
russia conducts its largest strategic exercise in 30 years, spanning 13 sea areas and deploying 90,000 soldiers


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[global times special correspondent in russia xiao xinxin] the russian ministry of defense announced on the 10th that the russian military launched the "ocean-2024" strategic exercise on the same day. according to tass, the exercise was conducted in multiple waters including the pacific ocean, arctic ocean, baltic sea, caspian sea, mediterranean sea, etc., and will end on the 16th.
according to reports, the chinese people's liberation army sent ships and aircraft to participate in the relevant exercises, and representatives from 15 countries participated as observers. the exercise was conducted in two phases in 13 sea areas in three strategic directions, with more than 90,000 officers and soldiers, more than 400 ships, 125 aircraft, and more than 7,500 weapons and equipment participating. in the first phase of the exercise, the russian military command will practice deploying troops in designated combat training areas; in the second phase, the participating troops will participate in "combat operations" to strike at the strategic targets and forces of the imaginary enemy.
on september 11, local time, during the "ocean-2024" strategic exercise, russian northern fleet warships simulated searching for enemy submarines in the barents sea and practiced using anti-submarine weapons. (visual china)
the russian ministry of defense announced on the 11th that the russian northern fleet, the caspian fleet, the baltic fleet and other fleets conducted training on the same day, practicing repelling and attacking imaginary enemies, searching for imaginary enemy ships, and practicing the use of anti-submarine weapons.
according to tass, russian president vladimir putin said in a video speech on the 10th that this was the first time in 30 years that the russian military had held a naval exercise of this scale. he said that the exercise was aimed at testing the key elements of the combat readiness of the command structure, troops and formations of the russian navy and aerospace forces, ensuring the coordination of their actions, and combining the relevant experience gained in special military operations to test the russian military's readiness to use high-precision weapons and advanced weapons in an integrated manner.
putin said that the united states is trying to maintain its global military and political dominance at all costs, and is "using ukraine" to try to cause russia to suffer a strategic defeat. the united states hopes to gain significant military advantages through its provocative actions, thereby breaking the existing security architecture and balance of power in the asia-pacific region. in fact, the united states is provoking an arms race and creating conditions for crisis situations in europe and the asia-pacific region, regardless of the security of its european and asian allies. russia must be prepared for any possible development of the situation, and the russian armed forces must reliably defend national sovereignty and interests and repel hostile military actions that may occur from any direction, including in the open sea.
according to russian news agency, russia's "ocean-2024" strategic exercise and nato's related exercises were held at almost the same time. in response to this situation, russian presidential press secretary peskov said on the 10th that conducting such confrontational exercises is a very common practice and it happens frequently.
it is reported that nato will hold the first phase of the exercise in germany from september 11 to 20, with the focus on planning and executing tasks to ensure and strengthen military forces. in addition, nato also plans to hold related exercises in greece from september 30 to october 11 and in estonia from november 7 to 12.
u.s. department of defense spokesman ryder said at a press conference on the 10th that the united states has been following and paying attention to russia's planned exercise. the exercise will not pose a threat to the u.s. mainland or nato. the united states will continue to monitor and maintain close communication with nato allies and partners.
russia today tv website quoted the analysis of russian military experts on the 11th, saying that russia's exercise is clearly another signal to the united states and other western countries. as western countries continue to escalate conflicts, the possibility of a direct conflict between russia and nato is becoming more and more realistic and urgent. this russian exercise may have included possible direct confrontation with western countries in the mission objectives. the west is constantly trying to make russia fall into strategic failure, so the russian army must be prepared for battle in all aspects, including sea, land and air.
according to reuters, the "ocean-2024" strategic exercise conducted by russia is the "largest naval exercise" since the collapse of the soviet union. putin used this to warn the united states not to try to defeat russia. according to reports, since the outbreak of the russian-ukrainian conflict, the russian army has faced severe conditions on land and at sea. although the ukrainian navy's firepower is backward, it has successfully dealt a serious blow to the russian black sea fleet. despite this, russia continues to hold large-scale military exercises in many distant waters and project power to confront the united states and its allies.
russia's military observer analyzed on the 11th that there have been reports recently that the united states will allow ukraine to use long-range weapons such as the u.s. army tactical missile system (atacms) to strike russian targets. under this situation, it is possible that russia's exercise is a "demonstration" to the united states and other countries. in response to the continued escalation of tensions by western countries to help ukraine get out of the battlefield, it is necessary for the russian army to strengthen the overall coordinated strike capabilities of all forces to cope with the increasingly acute confrontation with the west.