
"red candle" teacher | qi shuanghui from wangcheng no. 1 middle school: 24-hour standby for mobile phone, unlimited warmth


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"ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding" teacher qi shuanghui was awakened from his sleep by a text message. he picked up his phone and saw the time was early in the morning.4point58the message was sent by a student's parent, mainly to express gratitude to him.

qi shuanghui is an english teacher and class teacher at changsha wangcheng district no. 1 middle school (hereinafter referred to as "wangcheng no. 1 middle school").24"always on standby for 24 hours and always reply to any message" is a microcosm of his dedication to education and one of his working principles.

teaching22years as class teacher18in 2016, qi shuanghui believed that school is a place to weave and pursue dreams. as a teacher, he should not only teach and answer questions, but also guide students to aspire to be better, do good and live in the positive direction.2024year9in june, qi shuanghui was named a "red candle type" teacher in wangcheng district.

to help students "fight back", he lent them apartments and shoes

"as teachers, we can only achieve breakthroughs and create miracles if we guide students to set high aspirations and maintain their upward passion." there are countless stories of "miracle" in qi shuanghui's educational resume.

xiang qian (pseudonym), who was two years younger than his classmates, studied at a slower pace and had average results in the high school entrance examination, came to qi shuanghui's class when he was in his senior year of high school.

although xiang qian was very introverted and never expressed his ideas easily, qi shuanghui still understood the peculiarity of this child in the process of paying attention to each individual student. he saw the trust in himself in his eyes, so he secretly made a promise: he must help this child achieve his dream.

qi shuanghui would go to the dormitory to check on the students every day, and he did not encourage students to work overtime at night, but xiang qian was different. he studied at a slower pace, and in junior high school, he developed a habit of doing almost12xiang qian had a habit of going to bed at 12:00 a.m. in order not to disturb his roommates, xiang qian proposed to work the night shift at teacher qi's apartment at school. qi shuanghui wanted to give up his apartment for xiang qian to study. however, xiang qian said that he was a little scared living alone. so, countless nights, qi shuanghui accompanied him to study in the apartment until the evening.11at 12:30, they would send him back to the student dormitory and then go home. in their senior year, rain or shine, qi shuanghui and xiang qian persisted.

xiang qian applied for the strong foundation program of huazhong university of science and technology. after the college entrance examination, he needed to go to wuhan for an interview and physical fitness test. the day before leaving, xiang qian suddenly told qi shuanghui: "the strong foundation program is basically hopeless because the physical fitness test project of huazhong university of science and technology is not good enough.50i changed from standing long jump to standing long jump. standing long jump has always been a weak point for me because i am not flexible. "

so, the night before leaving for wuhan, qi shuanghui took xiangqian to practice standing long jump at the track and field stadium and helped him improve his power generation method. after one night of hard work, xiangqian jumped much better than before. because xiangqian wore qi's sneakers during practice, he laughed and said, "it's all thanks to the shoes." qi shuanghui decided to let xiangqian wear his own shoes to the interview in wuhan without hesitation.

finally, xiang qian passed the strong foundation program of huazhong university of science and technology and passed the college entrance examination.633he was admitted to the basic medicine major with a score of 1.00, and studied for eight consecutive years for his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. he also became an inspirational "dark horse" who staged a comeback in the eyes of his classmates.

qi shuanghui communicates with students during his daily work.

he relieves students' worries, warms their hearts and comforts their parents

"education cannot simply focus on the education object itself, but also pay attention to and improve the growth environment of the education object." this is one of the reasons why qi shuanghui always makes students and parents feel warm in education. student xiaolei (pseudonym) and his mother are deeply grateful to teacher qi shuanghui for this. back to the beginning of this article, qi shuanghui4point58the text message i received was sent by xiaolei’s mother.

it is understood that xiaolei is a well-behaved and sensible child with excellent grades. however, xiaolei's mother is unable to take good care of xiaolei due to her own illness, so she is worried about xiaolei's future and is extremely anxious. xiaolei often needs to put down his studies to comfort his mother. upon learning of this, qi shuanghui couldn't help but sigh: "(xiaolei) is so young, but he has to bear pressure that is not supposed to be his age. there is often a trace of worry in his eyes, which is really distressing."

therefore, the figure of qi shuanghui and xiaolei chatting and talking in the corridor of the teaching building was left countless times. qi shuanghui revealed: "xiaolei is actually about the same height as me. i often put my hand on his shoulder and use body language to tell him that no matter how big the difficulties are, we can face them together. in fact, sometimes it seems particularly pale and powerless. i feel that in order to eliminate xiaolei's concerns, i must intervene personally."

gradually, xiaolei's trust in teacher qi was also passed on to his mother, and teacher qi became an outlet for xiaolei's mother's emotions. xiaolei's mother would communicate with teacher qi by writing letters and sending text messages. even in the middle of the night, teacher qi would immediately reply to text messages or messages, affirming and encouraging xiaolei's mother, "just like encouraging students."

with qi shuanghui's encouragement, guidance and leadership, xiaolei's mother's mood gradually became stable, and xiaolei smiled more often. in the college entrance examination, xiaolei was admitted to the top domestic university with excellent results. at the graduation ceremony, qi shuanghui also made a gift for xiaolei himself -10i give milliliters of "courage" to xiaolei, hoping that he can bravely face the hardships and challenges in the future.

xiaolei also said that no matter how high he flies, how far he goes, or whether he has time to come back to visit his teachers, he will always gaze affectionately in the direction of his alma mater and salute solemnly. because here are not only his three years of youth, friends who fought side by side, but also teacher qi who led him out of confusion.

in the eyes of successive generations of students and parents, teacher qi shuanghui is like a guiding light on the students' path forward, always leading them out of their mental difficulties.

some people say that teachers are like red candles, burning themselves to illuminate others. teacher qi shuanghui said: "teachers are like red candles, burning is their mission. we must keep in mind the original intention and mission of educating people for the party and the country, live up to the trust of the times, devote ourselves to the education cause of wangcheng, and cultivate more positive, kind, and sunny 'lei xiaofeng'!"

xiaoxiang morning news reporter li nan
