
does "100 days to heal a broken bone" mean that you need to rest for that long? let's see what orthopedic doctors say!


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as the saying goes, "it takes 100 days to heal a broken bone." in daily life, many people think so. when people injure their bones and tendons, they really have to lie in bed motionless for 100 days to recuperate. is this the actual situation?

in fact, 100 days is a summary of the wisdom and experience of our predecessors, and modern medical theory shows that it takes about three months to repair bones and soft tissues. from this point of view, this statement has a certain theoretical basis, but the specific situation still needs to be analyzed specifically.

because bone healing is a continuous process, it is specifically divided into four periods: hematoma intensification and original callus formation period, callus transformation period and plastic period.

first, hematoma intensification stage

it is completed within 2 to 3 weeks. specifically, within 6 to 8 hours after the fracture, the hematoma begins to turn into a blood clot, capillaries proliferate, and fibroblasts invade the hematoma and begin to intensify. the fibrous tissue also turns into fibrous connective tissue. at this time, the fractured part has been initially connected and it is time for the next stage.

second, the initial callus formation period