
the "su ke edition" grade 8 physics textbook was recalled due to a typo? the publisher responded


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zhang peipei, reporter of overview news

recently, a netizen posted a picture and text message online saying that the "su ke edition" eighth-grade physics textbook will be recalled due to typos, which triggered heated discussions among netizens. some netizens thought that recalling all textbooks for a typo was too much of a "draft"; some netizens also said that textbooks are normative publications and zero tolerance should be implemented for textbook errors, and no matter how strict, it is not too strict. on september 10, a staff member of jiangsu phoenix science and technology publishing house co., ltd. confirmed the news of the textbook recall to zonglan news, but the reason for the recall was not typos, but printing problems.

the location of the error in the textbook (from the internet)

on september 9, a netizen with an ip address in jiangsu posted a message saying that the latest edition of the "su ke edition" grade 8 physics volume 1 2024 had typos and the publisher would recall all of them. he also attached a picture of the textbook error and a notice. the notice read: "according to the publisher's notice, the grade 8 physics textbooks issued this season will be replaced. the logistics department will deliver all the newly printed grade 8 physics textbooks to all schools on tuesday next week. please ask all teachers to start collecting the previously issued grade 8 physics textbooks on wednesday. we require 100% recycling. the logistics department will go to each school to collect the recycled grade 8 physics textbooks on friday next week. please collect them quickly."

zonglan news reporter saw from the textbook pictures posted by netizens that in the caption of figure 3-17(a), "convex lens" was written as "convex lens".

after the post was published, netizens left comments one after another. some parents said that the error was on page 69 of the textbook and they had received a notice from the school that the textbook would be recalled and replaced. some parents said that their children's school had not issued a notice and was still using the textbook.

netizens' comments (from the internet)

in the comment section of the post, the topic of "whether textbooks should be recalled due to errors" also sparked heated discussion, and netizens expressed their views on the incident.

"just tell the children to correct the wrong words, there is no need to recall them." "because of a wrong word, we have to re-copy the previous notes." some netizens think that recalling all textbooks for a wrong word is too much of a "big fuss". the wrong word does not affect teaching. it only needs to notify the schools to correct it. switching back and forth will cause a lot of inconvenience to everyone. some netizens even think that such a fuss is definitely not because of a wrong word, and speculate on other reasons for the recall. some netizens also questioned the recall of textbooks, "what will be done with so many books after the recall? are they all going to be destroyed? isn't this a waste of resources?"

zonglan news reporters found the latest edition of the "su ke edition" eighth-grade physics textbook, volume 1, 2024, on the internet. after comparison, they found that the content of page 69 was consistent with the content posted by netizens, and found the publisher's information on the book cover and copyright page.

cover and copyright page of the latest edition of the 2024 edition of the eighth-grade physics textbook "su ke edition" (from the internet)

on september 10, the reporter called jiangsu phoenix science and technology press, and a staff member surnamed lu said that the reason for the recall was not because of typos, but because there were problems with the printing of this batch of textbooks. according to the requirements of the education authorities and the jiangsu printing industry association, they would recall and replace all of these textbooks. "this set of textbooks ranks second in national quality inspection, and there is no problem with the quality inspection, but the color difference between the finished product printed by the printing factory and our original version is too big, and we can't accept it." the staff member said that compared with typos, color difference is more important for the presentation of physical experiments. phoenix publishing and media group, to which jiangsu phoenix science and technology press belongs, is the first in the domestic industry and will never allow "shoddy production."

the staff told reporters that currently all eighth grade junior high schools in jiangsu province are using this set of textbooks. he does not yet know the number of textbooks used outside the province. the recalled textbooks will be handled according to requirements, and the losses caused will be borne by the printing factory.

the reporter of zonglan news noticed that the latest version of the "su ke edition" grade 8 physics volume 1 in 2024 is priced at 9.65 yuan. according to the news released by the jiangsu provincial department of education on april 2, 2024, in 2023, there will be 2,336 junior high schools in the province with 2.7729 million students. based on the above data, the reporter roughly calculated that the junior high school stage is divided into three grades. according to the average value, there are about 900,000 students in the eighth grade of the second grade of junior high school. calculated as one book for each student, the price is nearly 9 million yuan.

by sorting out the comments from netizens, zonglan news reporters found that most netizens support the recall and replacement of textbooks. they believe that textbooks are an important support for educational and teaching activities and are normative publications. they should be treated with stricter standards and have zero tolerance for textbook errors. no matter how strict the standards are, they are not excessive.