
respiratory diseases increase in children during the school season. to solve your child's cough, distinguish the symptoms and then take medicine


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after school starts, children return to collective life at school from home, and it is a transition period from hot to cool seasons. therefore, the 1-2 weeks after school starts are the most likely time for respiratory diseases to spread, especially for children who have just entered kindergarten. they may get sick before they have time to adapt to the new life, with fever, runny nose, and constant coughing, and their parents are also very anxious.
this so-called "back-to-school illness" is actually the result of many factors. in most cases, parents do not need to be too nervous when their children cough. as long as the child is in good spirits, the coughing degree and frequency have not increased, and the diet and sleep are normal, there is no need for excessive treatment. parents can preliminarily infer the cause of the disease by observing the symptoms and rationally help their children get through the "illness".
coughs caused by different reasons have slightly different manifestations. dry cough: coughing without sputum or with very little sputum. it can be seen in acute pharyngitis, bronchitis, early tuberculosis, pleurisy, etc. wet cough: coughing with sputum is called a wet cough. it can be seen in pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, lung abscess, fibrocavitary tuberculosis, etc. spasmodic cough: it manifests as violent paroxysmal coughs, one cough after another, and a cough can last from a dozen to dozens of times for a considerable period of time. when coughing, the face and neck become red, and breathing is affected. spasmodic cough is common in whooping cough, parapertussis and certain adenovirus infections. allergic cough: coughing is triggered after entering a certain environment or contacting a certain thing, and returns to normal after leaving. it is mostly considered to be an allergic cough, common pollen allergy, mite allergy, etc.
parents are always worried when they hear their children coughing, and they can't help but want to give cough medicine immediately, which will hinder the child's body from expelling phlegm. in fact, most of the time, children's coughs are not as serious as parents imagine. calm observation and care are much more effective than hurriedly giving medicine. there are still several recommended home care, such as increasing air humidity, drinking more water, keeping the respiratory tract moist, opening windows for ventilation, and reducing contact with irritating environments and objects that cause coughs.
if the intensity and frequency of coughing increase significantly and are accompanied by symptoms such as fever, or if you cough or your cough worsens after encountering cold air or irritating odors, you need to seek medical attention promptly and be prescribed medication after diagnosis and treatment by a doctor.
but again, all diseases should be prevented first. cough is just a manifestation of the disease. there are many factors that cause cough, but respiratory infection often causes cough. here are some good ways to prevent respiratory infection. 1. strengthen exercise and do more outdoor activities to improve the body's disease resistance. 2. strengthen life conditioning, eat properly, and ensure sleep. 3. add or remove clothes in time when the climate changes to prevent overcooling or overheating. 4. avoid crowded public places to reduce the chance of infection. 5. get vaccinated in time to reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases.