
cppcc members suggested improving the attractiveness of pediatrician positions, and the national health commission: reasonably determine the salary level of pediatric medical staff


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recently, the national health commission issued a letter titled "reply to proposal no. 04007 (no. 340 in the medical and health category) of the second session of the 14th national committee of the chinese people's political consultative conference", announcing the relevant content of the national health commission's reply to the proposal submitted by a member of the national committee of the chinese people's political consultative conference on the need for comprehensive measures to address the re-emergence of the shortage of pediatricians amid the concentrated outbreak of infectious diseases in children.

the national health commission stated that in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the cpc central committee and the state council, it will actively work with relevant departments to strengthen the reform and development of children's medical and health services, guide local governments to continuously promote reform and innovation in the field of children's medical and health services, and promote the expansion and sinking of high-quality pediatric medical resources. in 2024, the national health commission and nine departments issued the "opinions on promoting the high-quality development of children's medical and health services" to further promote the construction of a high-quality children's medical and health service system, provide high-quality children's medical and health services, and strengthen the construction of a modern pediatric talent team.

pediatrician. photo/vcg

in response to the member's question of "improving the attractiveness of pediatrician positions", the national health commission replied that, first, actively guide local governments to protect the legitimate rights and interests of pediatricians, implement the requirements of the "basic medical and health care and health promotion law" and the "regulations on the prevention and handling of medical disputes", promote the establishment of a medical dispute prevention and handling mechanism, properly handle medical disputes, and maintain medical order. deepen the construction of safe hospitals, focus on the construction of two systems (improving mechanisms and strengthening the legal system), and adhere to two-pronged approach (on the one hand, severely crack down on medical-related illegal and criminal activities, and on the other hand, build a long-term mechanism for the prevention and handling of medical disputes).

second, we will actively work with relevant departments to guide local governments to implement the requirements of the document "opinions on promoting the high-quality development of children's medical and health services", deepen the reform of the public hospital salary system, guide public hospitals to optimize internal distribution, fully consider the work characteristics of pediatric medical staff, reasonably determine the salary levels of children's hospitals and pediatric medical staff, and promote the salary levels of scarce professional physicians such as pediatrics in comprehensive hospitals to be no lower than the average salary level of hospital physicians.

in response to the committee member's proposal to "optimize the regional layout of children's medical resources and promote the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system", the national health commission stated that the first step is to strengthen the training of primary pediatricians. since 2018, our commission has implemented a primary health talent capacity improvement training project, which includes primary medical personnel including general practitioners and primary pediatricians. the project focuses on the diagnosis and treatment skills of common pediatric diseases, and the training includes ultrasound imaging technology. in the autumn and winter of 2023, the training focus will be adjusted in a timely manner, focusing on high-incidence pediatric infectious diseases such as influenza, mycoplasma pneumonia in children, and infectious diarrhea, and providing a series of targeted diagnosis and treatment knowledge and skills training for primary medical personnel.

second, we will promote the priority coverage of children by family doctor contract services. in 2022, the "guiding opinions on promoting the high-quality development of family doctor contract services" was issued, which clarified the overall ideas and main goals of family doctor contract services for a period of time, and emphasized the priority of contracting and serving key groups such as children. in recent years, various regions have actively expanded the family doctor team, increased service coverage, and enriched service content. the contract rate, sense of gain, and satisfaction of key groups such as children have continued to increase.

third, we encourage social forces to establish non-profit medical institutions. in 2019, our commission, together with relevant departments, issued the "opinions on promoting the sustainable, healthy and standardized development of socially-run medical institutions", which clarified that for non-profit medical institutions established by social forces in areas with weak medical resources and shortage specialties such as pediatrics and mental health, local governments can provide venue or rental subsidies and other support policies on an equal basis with public medical institutions. in 2022, the "guiding principles for the planning of medical institutions (2021-2025)" was issued, which clarified that the government will not impose planning restrictions on the total area and space of socially-run medical institutions, and encourage social forces to establish non-profit medical institutions in shortage specialties such as pediatrics and mental health.

regarding the next step of work, the national health commission stated that it will actively work with relevant departments to guide local governments to implement the requirements of the "opinions on promoting the high-quality development of children's medical and health services", accelerate the expansion of high-quality pediatric medical resources and regional balanced layout, and build a balanced, coordinated and efficient urban and rural children's medical and health service system. at the same time, it will actively work with the ministry of education to strengthen medical and educational collaboration, strengthen pediatric talent training in multiple ways, and better serve the development of children's medical and health care.

[source: jiupai news]
