
the major revolutionary tv series "dawn" was completed and the ingenious production rekindled the red revolutionary spirit


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recently, the 12-episode major revolutionary tv series "dawn" was officially completed in shaanxi. the drama tells the revolutionary story of the cpc central committee's battles in northern shaanxi from june 1947 to march 1948, strategizing among the mountains and gullies, winning battles thousands of miles away from rivers, lakes and seas, commanding the liberation war from defense to offense, and ushering in the dawn of the creation of a new china.

it is understood that in order to truly reproduce that magnificent history, the "dawn" crew spent three years preparing, consulted more than 30 million words of historical materials, and retraced the party central committee's battle route in northern shaanxi, personally experiencing the footprints of revolutionary predecessors and the essence of red revolutionary culture.

during the filming process, the crew restored the historical scenes to the greatest extent possible, inspected and selected nearly 50 historically significant filming locations, covering multiple counties and cities in northern shaanxi, and built nearly 200 filming scenes to ensure that every detail was accurate. the newly built yangjiagou film and television base cave group covers an area of ​​about 33,000 square meters. it is large in scale and magnificent, recreating the architectural style and life scenes of northern shaanxi at that time. at the same time, the "dawn" crew also strives to be extremely accurate in terms of costumes and props, customizing 130 pure handmade costumes and preparing more than 20,000 props. each one has been carefully selected and strictly checked, and is committed to truly reflecting the special era background and character identity. in addition, the crew is also equipped with 600 professional staff, a group of nearly 5,000 people, and more than 100 work vehicles shuttle between various filming locations, providing solid logistical support for the filming work.

in terms of series innovation, dawn adopts a narrative mode of large serial small units, which not only maintains the coherence of the historical context, but also deeply explores the historical details and the inner world of the characters. through real and vivid stories, it shows the wisdom, courage and sacrifice of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, allowing the audience to more deeply understand the meaning and value of the revolution. in terms of production, dawn boldly introduces film shooting techniques to enhance the texture and expressiveness of the picture, and through a series of intentional expressions, it shows the connotation and power of the revolutionary spirit, allowing the audience to feel the greatness and immortality of the revolutionary spirit under the dual impact of vision and soul.

in terms of the cast, dawn uses the superb acting skills of three generations of actors to jointly write a revolutionary epic about faith. veteran actors niu ben, xu huanshan, and hu xiaoguang have injected a heavy sense of history and strong emotional resonance into the series with their profound acting skills. powerful actors ding yongdai, hou yong, wang jinsong, etc., with precise character creation and acting skills, vividly reproduced the heroic images of revolutionary leaders and soldiers, making the audience feel as if they traveled through time and space and personally experienced those years of war. they all said that this was not only a rare filming experience, but also a profound tribute and inheritance to the revolutionary history.

as a tv series reflecting the major revolutionary process and historical turning point, "dawn" aims to carry forward the immortal red spirit and let the revolutionary spirit of perseverance and courage to sacrifice in that glorious period shine in the new era. from yulin to mizhi and then to jiaxian, the filming of "dawn" also received strong support from the local government. in the future, with the official broadcast of "dawn", this period of history combined with red tourism, film and television may become another exploration and practice to promote the in-depth integration and development of local cultural tourism in shaanxi.