately crowded with fans and reporters who cared about shen dianxia. her friends also came to visit her, hoping to give her strength and support. however, no one could have expected that this would be a long and painful battle.

in just a few months, shen dianxia's condition deteriorated rapidly and her physical condition deteriorated. her organs began to fail one by one. heartbreakingly, her hands and feet began to rot due to long-term bed rest, emitting an unpleasant odor.

faced with this situation, even experienced doctors were helpless and could only use various instruments to maintain her life.

shen dianxia's daughter zheng xinyi stayed by her mother's bedside day and night, hoping for a miracle. seeing her mother's former radiance and now lying in pain on the bed, zheng xinyi's heart was like a knife cutting.

she held her mother's hand tightly and whispered encouraging words, hoping to bring her mother some comfort.

although the two have been divorced for many years, zheng shaoqiu still visited her many times after learning that shen dianxia was seriously ill. outside the ward, his eyes were full of complicated emotions.

in response to media questions, he said: "no matter what, she is the mother of my daughter, and i sincerely hope that she can overcome this difficulty."

however, fate did not give shen dianxia too much time. as her condition worsened, the pain she endured became more and more obvious. sometimes, she would groan in pain while unconscious, which broke the hearts of everyone present.

facing the pain of her mother's deteriorating health, zheng xinyi fell into a huge contradiction and entanglement. on the one hand, she prayed for her mother to recover quickly, but on the other hand, she couldn't bear to see her mother suffer so much.

finally, under the doctor's advice, the family had to make a difficult decision: whether to remove the breathing tube and let shen dianxia be free.

it was undoubtedly extremely painful to make this decision, but it was also out of deep love for shen dianxia. zheng xinyi said with tears in her eyes: "i understand that my mother doesn't want to live in such pain anymore.

letting her go may be the last mercy to her."

the severe blow of this disease in 2006 significantly changed the trajectory of shen dianxia's life, and her family and friends also experienced an emotional baptism in this ordeal. this disease ruthlessly told us that life is so fragile, and when facing the critical moment of life and death, family and friendship are particularly precious.

this sudden illness showed people the strong side of shen dianxia. she always tried to stay optimistic, even in the most difficult times. her courage and strength touched countless people and made people cherish life and the present more.

the love story of lydia shum and adam cheng is as tortuous and moving as a drama. their acquaintance began during the recording of an ordinary program. at that time, lydia shum was a famous comedy queen, while adam cheng was just an unknown little actor.

recalling the scene of their first meeting, shen dianxia once said: "i saw at first glance that this young man had great potential." zheng shaoqiu said with gratitude: "sister dianxia gave me a lot of guidance and encouragement, which allowed me to gradually gain a foothold in this fiercely competitive circle.

the relationship between the two was slowly built up during their long time together. lydia shum admired adam cheng's talent and enterprising spirit, while adam cheng was deeply attracted by lydia shum's humor and kindness.

despite the age gap, they bravely overcame this obstacle and came together hand in hand.

in 1987, the wedding of lydia shum and adam cheng caused a sensation in the hong kong entertainment industry and became a major event of the year. on the wedding day, lydia shum wore a pure white wedding dress with tears of happiness in her eyes; adam cheng wore a well-tailored suit with eyes full of longing for the future.

the two stood together, with happy smiles on their faces, and became the most enviable couple in the hong kong entertainment industry at that time.

however, marriage life is not always smooth sailing, and their relationship is full of challenges. work pressure and personality differences have brought them difficulties. shen dianxia once lamented: "maintaining a marriage requires joint efforts and compromises from both parties.

sometimes, love is not enough, it also requires understanding and tolerance from both sides."

although their marriage ended in divorce, they left the best memories of their lives during the years of working together and supporting each other. as shen dianxia said in her later years: "i have no regrets about having adam cheng in my life.

during that time, i learned a lot and grew a lot."

the story of teresa teng and adam cheng is a love story that is both ordinary and extraordinary. it tells us that love will change with the passage of time, but only mutual respect and understanding can last for a long time.

in early 2008, shen dianxia's condition deteriorated again, and even the most optimistic doctors had to admit that her condition had reached a point where it was irreversible.

the former comedy queen, shen dianxia, ​​now lies in bed, relying on various instruments to maintain her life. because of long-term bed rest, her hands and feet began to rot, emitting a heartbreaking smell.

this scene was in stark contrast to her image when she was alive, making everyone who saw it feel extremely heartbroken.

daughter zheng xinyi stayed by her mother shen dianxia's bed day and night, gently holding her mother's hand and whispering encouragement and comfort. although her mother was in a coma most of the time and occasionally groaned in pain, she hoped that her company and encouragement could bring some comfort to her mother.

although they have been divorced for many years, adam cheng still frequently visits his ex-wife. standing outside the ward, his eyes are filled with mixed emotions. facing the reporter, adam cheng confessed: "we had happy times, but also arguments and unhappiness.

but at this moment, i just hope she can leave peacefully." these words contain both reminiscence of the past and helplessness towards the reality.

as her condition worsened, doctors had to make a difficult suggestion to her family: consider removing the breathing tube to free shen dianxia. this decision was undoubtedly painful, but it was also out of love for shen dianxia.

zheng xinyi's heart was full of contradictions and pain. on the one hand, she hoped that her mother could recover miraculously, but on the other hand, she couldn't bear to let her mother continue to suffer. after careful consideration, she finally made up her mind.

on february 14, 2008, shen dianxia passed away peacefully in the company of her family. her heartbeat gradually stopped. the ward was silent and solemn, with only the ticking sound of the instrument. zheng xinyi held her mother's hand tightly, tears flowing silently.

"mom, don't worry. i will be strong, live a good life, and will never let you down." zheng xinyi choked up and whispered. as if she understood her daughter's words, shen dianxia's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a very subtle smile.

then, she slowly closed her eyes and left this world forever.

the death of shen dianxia not only marks the end of her personal life, but also the end of an era. her smile, talent and strength will always remain in people's memory.

although this decision was painful, it also proved our family's deep love for lydia shum. we let her go because we couldn't bear to see her suffer any more. this kind of love transcends life and death, and also adds a sense of peace and tranquility to lydia shum's departure.

shen dianxia's life was full of stories of laughter and tears. even at the last moment of her life, she still said goodbye with a smile, which seemed to be her last gift to the world - that is, to remain optimistic even in adversity.

her story will always inspire us to face life bravely, cherish the present, and live a wonderful life.

shen dianxia's life was just like the comedy she performed, full of excitement and surprises. her sense of humor and acting skills were so unique and outstanding that she established her own monument in the hong kong entertainment industry and became the "happy fruit" in the hearts of countless audiences.

shen dianxia successfully rose from an unknown little actor to a household name comedy queen. her success was by no means accidental, but stemmed from her hard work and self-challenge. her strength won the love of the audience and the respect of the industry.

in the last stage of her life, she still maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, showing admirable vitality.

shen dianxia once said: there are both happiness and pain in life, the key lies in how we face it. this positive attitude towards life has not only influenced the people around her, but has also become her precious wealth left to future generations.

shen dianxia experienced laughter and tears, success and setbacks in her life. but no matter what, she wrote a moving hymn of life in her own way. her story will always inspire us to face life bravely, cherish the present, and live a wonderful life.

shen dianxia's legacy is not only the works she left behind, but also her never-give-up and optimistic spirit, which will always inspire future generations.