
he married hao lei, loved wang luodan, betrayed yin tao, and unexpectedly married her 12 years younger at the age of 38


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he is known as a "scumbag harvester". he once walked into the marriage hall with the talented woman hao lei, had an affair with the pure and innocent girl wang luodan, and even had sparks with the "human peach" yin tao.

from obscurity to fame, his acting career and emotional experiences are like a wonderful movie.

however, when people thought they had seen through his emotional world, he married a woman 12 years younger than him at the age of 38, giving everyone an unexpected surprise.

what kind of charm does he have that can win the favor of so many female stars in the circle?

a noble son from a poor family

li guangjie was born in an ordinary working-class family in pingdingshan, henan province. although his family was not wealthy, they could barely make ends meet.

li guangjie knew from a young age how difficult it was for his parents, and he also had a younger brother to take care of. this sense of responsibility made him particularly sensible since childhood.

li guangjie not only had excellent academic performance, but also showed great talent in art. this unique artistic cell led him to embark on the path of learning art.

while studying at henan art school, li guangjie performed so well that he was eventually admitted directly to the central academy of drama.

however, fate always seems to like playing jokes on people. just when li guangjie stepped into the gate of the central academy of drama and thought his life was about to get better, his family encountered a misfortune.

the factory where his parents worked closed down and both of them lost their jobs, which made the already poor family even worse off.

in order to reduce the burden on his family, li guangjie continued to look for part-time opportunities while studying, and he found ways to pay for all his tuition and living expenses on his own.

this decision made his university life different. there were no parties, no extravagant consumption, only uninterrupted study and work.

among his many part-time jobs, he began to get opportunities to perform in some small roles. although the pay was meager, these experiences laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

opportunities always favor those who are prepared. during his college years, li guangjie played his first important role in life, the emperor guangxu in "towards the republic".

li guangjie created an impressive image of emperor guangxu, and it was this role that made him famous in the circle.

but li guangjie knew that becoming famous overnight did not mean long-term success, so in the following days, he worked harder to study acting skills and kept trying different types of roles.

although the roles he received at the beginning were not very eye-catching, li guangjie always devoted himself to it and strived to interpret each role to the extreme.

his dedication and outstanding performance gradually won recognition and appreciation from people in the industry.

from an ordinary family in pingdingshan, henan, to an outstanding student at the central academy of drama, and then to a rising new actor, every step li guangjie took was difficult and determined.

with his hard work and talent, he gradually established a firm foothold in this highly competitive entertainment industry.

as li guangjie's career gradually took off, his love life was also quietly changing.

fate's arrangement

in 2009, li guangjie and hao lei starred in the tv seriesthe order 1949met on the set of .

at that time, hao lei was already a well-known actress in the circle. although li guangjie had gained a certain degree of fame for his role as emperor guangxu in "towards the republic", he was still a newcomer in the circle.

hao lei was in a very tense situation at the time. she had been criticized in the circle because of some controversial works she had previously filmed. however, li guangjie did not have any prejudice against her because of this.

li guangjie was impressed by hao lei's acting skills and talent. in his eyes, hao lei is an actor with unique charm and profound strength.

they had obtained their marriage certificate before the filming of "the order 1949" was completed. this marriage came suddenly and was full of drama.

at that time, li guangjie had just graduated, his career had not yet started, and his financial situation was not well off. there was no diamond ring, no grand ceremony, and not even an ordinary ring at their wedding.

but in hao lei's eyes, this simple yet sincere love is more precious than any material conditions.

after marriage, hao lei became an important supporter of li guangjie's career. she not only took on most of the housework, but also used her connections and resources in the circle to introduce many job opportunities to li guangjie.

with the help of hao lei, li guangjie's acting career began to take off gradually.

in 2007, li guangjie attracted widespread attention in the entertainment industry with his performance in the movie "li chun". this work not only made li guangjie's acting skills recognized by the industry, but also greatly increased his popularity.

it can be said that hao lei made an indelible contribution. she not only gave li guangjie unconditional support in life, but also gave him valuable advice and guidance in his professional field.

as li guangjie gained a foothold in the circle, he also began to publicly announce his married status.

this move not only did not affect his popularity, but instead won him the love of more audiences because of his and hao lei's "model couple" image.

in the eyes of the public, li guangjie is not only an excellent actor, but also a good husband who cares about his family.

however, marriage life was not all smooth sailing. although li guangjie had repeatedly expressed his intention to hold a grand wedding for hao lei, this promise was never fulfilled.

at the same time, as li guangjie's career flourished, cracks began to appear in their marriage life.

in 2009, news of li guangjie's cheating spread on the internet. this news was like a bolt from the blue, shocking not only the majority of netizens, but also a huge blow to hao lei.

some netizens took pictures of hao lei crying on the street. this scene was heartbreaking. immediately afterwards, hao lei posted a series of emotional remarks on the social platform.

eventually the two divorced, and their marriage, once considered a model in the industry, came to an end.

the end of this marriage seemed to herald a turning point in li guangjie's life.

the "amorous" years surrounded by scandals

after li guangjie's marriage to hao lei ended, his love life seemed to have entered a new stage.

the former "model husband" began to frequently appear in the headlines of entertainment news, and various scandals continued. during this period, li guangjie gradually changed from a dedicated good man to a"the romantic prodigal son"

in 2010, li guangjie and wang luodan co-starred in the tv series "du lala's promotion", in which they played a pair of happy enemies. their interaction on and off the screen attracted widespread attention from the audience.

not only did they work well together on the set, they also interacted frequently in private, and at one point became the focus of media reports.

although neither of them responded directly to the rumor, their intimate actions were still captured by the media.

there were reports that the two went out for dinner together late at night, and fans also witnessed them taking an intimate walk on the street.

just when everyone thought that li guangjie might be able to get married with wang luodan, new changes appeared in his love life.

in 2012, li guangjie and yin tao met and collaborated on the stage play "romeo and juliet". their performance on stage sparked sparks, which triggered a new round of scandals.

yin tao, known as the "human peach", has attracted much attention in the circle for her sweet appearance and outstanding acting skills.

some media photographed that the two often had dinner together, and were even photographed returning to the hotel together late at night. these news once again pushed li guangjie to the forefront of public opinion.

faced with the scandals one after another, li guangjie remained silent, neither admitting nor denying them. this attitude further aroused the curiosity of the public and the media, and various speculations and reports emerged one after another.

some people think that li guangjie is using the scandal to hype himself, while others think that he is really looking for true love.

however, just when people thought that li guangjie and yin tao would have a stable relationship, their interactions suddenly decreased.

however, during this "romantic" period, li guangjie's career was not greatly affected. on the contrary, many of the works he starred in achieved good results.

whether it is the tv series "du lala's promotion" or the stage play "romeo and juliet", he has won a lot of praise, which seems to confirm the saying in the entertainment industry that "where there is scandal, there is popularity."

this "romantic" period seems to have made li guangjie experience all the ups and downs of love. from hao lei to wang luodan, and then to yin tao, each relationship has triggered widespread discussion and speculation.

just when people thought that li guangjie would continue his "prodigal son" career, an unexpected news broke everyone's expectations.

when he was 38 years old, a girl who was 12 years younger than him appeared in his life, and li guangjie seemed to have finally found true love.

find true love?

li guangjie, once a "romantic playboy", got married to actress tong yao, who was 12 years younger than him, at the age of 38. this news not only surprised many fans, but also attracted attention from people inside and outside the entertainment industry.

tong yao and li guangjie developed from screen partners to real-life husband and wife. their marriage came suddenly, and they chose a low-key and private way to announce the good news.

there was no grand wedding, no overwhelming publicity, just a simple photo of the marriage certificate posted on social media. this low-key attitude is in stark contrast to li guangjie's previous "amorous" image.

it also makes people wonder if this means he has finally found true love and decided to settle down.

after marriage, li guangjie and tong yao's lives became extremely low-key. they rarely show their affection in public and rarely share their private lives on social media.

it seems that after experiencing the ups and downs before, li guangjie finally understood what is truly worth cherishing.

however, some people are worried that li guangjie will repeat the same mistakes, and some people question whether tong yao can take on the role of wife. faced with these doubts, the two chose to respond with practical actions.

one year after their marriage, li guangjie and tong yao welcomed their first child. the arrival of this little life not only made their family more complete, but also broke the rumors from the outside world.

after becoming a father, li guangjie's image has changed dramatically. his former "prodigal son" image has gradually faded, and he has been replaced by a mature and stable family man.

in an interview, li guangjie repeatedly stated that becoming a father gave him a new perspective on life and made him cherish everything he has now.

tong yao also showed maturity beyond her age in this marriage. although she became a wife and mother at a young age, she did an excellent job in balancing her career and family.

not only did she continue her acting career, she also played the role of a good wife and mother in the family. this maturity and responsibility undoubtedly gave li guangjie a great sense of security.

li guangjie and tong yao have proved with their actions that age gap is not a stumbling block to happiness. their married life seems ordinary, but it is full of warmth and happiness.

in the days to come, how will this couple with a 12-year age difference continue their love story? can they truly break the doubts of the outside world and build a long-lasting and stable family?