
second, i don't understand romance anymore.


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i used to watch dating shows to see people showing their affection;

now i watch dating shows and try to imitate others in showing off.

it is suggested that all romance shows should be renamed;

don't call it "signal of love" or "falling in love at 20", after all, there is no heart-warming plot and the core point is not about dating.

we suggest changing it to "how to show off for returned overseas students" or "social techniques for elite men and women".

just learn it, there are many intricacies involved.

no one would have thought that watching a variety show at home on the weekend would break down the defenses of us proletarians.

#is there any romance variety show worth watching# became a hot topic.

the reason is simple: nowadays, we can’t understand dating variety shows without a certain level of knowledge.

not only do blind dates and job hunting require academic qualifications, but the threshold for watching variety shows has become as high as mount everest.

in the words of chef fan: we are both single men and women living in the global village, so why is there such a big difference in their lives?

let me share with my friends what’s happening in the current romance variety shows.

· let’s talk about the character’s biography first.

i once thought that love was the fairest thing in the world.

after all, the prince can fall in love with cinderella, and murong yunhai and chu yuxuan can fall in love with each other.

no matter whether they are a good match or not, pure love has the power to transcend class.

but what kind of guests are invited to dating variety shows nowadays?

either they are the rich second generation who have children, or they are elite junior executives. adding a few self-media internet celebrities is giving us face.

in the luxurious house, there are great scholars chatting and laughing, and there are no ordinary people coming and going.

when i took the photo, i thought "tiny times" had reached version 5.0.

the couples in love that we can see are directly circled in the small circle that sun wukong drew for tang seng.

here, a 22-year-old fresh graduate is sweating profusely while trying to find a job;

the young overseas student returned to china, appeared on the show and found a new job, and is doing very well.

here, a 28-year-old works 996 hours a day and can’t sleep at night;

the elite executives over there balance love and work and lead a decent life.

allowing some people to get rich first is a feasible truth.

but i didn’t expect that some people would be allowed to go on the show to date first, wow!

it turned out to be the same group of people.

moreover, these romance shows have been filming for 7 or 8 seasons, but the casting channel is still so narrow.

·re-watch the program content.

the content of the show was also the most criticized part of this dating variety show failure.

when he opens his mouth, he speaks a mixture of chinese and english; when he closes his mouth, he names dishes from foreign cities.

one year of english master's degree will give you a lifetime love for england.

no matter you talk about the city, hobbies, lifestyle, food, drink, defecation or urination, no one can handle strong's english speaking.

the small pretense in language is just the appetizer, and the posture of slightly lifting the chin to inadvertently reveal the big expression is the highlight.

i still overestimated my financial strength. even if i put it on my head, i wouldn't post the brand of this watch on instagram.

this classic scene has become a fodder for netizens to imitate.

the video blogger controlled his expression and wore three watches on one neck;

where do you like to go shopping?

saying miniso can also have the effect of mixing chinese and english.

what do you like to eat?

kfc's thursday is pretty crazy

what do you like to drink?

Snow City

what kind of songs do you like to listen to?

Top of the moon

in fact, dating variety shows have been criticized long before this failure.

the male and female guests chatted while eating.

female guest: what do you usually eat in the university cafeteria?

male guest: our school is very big and open, it occupies 70% of the city, things are very expensive, and there are all kinds of restaurants.

female guest: is it delicious?

male guest: yes, the library is also very beautiful. there are several golf courses nearby, and i am a key player on the school team.

the conversation that day was completely irrelevant, with the city gate tower clashing with each other.

the male guest doesn't care what you ask, his answer mainly depends on what he wants to pretend.

if you want to see peacocks, you don’t even have to go to the zoo. you can turn on the screen 8 times to watch a two-minute male guest on a dating show.

although showing off makes people happy, i will be unhappy when you show off.

why do we watch dating shows?

i surveyed several friends around me who love to watch dating variety shows.

some people say that they don’t want to be in a relationship and they want to watch a dating variety show to get some sweet moments.

some people say that the relationship between men and women is the eternal passion of life, and they are happy to watch the pull between each other. some also regard dating shows as a learning guide for solo couples, wanting to see how they get along with the opposite sex.

either you want direct emotions or you want indirect sweetness.

but do romance shows still have these things nowadays?

in the words of sai diaochan:

now dating variety shows have become a lecture hall for showing off. why?

two reasons:

first, the program team has a good intention. do the producers of dating variety shows want to make a few couples on the show? no.

their logic is still - to create dreams, to create an elite dream.

we are too familiar with the taste of "dream-making" as we grew up immersed in the narratives of domineering idol dramas.

i thought that all urban white-collar workers wore red-soled shoes, held starbucks in their hands, had time to curl their hair into big waves every morning, were decent, beautiful, and meticulous, and their partners were expressed with flowers and rainbows, and they acquired companies as gifts, and the sound of their high heels stepping on the floor of the china world trade center office building was the sound of money coming in.

when i grew up, i found that i had to punch a clock to go to work, i couldn't squeeze into the subway, workers went to work to see who was dressed the most disgustingly, i didn't have the time or energy to date, and the people i dated were inferior to each other.

when my salary arrived, i thought pindudu had refunded my money.

the second is the purpose of the guests. are these guests really on the show just to find a date?


nowadays, dating variety shows have become a platform for finding new jobs and an incubator for internet celebrities.

these friends who are already good-looking and rich use dating variety shows as a springboard to their debut. it doesn’t matter whether they have a date on the show or not. the key is to get some private traffic for themselves.

all the insincerity makes up today's dating variety shows. apart from displaying high-end taste and elite life, we seem to see nothing else.

today’s dating variety shows are like a beautiful big house, with smart home appliances, expensive red wine, and vinyl records, but it still feels like an empty shell and has no human touch.

are all elite men and women not allowed to go on the show and fall in love?

of course it can, but it is too far away from the lives of ordinary people, and it is filled with a sense of suspension like a castle in the air.

in the dating variety show, a bunch of tall, rich and handsome men and beautiful, rich and beautiful women don’t work much but still have money to spend. they drive nice cars and talk about the countries they have visited and their favorite english songs. they gather in luxurious villas to talk about love.

in life, i would agree on a meeting time with my date that would not require overtime, and after a quick meeting, i would catch the last subway home. if i could afford it, i would take a special express train and return to my rented apartment to watch short videos.

the gap is too big, and the audience is not buying it. watching dating variety shows is not as satisfying as watching spirited young girls dating on short videos, and it is not realistic for old men and women to directly discuss retirement wages and high blood pressure medication.

wang shuo said in "my view on popular culture": never sympathize with the rich! this is a resounding theme and an iron rule in popular culture.

it’s a pity that the program crew didn’t understand this.

so why do today’s elite dating shows make audiences so dissatisfied?

some people may say, if you don’t like it, just don’t watch it. is it necessary to be so resistant to elitist programs?

because the essence of the program is a kind of resource tilt.

wherever the spotlight is, there is attention;

resources will be directed where the attention is.

these elite men and women, who are good-looking, well-off and live a comfortable life, were already born in rome, and they need to be given more resources.

money flows to those who have no shortage of money, love flows to those who have no shortage of love, and ordinary people have to contribute traffic to them, become part of their resources, and become the paving sand for their smooth road. who can not be defeated?

the meritocratic narrative is outdated;

when the economy is in recession, any dream you create will look like a ponzi scheme.

it is no longer enough to envy people for taking some high-quality photos of human love between men and women;

the empiricism that one can achieve elite life for men and women through hard work has failed.

when "life is a failure, life is a failure" becomes the new internet philosophy, we all become confused and numb.

"film some second-rate romance variety shows" might just be a joke that ordinary people make out of anger.

we don’t want to see only the boring and tedious life of the elites under the spotlight.

but there was nothing to expect any more;

after all, we have rarely had a voice and the spotlight, and it has always been like this.