
a gigolo? he was forced to death after 27 years of marriage. it turned out that his 17 appearances on the spring festival gala were all due to his wife.


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who says "living off a gigolo" is a derogatory term?

in this entertainment industry that has reached new heights, there is a treasure actor who not only frankly admits that he is a gigolo, but also regards it as a lifelong pride.

he has appeared on the spring festival gala stage 17 times, but behind him is his wife's silent dedication for 27 years.

yes, he is the sun tao who captured the hearts of audiences across the country with the magical line "i am a security guard, i am proud".

but what kind of sad past is hidden behind this seemingly glamorous appearance?

when talking about sun tao’s sad past, we have to mention his journey to the spring festival gala.

this road can be said to be smelly and hard, as hard as a nail.

that’s right, sun tao is the "nail house" of the spring festival gala, and he is criticized every year when he appears on the gala.

but you have to admit that this guy is really capable. he has relied on his own strength to gain a firm foothold on the big stage of the spring festival gala.

in 2009, sun tao became an instant celebrity across the country with his line "i'm a security guard, and i'm proud of it."

this sentence is simply a curse. the moment it was uttered, the audience across the country was brainwashed.

from then on, sun tao became a regular guest of the spring festival gala, and there was something to watch every year.

having appeared on the spring festival gala stage 17 times, this achievement is shocking enough to make people scared.

you know, being able to perform on the spring festival gala is the lifelong dream of many actors.

sun tao, however, seemed to be full of energy and went on stage again and again.

some say he relied on connections, others say he was just lucky.

but the truth is: this is all thanks to his wife!

that’s right, it’s the unknown li li.

li li is like the "military advisor" behind sun tao, giving him advice and protecting him.

the creative ideas for each spring festival gala program were discussed by the two day and night.

li li's efforts have made sun tao more and more confident on stage and his performances have become better and better.

although some people still complain that sun tao's performances are all the same, it has to be said that each of his roles is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

from security guards to migrant workers to various small characters, sun tao always interprets the characters to perfection.

this guy has a kind of magic that can make the audience laugh and cry, and their emotions rise and fall with his performance.

in this way, sun tao gradually changed from a "fixture" of the spring festival gala to a "happy guy" in the eyes of the audience.

his efforts and persistence were finally recognized by the people of his hometown.

in september 2024, sun tao was awarded the title of "linqing city image ambassador".

this title is not something that can be obtained casually.

it is a recognition of sun tao's many years of performance career and a compliment to his noble character.

from being a "dweller" on the spring festival gala to being its "image ambassador", sun tao has proved with his own strength that it is possible to have a hard life even if you have nothing to lose!

sun tao is now a successful person, who would have thought that he was once a complete coward?

this guy was as timid as a mouse when he was a child. he would even burst into tears when performing on stage.

can you believe it? this cowardly guy can now speak eloquently on the spring festival gala stage. it's a big turnaround in life!

sun tao's father is a quick-talking actor, and he wanted to train his son to be an artist since he was young.

it's a pity that the child was born timid and scared himself to tears the first time he went on stage.

this made his father very worried, and he wondered why this child was so different from himself?

in school, sun tao is a soft persimmon and anyone can bully him.

when being bullied, he dared not fight back but would just run home to complain.

his father helped out at first, but later he felt that this was not a long-term solution.

poor sun tao fell deeper and deeper into the character of a coward.

after failing the college entrance examination, sun tao's parents decided to send him to the army.

this scared sun tao, and he thought: can i do it with my small body?

but who knew that this trip would really open his eyes.

when he first entered the military camp, sun tao was still a coward.

others were in groups of three or five, but he was all alone.

during one training session, someone had to stay behind to guard the camp.

everyone formed teams and left, leaving only sun tao alone.

this experience made sun tao deeply understand the feeling of loneliness.

he was determined to change himself, but he didn't know where to start.

suddenly he remembered the acting skills his father taught him.

so during a cultural performance, sun tao plucked up the courage to go on stage and perform a quick-speaking piece.

unexpectedly, this shocked the leaders.

it turns out this kid has such a unique skill!

since then, sun tao was transferred to the propaganda team.

through countless stage performances, sun tao became more and more courageous and his skills became more and more sophisticated.

from being an unknown person in the company, he worked his way up to become the mainstay of the brigade propaganda team.

this change is even more exaggerated than transformers!

after retiring from the army, sun tao was determined to continue his studies, so he applied for the pla art academy.

who would have thought that this decision would not only allow him to take a step further on his artistic path, but also allow him to meet the most important person in his life.

sun tao's days at the pla art academy can be said to have opened a new chapter in his life.

although he is no longer that coward, he still seems a little inconspicuous in this place full of talented people.

you know, the pla art academy is the cradle of artists, and everyone there has something talented.

although sun tao was doing well in the army, he really has trouble getting along here.

however, this kid still climbed from the bottom of the class to the upper middle position through his own efforts.

but when it comes to interpersonal communication, sun tao is still a little dull.

who would have thought that this unsociable boy would actually meet his soulmate?

fate is such an amazing thing.

one day there was a general cleaning in the class.

sun tao was assigned the task of cleaning the windows, and someone was needed to pass him the rag.

poor sun tao has few friends in the class, so he can only wipe the rag himself and then come down to wash it.

just as he was about to go downstairs, a gentle voice sounded: "let me hand you the rag."

sun tao turned around and saw a girl with a bright smile.

at that moment, it seemed as if a ray of light shone on her.

sun tao's heart skipped a beat and his face turned red.

this girl was li li, who later became sun taoxian’s wife.

from then on, sun tao began to take the initiative to communicate with others, just to talk more with li li.

li li was also attracted by this honest and shy big boy.

the two gradually became familiar with each other, and li li discovered that although sun tao was shy, he had amazing talent in his bones.

she began to carefully guide sun tao and help him improve his professional skills.

with the help of li li, sun tao's performance level improved by leaps and bounds.

when he graduated, this former last-place student turned out to be the best in the class.

sun tao knew that he had feelings for li li, but he didn't dare to confess it rashly.

after a fierce ideological struggle, he finally plucked up the courage to confess to li li.

li li had a crush on sun tao for a long time. she was surprised and happy to hear the confession and agreed without hesitation.

from then on, li li became the most important person in sun tao's life.

with li li's encouragement and support, sun tao became more and more cheerful and lively.

their works began to attract attention from cctv.

the two were invited to participate in cctv's performance activities together.

who knew that the day before the performance, sun tao suddenly received a notice saying that the female lead would be replaced.

this news made li li heartbroken and sun tao furious.

without saying a word, he rushed to the director and asked why the role was changed.

li li felt warm inside seeing sun tao defending her like this.

but she didn't want to delay sun tao's development opportunities because of herself.

after some persuasion, sun tao finally decided to continue the performance.

this experience deepened their relationship.

li li knew that sun tao's career had just started and he needed more support and encouragement.

li li's decision became a turning point in sun tao's career.

this woman is simply sun tao’s lucky star!

in order to allow sun tao to devote himself to his acting career, li li resolutely gave up her own career.

to be honest, this kind of sacrifice is simply unbelievable in this era when "independent women" are everywhere.

but li li did just that. she made taking care of the family her lifelong career.

sun tao did not disappoint li li's expectations.

this guy is really a down-to-earth person. whenever he makes money, he hands it over to his wife to manage.

other stars might change their wives when they become famous, but sun tao, on the other hand, cherishes his other half more as he becomes more famous.

where do you think you can find such a good man?

not only that, sun tao also tries to find time to go home and help with housework.

imagine sun tao, the glamorous person on the spring festival gala stage, returning home wearing an apron and washing dishes. isn’t that a cute contrast?

27 years of marriage is neither long nor short.

after so many years, sun tao has been blamed for many of the gossips in the entertainment industry.

but guess what? this guy has never been involved in a single scandal.

in this circle where "melons" are flying all over the place, sun tao is like an outlier.

some people say that no one wants to have scandals with him, but i think it’s because he loves li li too much.

you see, sun tao praised his wife a lot on the show.

he said that if he hadn’t had li li’s silent support behind him, how could he have achieved what he has today?

every time he lost confidence in himself, li li would always gently say: "you're fine, you can do it."

such a simple sentence gave sun tao infinite power.

with such a virtuous wife, sun tao naturally became more and more confident and outstanding on stage.

although some people say that sun tao's performances are highly formulaic, it has to be admitted that every minor character he creates is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

from security guards to migrant workers, sun tao perfectly portrays the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of these ordinary people.

which of these wasn't figured out by li li over and over again with him?

27 years is neither short nor long.

but for sun tao and li li, this was a period full of ups and downs in love, career and life.

from an unknown person to a regular guest at the spring festival gala, from a "coward" to an "image ambassador", every step of sun tao's growth is inseparable from li li's efforts.

so when someone said that sun tao was a gigolo, he was not angry but proudly said: "i am a gigolo, and i am proud of it!"

this may sound harsh, but if you think about it carefully, isn't this a kind of sincere gratitude?

in this age when everyone is shouting "independence", sun tao and li li have demonstrated what true love is through their 27 years of mutual support.

their stories tell us that marriage is not a transaction, but a collaboration and common growth between two people.

so don't keep focusing on the term "living off a gigolo".

instead of saying sourly that others are living off you, it is better to cherish the people around you who are willing to live off you.

after all, people like sun tao who can eat "free rice" also get it with their sincerity!