
the elite us military that killed bin laden wants to "send troops to taiwan"?


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[text/observer network liu chenghui] the financial times quoted sources on september 12 as saying that the us navy seal team 6 (st6, hereinafter referred to as seal team 6), which killed al-qaeda leader osama bin laden, is undergoing secret training in preparation for "assisting taiwan in resisting an attack from mainland china."

the us department of defense did not make any specific comments on the matter, only saying that the us military "will prepare and train for various emergencies."

the elite special forces unit is responsible for carrying out the most sensitive and difficult missions of the u.s. military. for more than a year, they have been planning and training for potential conflicts across the taiwan strait at the daneke training center in virginia.

seal team six is ​​affiliated with the special operations command of the u.s. department of defense and is as famous as the delta force. one of the team's famous actions was the killing of osama bin laden, the leader of al-qaeda who was wanted by the u.s. government for allegedly planning the 9/11 attacks, in abbottabad, pakistan on may 1, 2011, eastern time.

the faces of seal team six members in training photos released by a u.s. military website were blurred.

the financial times noted that in recent years, the united states has sent regular special forces to taiwan to train the taiwanese military. since the missions performed by seal team 6 are classified as highly confidential, people familiar with the training plan did not specify what the specific mission of seal team 6 is.

the report said that as the threat from terrorist organizations has eased, the us special forces, military and intelligence agencies have increased their focus on china. last week, us central intelligence agency (cia) director burns disclosed to the financial times that the cia has spent 20% of its budget on china, an increase of 200% in three years.

sean naylot, a military writer who has done extensive research on u.s. special operations missions, said it would not be surprising if the mission being planned by seal team six was related to taiwan. he believed that in recent years, the u.s. military has refocused on great power competition, and even the most elite counterterrorism forces of the u.s. military will inevitably find their own role in this trend, because doing so can enhance their relevance and get missions and money.

regarding the news about seal team six, a spokesman for the us department of defense said that the us military "will prepare and plan for various emergencies," but he did not comment on the specific content.

the chinese embassy in the united states emphasized that the taiwan issue is at the core of china's core interests and the first insurmountable red line in china-us relations.

embassy spokesman liu pengyu said the united states should "stop strengthening military contacts or arming with the taiwan region" and "stop creating factors that may increase tensions in the taiwan strait."

from august 27 to 28, wang yi, member of the political bureau of the cpc central committee and director of the central foreign affairs office, held a new round of strategic communication with us president's national security advisor sullivan in beijing.

wang yi stressed during the communication that taiwan belongs to china and china will surely be unified. "taiwan independence" is the biggest risk to peace and stability in the taiwan strait. the us should implement its commitment of not supporting "taiwan independence", abide by the one-china principle and the three sino-us joint communiqués, stop arming taiwan, and support china's peaceful reunification.

sullivan also made it clear that the united states adheres to the one-china policy and does not support "taiwan independence", "two chinas" or "one china, one taiwan".