
baidu releases the first intelligent agent alliance solution to help developers make money with intelligent agents


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image source/provided by the interviewee
on september 12, the 2024 baidu alliance conference was held in shenzhen. baidu fully demonstrated to alliance partners the full-link layout of intelligent entities in terms of development platforms, distribution fields, and monetization solutions, and fully upgraded the alliance ecosystem, releasing intelligent entity alliance monetization solutions and intelligent entity distribution + monetization integrated solutions, bringing new scenarios, new traffic, and new monetization opportunities to alliance partners and intelligent entity developers. this means that the "highway" for intelligent entity monetization has been opened, and the era of sharing intelligent entity dividends is coming.
run through the closed loop of the intelligent body ecosystem, and everyone can benefit from development
"currently, baidu has built a closed loop of the intelligent ecosystem. not only is it available to everyone, but everyone can also develop it, distribute it, and benefit from it," said he junjie, senior vice president of baidu group and general manager of baidu's mobile ecology business group.
he pointed out that only by lowering the threshold for ai native application development can more participants and innovators come in. in terms of intelligent agent development, the wenxin intelligent agent platform has lowered the development threshold to the lowest level, realizing "developing intelligent agents in one sentence". baidu wenxin intelligent agent platform has attracted 100,000 companies and 600,000 developers, covering hundreds of application scenarios. whether individuals, companies or institutions, they can all create their own intelligent agents.
in terms of intelligent agent distribution, baidu has formed an intelligent agent distribution pool represented by search. baidu vice president and baidu search general manager zhao shiqi summarized the distribution strategy of intelligent agents in baidu search with the keyword "1+n". "1" represents the distribution within the search consumption scenario, and "n" means the coverage of multiple terminal scenarios, which means that developers only need to develop once to reach baidu search and baidu's diversified, multi-terminal scenarios such as wenxiaoyan, xiaodu, tieba, and netdisk, thereby maximizing the distribution effect. at present, the distribution volume of intelligent agents in the baidu ecosystem has increased significantly, with the average daily distribution volume exceeding 10 million in august.
wen xiaoyan is an important distribution field. baidu vice president and head of ai innovation business xue su revealed on the spot that as of now, wen xiaoyan has more than 10 million monthly active users, and millions of intelligent agents are distributed on the platform. user time and call times have maintained rapid growth.
in addition to being developed and distributed by everyone, baidu is also constantly improving the "commercial infrastructure" of intelligent bodies so that everyone can benefit. the three commercial packages launched - link mounting, lead conversion, and product mounting functions, cover the current mainstream conversion scenarios and support up to 100 product mountings. currently, more than 20,000 intelligent bodies have used commercial components to open up the last mile of monetization for enterprises and individual developers. in addition to developers, corporate merchants can also improve their operating efficiency through intelligent bodies. as of the end of august, more than 19,000 companies use commercial intelligent bodies every day, covering more than 30 industries such as education, real estate, and machinery. intelligent bodies are becoming a standard for business operations.
baidu alliance ecosystem is fully upgraded and the intelligent alliance solution is released
wang fengyang, vice president of baidu group, head of mobile ecological business system, and general manager of baidu alliance, shared on-site the layout of the entire chain of intelligent entities in development platforms, distribution venues, and monetization solutions, and released the intelligent entity alliance solution to bring new scenarios, new traffic, and new monetization opportunities to developers.
the intelligent agent monetization solution focuses on partners who have distribution capabilities but have difficulty in monetization. it takes a two-pronged approach through innovative advertising and service direct monetization models to help run the monetization model and obtain monetization benefits. the intelligent agent distribution + monetization integrated solution is suitable for partners who have developed intelligent agents but lack distribution media scenarios and supporting monetization capabilities. it can first accurately distribute appropriate intelligent agent content based on media scenarios, and then naturally integrate precisely recommended advertising services into intelligent agent conversations based on user experience.
in addition, wang fengyang said that driven by ai, baiqingteng's monetization capabilities have increased by more than 30%, and the number of entry requests has increased by 27% year-on-year.
at present, many alliance partners and individual developers have realized distribution and monetization. ding zongyao, general manager of baidu union and head of baiqingteng business, shared the monetization stories of china supplier network and on the spot. after connecting to baidu intelligent body monetization plug-in, china supplier network can accurately grasp the buyer's purchasing intention and deeply explore the purchase details. compared with the previous form submission system, the information completion rate has increased by 87% and the conversion rate has increased by 31%. after distributed its own education intelligent body, users can use the intelligent body component to obtain more extensive and relevant content through intelligent guidance and keyword questions, providing users with a fast and efficient search experience, and the overall revenue has increased several times.
xinmin evening news reporter jin zhigang