
“i can truly feel the respect and preferential treatment my hometown gives to veterans.”


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on september 1, the staff at the xijiang county reception station in jiangxi province presented the returning veterans with the "handbook of retired soldiers' registration" and "a letter to the retired soldiers returning home in september 2024" and other materials, providing considerate services for the veterans. photo by xiao bo
"we have integrated all the information that needs to be registered after retirement, such as medical insurance and social security, into one window. you only need to go to one window to complete all the retirement registration procedures." in early september, jin shengzhe, a soldier who had just retired from a naval unit and returned home, came to the veterans service center in fuliang county, jiangxi province to handle the retirement procedures and was warmly received by the staff.
it is reported that since last year, all county-level veterans service centers in jiangxi province have set up special comprehensive service windows to accept applications for nine government service items such as retirement reporting and household registration at one time, and have 100% achieved "application acceptance at one window, information submission at one time, and matters completed at one time."
at the "one thing done at one time" integrated window for veterans at the fuliang county veterans service center, jin shengzhe, under the guidance of the staff, quickly completed nine matters, including retirement reporting, household registration, reserve registration, social insurance registration, transfer and continuation of military and local pension insurance relations, transfer and continuation of basic medical insurance relations, and payment of one-time financial subsidies for retired soldiers' self-employment.
“previously, to register this information, i had to go to several departments and it would take at least one or two days to complete. now i only need to go to one window and get everything done in less than half an hour. it’s really convenient.” after leaving the government service center, jin shengzhe praised the “one-stop” joint office in his hometown.
in order to reduce the number of trips for veterans, this year, jiangxi province has also expanded the content of the "one-stop service for veterans" from 9 to 11 items in conjunction with the construction of an integrated online service platform.
"through integration and optimization, we used to have to submit up to 17 documents and run around to five or six departments, but now we only need one application and one set of forms." staff at the veterans service center in fuliang county, jiangxi province, said that they have joined forces with the county's people's armed forces department, public security bureau and other departments to extend and expand preferential treatment through information docking, system transformation, and data sharing, allowing veterans to "get one thing done at one time."
soldiers join the army to serve their country, and they deserve preferential treatment when they return home. in order to help retired soldiers achieve transformation as soon as possible and find better employment and entrepreneurship, various places in jiangxi province have also taken measures such as organizing employment and entrepreneurship training, distributing employment and entrepreneurship policy "gift packages", and holding special job fairs to provide retired soldiers with policy consultation, tax exemptions, loan support and other services for employment and entrepreneurship.
xie wenhao, a retired soldier living in jizhou district, ji'an city, hesitated between further study and direct employment when he returned to his hometown. on the one hand, he was worried about the lack of work experience and difficulty in finding a job. on the other hand, he was worried that he would not be able to keep up with the study and study if he took the postgraduate entrance examination. just when he was hesitant, the special recruitment of the jizhou district veterans affairs bureau helped him solve the problem.
in early september, the ji'an city jizhou district people's armed forces department, in conjunction with the jizhou district veterans affairs bureau, human resources and social security bureau and other departments, relied on the "gig station" recruitment service platform to deeply understand and collect veterans' personal expertise and employment intentions, and mobilized enterprises and institutions in the area to post recruitment information on the platform. through a series of measures such as "policy promotion, platform aggregation, government-enterprise docking, and precise services", suitable positions were accurately matched for veterans to ensure that "people are used to their talents and people are suitable for their positions."
xie wenhao graduated from tianjin media college. after joining the army, he was responsible for propaganda and cultural work in the army. he has certain expertise in news propaganda, culture and art. after a local media company learned about xie wenhao's information through the "zero job station" recruitment service platform, it quickly extended an "olive branch" and the two parties reached an employment intention at the job fair.
"in order to help retired military personnel find employment and start businesses, we proactively provide services, collect accurate information, and coordinate with enterprises and institutions in the jurisdiction to hold special job fairs for retired military personnel." liu jiehua, from the veterans affairs bureau of jizhou district, ji'an city, introduced that on september 7, the military and local governments jointly organized a special job fair, attracting more than 20 companies to participate, providing more than 200 management and technical positions such as human resources managers and computers. more than 180 retired military personnel and their family members signed up, and more than 50 of them reached employment intentions on the spot.
"this job fair really helped me a lot. it allowed me to find a suitable job and also made me feel the respect and preferential treatment my hometown shows to retired soldiers," xie wenhao said excitedly.
one person joins the army and the whole family is honored; one time joining the army brings glory to a lifetime. in order to meet the personalized needs of veterans for employment and entrepreneurship, veterans affairs departments in many counties (cities and districts) in jiangxi province also provide online and offline training for returning veterans. the training content covers policy presentations, entrepreneurship "salons", corporate recruitment, workplace etiquette, career planning, etc. veterans can watch online or go to the training site to learn.
"after serving in the army for eight years and returning to my hometown, i inevitably felt a little confused about my future employment. but after this training, i feel more confident." chen xijiang, a retired soldier from xiangdong district, pingxiang city, jiangxi province, said that he would cherish the rare learning opportunity, improve his abilities and qualities in all aspects, always maintain his military qualities, and contribute to the construction of his hometown.
guo dongming, ma xiao, zhong dongyou, china youth daily and china youth network reporter gong ayuan source: china youth daily
(source: china youth daily)