
ke wenzhe's wife: our family is broken up


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the chairman of the people's party, ko wen-je, is currently in custody for his involvement in the jinghuacheng case, while his wife, chen pei-chi, has been summoned as a witness. afterwards, green media on the island have repeatedly reported with so-called exclusive news that ko wen-je has "unknown financial flows" and that there are millions of dollars (new taiwan dollars, the same below) in cash in his safe. there are even reports that chen pei-chi has taken cash to atms to deposit money many times. chen pei-chi announced the detailed financial flows of her account today (12th). she also complained that the taiwan prosecution and anti-corruption unit took her to open the safe and specifically told her not to tell anyone, but now it has made it to the media.

in response to the green media's revelations, taiwan's anti-corruption unit quietly went to several branches of "first bank" on the 11th to check the safe deposit box and safe room rental records. chen peiqi said that the safe deposit box of "first bank" was hers, and it contained some gold jewelry dowry given by her parents when she got married, some jade articles given by her mother-in-law, and some gold lock pieces when her children were born, etc. but she also said that since ko wen-je became the mayor of taipei, she felt that it was a very unstable job, "i put some small amounts of cash in it for emergencies."

since all the passbooks were seized by the taiwan prosecutors, chen pei-chi has been going to several banks to apply for transaction details. there are the inheritance of chen pei-chi's father and chen's mother's old-age pension inherited by chen pei-chi's mother, chen pei-chi's own salary details for working in the hospital, the election subsidy received by ko wen-je during his campaign for taipei mayor in 2018, ko wen-je's salary deposits when he was a doctor, ko wen-je's 2023 speech notice fees and a small amount of travel expenses, attendance fees, red envelopes from relatives and friends, etc. the total of the above five parts is about 16.28 million yuan. "i want to report to everyone today that the money in our family is all legitimate and innocent money."

chen peiqi said that she was surprised to see news media reports recently, and her deposit and withdrawal actions were equated with money laundering. as for why she would withdraw and transfer money through atms? chen peiqi revealed that this was her personal habit in the past. some people might find it strange, but because she herself is a little well-known, sometimes bank staff would want to give her "courtesy." but she doesn't want to be considered privileged, and she doesn't have to wait for the bank to open when using an atm, so she is more comfortable. as for the green media claiming that she deposited cash through an atm many times, up to 60 times and the amount exceeded 6 million, chen peiqi said, "i don't know how the weekly magazine calculated it. it should tell me from which day and month to which year and month." if it is 6 million in 6 years and 1 million a year, "i think it is also within a person's reasonable gift limit. i don't know if everyone thinks this is a very strange thing?"

as for the suspicion of the prosecutors and investigators that there was a coincidence with the timing of the "lunch box meeting" and the approval of the plot ratio in jinghua city, chen peiqi believed that she went to the atm to deposit money 10 times a year, and the prosecutors and investigators linked two of them with the approval of the "lunch box meeting" in jinghua city. "i also want to ask, what about the remaining 8 times? what are you trying to cover?"

facing questions from the outside world, why did ko wen-je use his personal name to buy the commercial office instead of the name of the people's party? chen pei-chi also admitted, "maybe this was the first time he encountered such a situation, and i didn't know much. he told me at that time that he bought a commercial office, so i went to buy it. i didn't think about avoiding doubts or buying it in the name of the people's party." at that time, the people's party stipulated that two-thirds of the subsidy money would go to individuals, "and it had already entered the account. i was really not thoughtful at that time, and i am very sorry to the people's party."

since ko wen-je is involved in the case, not only is chen pei-chi's every move highly watched by the outside world, but also the dynamics of ko wen-je's 92-year-old father ko cheng-fa, who is hospitalized, ko's mother he rui-ying, who is constantly accompanying him in the hospital, and his three children are all the focus of attention. faced with the fact that her son went to the united states to eat steak, chen pei-chi was also depressed today and said that she had almost no contact with her son. "now the children are scattered all over the place and dare not go home, so the whole family... the house was raided and the family was exterminated, and it really achieved the effect... our family is broken up."

it is said that ke wenzhe's father was hospitalized. chen pei-chi said that ke wenzhe was most concerned about his father's health while in the detention center. ke's father had a high fever after falling off his bike. later it was discovered that he had a malignant disease and he had to start chemotherapy today.(lin jingxian, strait herald reporter in taiwan)