
forced by her mother to become a porn star, she abandoned her baby and jumped off a building. how miserable was chen baolian's life?


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in july 2002, the weather in hong kong was hot and humid, making people feel depressed. chen baolian stood by the window on the 24th floor, looking into the distance with empty eyes.

she looked back at the baby in the cradle, the little life that was less than a month old, took a deep breath, and then jumped. with a "bang", the entire entertainment industry was awakened by this sound.

"as soon as the news of chen baolian's suicide by jumping off a building came out, the whole of hong kong was in an uproar!", "porn star committed suicide by abandoning her baby in confinement!", "where is huang renzhong?" various headlines dominated the screen, and the onlookers were frantically swiping the screen.

this shocking news is being hotly discussed on weibo, forums, and on the streets.

the police arrived at the scene and found a suicide note among chen baolian's belongings. the words in the suicide note were full of her obsession with huang renzhong. chen baolian wrote: "i still love huang renzhong deeply before i die, and i will never allow anyone to slander him."

this sentence is heartbreaking, what a humble love! what is particularly shocking is the last sentence: "my fate was already opened at the age of 15, the chapter of a tragic life."

looking back on chen baolian's life, it is exactly the same as the real-life version of "farewell my concubine". she was regarded as a tool to make money since she was young, and was pushed into the whirlpool of the entertainment industry at the age of 15.

pornographic films, wealthy businessman, self-mutilation, jumping off a building, these were the heavy labels she had to bear in her short 29 years of life, piercing her heart like sharp blades.

her death not only symbolizes the farewell of a porn star, but also is a microcosm of an era. her personal story reveals the reality of the society at that time.

let us go back in time and see how “hong kong’s no. 1 porn star” ended up in tragedy.

chen baolian's life is magical and full of hardships. how many unknown stories are hidden behind her? come with me to uncover the mystery of chen baolian's life.

do you still remember the stunning beauty chen baolian in stephen chow's movies? every time she appears, the audience will hold their breath.

that kind of cool and seductive temperament is really irresistible.

in 1998, pauline chan was already a highly-regarded porn star in hong kong, and the popularity of her erotic films made her the dream lover of many men.

however, behind this fame lies a sad and painful feeling, which only she can understand. it is said that she finished filming almost every scene with tears.

can you imagine the torment that would cause? being forced to do something you don't want to do and then pretending to enjoy it in front of the camera.

however, tragedy was yet to come. although fame came quickly, it faded even faster. the market for erotic films was shrinking, and chen baolian's career began to decline.

at this moment, she met the man who had a profound influence on her life—the wealthy huang renzhong.

huang renzhong is a well-known name in hong kong. he changes women faster than he changes clothes, and spends as much as 2 billion on women every year! this kind of rich man is simply a walking atm.

he fell in love with chen baolian at first sight and immediately adopted her as his goddaughter.

but chen baolian was loyal to him until her death, and could not even tolerate other women getting close to her. from then on, her life was like a roller coaster.

she did everything from bar fights to self-mutilation, arson, and wrist slitting. the media followed her crazy behavior non-stop, and the whole of hong kong was shocked by her "madness".

some people think she is just hyping herself up, while others think she is really crazy. however, who can really understand the pain in her heart? she was used as a tool to make money since she was a child. she thought she finally found true love, but in the end it was all in vain.

chen baolian's life has gone from a cold goddess to a crazy porn star, just like a roller coaster ride. however, the source of all this can be traced back to when she was 15 years old.

so, what happened in which year that changed her life so drastically? the following story will reveal another layer of chen baolian's tragic life.

in 1985, when chen baolian was 12 years old, she moved to hong kong with her mother. she thought it was a brand new beginning, but her life fell into an endless nightmare.

hong kong, as a shopping paradise for chinese people, attracts countless people to enjoy the luxurious lights, feasting and revelry. however, mother chen was fascinated by this prosperous scene and decided to learn how to do business.

what happened? mother chen was completely ruined in the financial crisis. not only did she lose all her family fortune, she also owed a lot of debt. do you think that was the end? no, she was still addicted to the gambling table, which led to more and more debts.

the mother and daughter were isolated and helpless, and in order to avoid debt, they lived like rats crossing the street. at this time, mother chen found that her daughter had grown into a beautiful girl with green light flashing in her eyes.

at the age of 15, chen baolian was forced to join an advertising company.

it's not that easy to shoot commercials! chen baolian was forced to take some photos that were not in line with her age. can you imagine how a 15-year-old girl felt when she was treated like this? but that's not the worst.

in order to earn more money, chen's mother forced her to work in a nightclub and even made her participate in the miss asia television pageant.

although she was not selected, her figure and appearance attracted many directors. as soon as she opened her mouth, she asked for a six-figure salary, which made chen's mother stare blankly.

thus, the 15-year-old chen baolian officially became her mother's "cash cow". various producers came to her with cash, and chen's mother agreed to all of them.

chen baolian wanted to resist, but the high penalty for breach of contract forced her to endure the humiliation of filming.

at the age of 15, an age that should be full of hope and carefree, she is under such heavy pressure.

however, chen baolian was pushed into the whirlpool of the adult world and became a person regarded as a tool for making money by others.

this experience was a baptism of the soul for her, and it was like a foreshadowing of her fate. she wrote in her suicide note: "my fate had already revealed a tragic life when i was 15 years old."

the trauma that chen baolian suffered when she was 15 years old left her with a nightmare that she could not get rid of throughout her life and it followed her until the last moment of her life.

in 1998, when chen baolian was filming in taiwan, she met the wealthy businessman huang renzhong. this man completely changed the trajectory of her life.

huang renzhong (march 12, 1940 - april 27, 2004), a native of kaohsiung, taiwan, was born in chongqing, sichuan. he is a top hong kong tycoon and a playboy. he once publicly stated: "i can't eat without a woman.

he even spent millions to fly a private jet just to get a glimpse of the goddess' true face.

because she lacked a sense of security since childhood, chen baolian was easily fascinated by huang renzhong's crazy pursuit. although huang renzhong called chen baolian his "goddaughter", the relationship between them, well, you know.

this kind of relationship, which is like both father-daughter and lover, is actually quite perverted.

for chen baolian, this was probably the first time she truly felt loved. she regarded huang renzhong as her only support, relying on him wholeheartedly and devoting herself to him.

unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. she started to act unreasonably, causing chaos in the backyard. huang renzhong was fed up with this and wanted her to study abroad.

as a result, chen baolian returned to the place where huang renzhong had a new lover a few days later. when she saw all this, she immediately threw a tantrum and was very excited.

however, huang renzhong had lost interest in her.

from then on, chen baolian began to indulge in alcoholism and bar trouble every day, and she committed self-harm many times and even attempted suicide.

her "crazy" behavior shocked the whole of hong kong as the media followed her crazily.

love makes people crazy. however, can such a deformed relationship really be called love? in chen baolian's life, huang renzhong was both her salvation and her destruction.

this man gave her all her hopes, but he brought her deeper despair.

the form of this relationship is very similar to the situation between her and her mother. her feelings are like a cash cow. exploited, abandoned, and seemingly disconnected forever.

tragedy always happens again and again, and chen baolian can never escape this cycle of fate.

in the end, she chose to end it all with her own life. in her suicide note, she still defended huang renzhong.

faced with this persistent attitude, one feels both distressed and helpless.

to understand chen baolian's tragic life, we have to start from her birth. she was born in shanghai in 1973 and could have lived a life like a little princess.

however, after her parents divorced, little pauline instantly became synonymous with "burden", a label that was deeply engraved in her heart.

after her mother suffered a blow, she became addicted to gambling all day long, so little baolian could only depend on her grandmother. this period of time can be said to be the happiest time for little baolian.

but the good times didn't last long. in 1985, her grandmother passed away and she was forced to move to hong kong when she was 12 years old. from then on, her life began to fall into a nightmare.

although hong kong is prosperous and dazzling, it is like a cold cage for little pauline. she was forced to become a model at the age of 15, and the content of the photos she took was disgusting.

forced to work in nightclubs and shoot pornographic films, every move was destroying the girl's soul.

can you imagine? at this age when she should have been enjoying her youth, she had to endure so much pain. no wonder she said in her suicide note, "my fate revealed my miserable life at the age of 15."

this sentence deeply reveals the bitterness of her life.

chen baolian lacked a sense of security since she was a child and had been looking for someone to rely on. however, the people she met either wanted to use her or wanted to abandon her, which made her feel very sad.

her mother sees her as a cash cow, while the wealthy businessman sees her as a plaything.

how could this be called a childhood? it was simply a continuous abuse. chen baolian's life, from cradle to grave, was filled with indelible trauma.

those traumas were vividly displayed in her crazy behavior, crying performance, and even her final suicide.

chen baolian's tragedy not only reflects her personal misfortune, but also reflects the limitations of that era.

chen baolian's death did not end her tragedy, but instead allowed the world to have a deeper discussion on the entertainment industry, family education and emotional views.

the whole of hong kong, and even the entire chinese society, was shocked by a certain incident.

what about huang renzhong? the good days of this playboy did not last long. surprisingly, the financial crisis hit and he was suddenly heavily in debt.

what about the beautiful ladies who used to surround him? haha, they were all scared and stayed away from him. in 2004, he passed away due to a recurrence of diabetes.

chen baolian's story reflects the social problems of the time, including the darkness of the entertainment industry, the value of money supremacy, and abnormal family relationships... these problems still bother us today.

the 15 years old should have been the best time in life, but it became the beginning of chen baolian's nightmare.

although chen baolian has passed away, her story is a reminder to us. this may be the last gift she left behind.

she used her life to show the distortion and madness of this era, and also gave us thought-provoking thoughts.

it has been many years since chen baolian passed away, but her story is still widely circulated and hotly discussed among people.