
word of mouth exploded! i watched "when flowers bloom" with a "magnifying glass" and was shocked by the extreme details, which were even more amazing than the plot.


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what is the most important thing for a documentary film or tv series?

the answer is only two words -


i saw this kind of high evaluation in the comments section of "when mountain flowers bloom".

the play, also known as "girls' school in the mountains", is based on the deeds of principal zhang guimei, a well-known figure who moved china.

the movie version of "i am the mountain" had a terrible reputation, and the tv series version was not very popular either. unexpectedly, the feature film received many positive reviews after it was released.

both the approach to the script and the portrayal of the protagonist have been recognized and praised.

in fact, zhang guimei’s story herself is moving enough.

this kind of work adapted from real people will be a complete success as long as it can restore the original story in its entirety and perfection.

while following the drama, the audience can indeed deeply feel the hard work put in by the entire crew.

this time, let's take a closer look at the details of "when the mountain flowers bloom" to see why this drama can be so popular.


zhang guimei's bestie appears in the photo, showing the power of women

fang qiong rode a small electric scooter carrying zhang guimei on a dirt road in the countryside.

on the way, fang qiong suddenly had diarrhea and wanted to go to the toilet, but zhang guimei couldn't wait and tried to ride the electric scooter herself, and fell directly on the pile of grain beside the road.

this scene is funny and hilarious, while also showing the deep friendship between the two people to the audience.

in reality, zhang guimei really has such a close friend.

in the play, fang qiong is a reporter, and zhang guimei’s best friend in real life was also a volunteer reporter.

when they went to visit dashan's family, they did go together.

the video footage of the interview has become blurry, but the friendship between the two people has never changed over the years.

in their daily lives, they often joke with each other, find joy in the midst of hardship and jointly raise many children in the mountains.

zhang guimei in the playfang qiongwhen communicating, there is no need to pay attention to attitude and tone.

after seeing guyu, zhang guimei came to the children's home angrily. fang qiong had already prepared noodles and brought them to her.

before she could finish the words "give me some vinegar", fang qiong had already put the vinegar bottle on the table.

complaining and teasing are also what zhang guimei does with her sisters in real life.

even during the interview at that time, her best friend li min did not forget to keep "complaining" about zhang guimei in the car.

it can be seen that when writing the script, the team really put in the effort to get into the life of principal zhang guimei.

the fact that someone like li min can be included in the script and appear at the beginning as a key character is enough to prove the strength of female power.

i still remember that the fulcrum of zhang guimei in "i am a mountain" was placed on bai yueguang's deceased husband, which caused an uproar at the time.

in fact, for zhang guimei herself, her persistence for more than ten years comes from her faith, as well as the company of her good girlfriends.

i was pleasantly surprised to discover this.


1:1 restoration of all aspects

a pregnant woman who is pregnant with her fourth child at a young age.

there is also guyu, whose father is an alcoholic and who has to get married at the age of 14 and support her younger brother.

everyone should have heard of these things, and they actually appear in the movie.


apart from this, the other plots are almost all restored in a documentary style.

for example, after being elected as a party representative, the county gave zhang guimei 7,000 yuan as clothing expenses.

of course, it is actually a bonus, and travel expenses and living expenses in beijing are also included.

as a result, zhang guimei went to buy a computer without saying a word.

in fact, zhang guimei actually did this at the beginning.

with funds, the first thing she thinks of is always her students.

this computer is also prepared for students to broaden their horizons and see the outside world.

another example is the "children's home".

zhang guimei also placed guyu, who was "rescued", here.

at that time, the children's home in huaping county was also established with funding from someone.

at that time, their only request was to appoint zhang guimei as the dean.

this is zhang guimei's second job since she came to the local area. she doesn't even ask for any pay and has been doing this for several years.

after the meeting, zhang guimei was interviewed by a reporter. when the reporter looked down, he saw a hole in her pants.

this is not a plot made up by the screenwriter himself.

zhang guimei also mentioned this matter when she was interviewed by cctv.

the clothing money given by the county was all used to buy computers or food for students, and not a penny was spent on myself.

she was wearing ragged pants and was spotted directly by a female reporter.

in order to establish a girls' school, zhang guimei went around "begging for money" and asked other bosses or leaders for financial help.

there were also rumors from others, saying that zhang guimei set up a girls' school in order to cheat money, etc.

the basic plot of this drama is all based on zhang guimei's personal experience.

audiences who don’t know zhang guimei herself will certainly be in awe, and audiences who know her will also be surprised by the authenticity of the plot.


the character restoration is really perfect

although it is about "zhang guimei", the story is told step by step without exaggeration, and other characters are also shown.

for example, the local director of the education bureau, the smooth-talking deputy county magistrate, and the secretary who heard about his deeds and offered great help.

and it seems that the image is not as good ashai qingsong jia, who looks more like zhang guimei, also performed the "soul" of zhang guimei.

zhang guimei is from northeast china. i think the people of northeast china have a deep understanding of the importance that this region places on education. coupled with her generous and upright nature, this enables her to be so courageous and tenacious in sending so many girls out of the mountains.

and song jia is also from northeast china.

to be honest, her frame is a bit big and she doesn't look particularly like zhang guimei.

however, song jia did not imitate deliberately. instead, she was very relaxed and natural, which is the essence of the character.

zhang guimei, who is both emotional and fierce, is a more realistic character.


"when mountain flowers bloom" certainly has some dramatic adaptations, but the ability to gain an in-depth understanding of the characters and present the real situation without adding subjective assumptions is already a rare masterpiece in film and television dramas.

the last film that received high praise was probably "daughter of the mountains".

but in my opinion, the investment in "when flowers bloom" and the level of the director are actually higher.

it is such an ordinary and touching plot, but when edited together, it has ups and downs, and the jokes mixed in it all make the drama lively and interesting.    

how to break through feudal ideas and convince girls and their parents to understand the importance of "knowledge changes destiny"? how do those young teachers face such a difficult environment?

i think there will be more difficult problems waiting for them in the future. i wonder if you like song jia’s new drama?

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