
accelerate the development of industrial internet and promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy


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in the assembly workshop of yinchuan weili transmission technology co., ltd. located in yinchuan economic and technological development zone, workers are applying glue to parts. photo by xinhua news agency reporter yang zhisen
the decision of the cpc central committee on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting modernization with chinese characteristics, which was reviewed and approved at the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, proposed to "improve the system to promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy", "accelerate the construction of the system and mechanism to promote the development of the digital economy, improve the policy system to promote the digital industrialization and industrial digitization", and "develop the industrial internet". this series of decisions and arrangements made by the plenary session not only reflects the consistent strategic determination of the cpc central committee to develop the industrial internet, but also points out the direction for us to carry out related work and provides a fundamental guideline.
developing the industrial internet is a strategic move to promote the integration of digital and real
as a product of the deep integration of new-generation information technology and manufacturing, the industrial internet is a strategic infrastructure and important driving force for new industrialization. it plays four main roles in promoting the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy.
first, the development of the industrial internet is conducive to promoting the construction and deployment of new infrastructure. as a new infrastructure, the industrial internet builds a new industrial production and service system that is fully connected with all factors, the entire industrial chain, and the entire value chain through the comprehensive interconnection of people, machines, and objects, providing the necessary basic conditions for the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy. as the process of data factorization continues to accelerate, the industrial internet gradually evolves into a data infrastructure, promoting the collection, aggregation, modeling and analysis of massive heterogeneous data, comprehensively improving the coordination level and integration capabilities of data flow, technology flow, capital flow, talent flow, and material flow, fully releasing the value of data elements, and promoting the aggregation of various advanced production factors to develop new quality productivity.
secondly, the development of the industrial internet is conducive to the popularization and application of the new generation of information technology in all aspects and across the entire chain. the industrial internet deeply integrates the new generation of information technology such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, giving rise to new technologies, new products, new applications, and new models, and transforming all industries of the real economy in all aspects, all angles, and the entire chain, to achieve the popularization and application of the new generation of information technology. in particular, the deep integration of the industrial internet and artificial intelligence not only promotes the upgrading of industrial internet technologies such as network element intelligence, slice intelligence, and edge intelligence, but also gives rise to intelligent solutions and services, promotes the deployment and application of general artificial intelligence in the industrial field, and creates broad prospects for the development of artificial intelligence.
thirdly, the development of the industrial internet is conducive to the transformation of industrial models and corporate organizational forms. the industrial internet combines digital intelligence technologies such as industrial big data and artificial intelligence with the knowledge, experience, and needs unique to traditional industries, accelerates the convergence and precipitation of industrial mechanism models, improves the digital level of various links such as enterprise r&d design, production and manufacturing, and business management, and gives birth to new models such as digital management, platform design, personalized customization, networked collaboration, and service extension, strengthens new formats such as flexible production, cloud manufacturing, shared manufacturing, virtual manufacturing, and industrial e-commerce, and accelerates the fundamental transformation of the manufacturing industry model and corporate form.
finally, the industrial internet provides important support for building digital industrial clusters with international competitiveness. the industrial internet can promote the clustering of digital industries. on the one hand, it promotes comprehensive breakthroughs and iterative innovations in digital technologies such as 5g, artificial intelligence, edge computing, and blockchain, and promotes key upstream and downstream technologies in the industrial chain such as time-sensitive networks, industrial chips, smart sensors, and industrial software, forming an overall driving effect and enhancing the competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain; on the other hand, it accelerates the ecological development of digital industries, brings together various entities of production, education, research, and use, and helps leading enterprises open up various innovative resource elements such as brands, r&d, and equipment to small and medium-sized enterprises through the industrial internet, deepens innovative cooperation, and forms a coordinated, efficient, integrated, and smooth innovation ecosystem for large, medium, and small enterprises.
industrial internet promotes digital and real integration with remarkable results
in recent years, my country's industrial internet innovation and development has taken solid steps and achieved a series of phased, landmark and leading results. the effectiveness of enabling industrial transformation and upgrading has become increasingly prominent. it has entered a new stage of high-quality development and large-scale promotion, laying a solid foundation for the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy.
the industrial internet promotes the convergence of factors and resources, and the new foundation of integration is constantly being consolidated. five functional systems including network, identification, platform, data and security have been initially established. high-quality external networks cover major cities across the country, and 3.917 million 5g base stations have been built. the transformation of enterprise intranets continues to deepen, and 31,600 5g industry virtual private networks and 300 "5g factories" have been built; the "5+2" national top-level node system for identification resolution has been established, achieving full coverage of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities); there are nearly 340 comprehensive, characteristic and professional platforms with certain influence, and the number of industrial equipment connected to key platforms is nearly 97 million units (sets); the national industrial internet big data center system has been initially built, and the ability to aggregate and apply industrial data has been continuously enhanced; a national, provincial and enterprise-level coordinated industrial internet security technology monitoring service system has been basically established.
the industrial internet promotes industrial transformation and upgrading, and new integration models continue to emerge. industrial internet applications have been integrated into 49 major categories of the national economy, achieving full coverage of 41 major industrial categories, extending from single-point applications in each link of "research, production, supply, marketing and service" to comprehensive integration of all links and processes, forming typical application models such as platform design, intelligent production, networked collaboration, personalized customization, service extension, and digital management. new models such as green production, refined investment and financing, and visual governance based on the industrial internet are accelerating. the penetration rate of digital r&d and design tools in key industrial enterprises has reached 80.1%, and the cnc rate of key processes has reached 62.9%. the role of the industrial internet in reducing costs, improving quality, increasing efficiency, and being green and safe has become increasingly significant. there are more than 13,000 "5g+industrial internet" projects across the country, forming typical application scenarios such as remote equipment control, machine vision quality inspection, and unmanned intelligent inspection, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as steel, electricity, and mining.
the industrial internet stimulates the vitality of business entities, and new integration momentum is released faster. the industrial internet accelerates the integration of "4t" information technology (it), communication technology (ct), control technology (ot), and digital technology (dt). industrial-grade 5g chips, modules, and gateways have achieved breakthroughs. the cost of industrial 5g modules has dropped by 90% compared with the initial commercial use. network slicing technology has realized the basic functions of end-to-end slicing, laying a solid foundation for large-scale applications. the technical research, standard development and industrialization process in related fields such as edge computing, industrial pon, cloud plc, and edge cloud have been accelerated, and a series of new technology products have been explored and formed. general artificial intelligence technology and the industrial internet are accelerating integration, exploring and advancing in product research and development, process design, production operations, product operations, etc. some industrial models have initially formed solutions in the fields of product technical support and industrial control code generation.
promoting the deep integration of digital and real industries by developing the industrial internet
at present and in the future, we need to continue to implement the industrial internet innovation and development strategy, fully promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and work unremittingly to basically realize new industrialization by 2035.
first, we will strengthen the foundation and improve the construction of the functional system. we will implement the innovative development strategy of the industrial internet in depth, continue to expand the scale of the industry, and promote the construction of the five functional systems of network, identification, platform, data, and security in an integrated manner. the industrial network is the key infrastructure of the new industrialization and one of the key pieces of the puzzle in building a strong cyber power. we will use our leading advantages and accumulated achievements in new-generation information and communication technologies such as 5g and optical fiber to accelerate the improvement of network coverage and service efficiency, guide enterprises to carry out intranet transformation and upgrading, promote the construction of 5g factories, and improve the level of interconnection. we will promote the innovative development of the platform economy, improve the normalized supervision system of the platform economy, support platform enterprises to give full play to their ecological advantages, and improve the level of digital technology and product services. we will build and operate the national data infrastructure. we will build a national integrated big data center system, promote the orderly development of intelligent computing centers, and build a number of national hub nodes and big data center clusters. we will develop technologies such as data space, privacy computing, blockchain, and data desensitization to effectively improve the security and reliability of data circulation. we will accelerate the establishment of data property ownership recognition, market transactions, rights and interests distribution, and interest protection systems, and improve the institutional mechanisms of the data factor market. continue to strengthen the top-level design of industrial internet security, continuously improve the industrial internet security policy and standard system, and improve the security management system mechanism. deepen the classification and grading management of industrial internet security, strengthen policy publicity, attack and defense drills, talent training, resource pool construction, etc., strengthen vulnerability policy information sharing and risk warnings, and improve the industry's security level.
second, we will improve supply and strengthen technological and industrial innovation. we will systematically promote technical research, standard development and industrialization in related fields such as "5g+industrial internet", time-sensitive networks, edge computing, and industrial intelligence. we will accelerate the construction of national standards, industry standards, and group standards, and build a standard system. we will encourage leading enterprises to set up industrial internet research departments, build a technology innovation ecosystem with enterprises as the main body and market as the guide, and help the upstream, midstream and downstream of the industrial chain, as well as large, medium and small enterprises, to integrate innovation. we will accelerate the cultivation of "small, fast, light and accurate" digital products and solutions, and build a standardized "small, light, fast and accurate" product and solution resource pool. we will develop and tackle a number of "small, fast, light and accurate" digital products and solutions for areas where the market demand for digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises is strong and domestic supply is relatively insufficient. we will deepen the integration of industrial internet and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, promote the in-depth application of artificial intelligence in key scenarios such as industrial r&d design, pilot verification, production and manufacturing, marketing services, and operation management, as well as in fields such as safe production and disaster prevention and mitigation, and accelerate the deployment of general large models in the industrial field. we will accelerate the cultivation of industry-specific models for production and manufacturing scenarios, and develop a number of industrial-grade artificial intelligence products and equipment.
the third is to deepen application and accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading. based on the actual development, focus on key industries and key provinces, promote by level and industry, and improve the level of application empowerment. focus on enterprises at the "point". select a number of pilot enterprises with good basic conditions, outstanding transformation effects, high input-output ratio and strong replicability as transformation models, strengthen the publicity and promotion of model enterprises through case sharing, experience exchange, on-site observation and other forms, and guide enterprises to "learn from examples". connect the chain "on the line". guide industry associations, leading enterprises, and chain-leading enterprises to strengthen business collaboration and interconnection with small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial chain and supply chain through system opening, data sharing, resource collaboration and other means, export transformation capabilities to small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote chain transformation. strengthen clusters on the "surface". give full play to the role of carriers such as high-tech industrial development zones, characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises, and sino-foreign small and medium-sized enterprise cooperation zones, and accelerate the in-depth application of digital intelligence technologies such as industrial internet, big data, and artificial intelligence in parks/clusters. deeply implement the chain network collaboration strategy, release a number of industry integration application reference guidelines, and promote the in-depth integration and application expansion of industrial internet in key industries such as engineering machinery and steel. we will continue to carry out the "hundred cities and thousands of parks" activity to integrate the industrial internet into industrial parks, guide industrial parks and industry clusters to increase the construction of industrial internet facilities, promote equipment interoperability and resource sharing. we will promote the coordinated development of digitalization and greening, accelerate the innovation, research and development and application of digitalization and greening integrated technologies, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the manufacturing industry.
fourth, strengthen guarantees and create a good development environment. adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the party, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, promote high-quality development, and ensure that the integration of digital and physical development moves in the right direction. increase fiscal and taxation funding support, make full use of major special funds and other mechanisms, explore the establishment of a diversified social investment mechanism, implement tax incentives, increase financial support, and promote enterprises to accelerate technological transformation and technological updates. solidly build a talent system. rapidly promote the construction of industrial internet disciplines, support the establishment of relevant majors in the field of industrial internet, and accelerate the layout of a number of industrial internet talent training bases across the country. continuously enhance the public service capabilities of the industrial internet platform innovation and cooperation center and the industrial internet industry alliance in testing, verification, testing and certification, and talent training. carry out the formulation and evaluation and promotion of standards for the integration of industrialization and informationization, create an upgraded version of the management system for the integration of industrialization and informationization, and improve the market-oriented service system for the application and promotion of standards.
(the author tian chuan is the party secretary of china industrial internet research institute)
source: economic information daily