
rooted in early childhood education for 30 years, i only hope to be a good guide - remembering huang liuping, the "most beautiful teacher" in 2024


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cui wencan, omnimedia reporter of yangcheng evening news
in xingning, meizhou, there is no preschool education practitioner who does not know huang liuping.
in 2013, a large number of unlicensed kindergartens in xingning urgently needed to be regulated. in order to allow children to enjoy formal preschool education, huang liuping, then a preschool education specialist at the xingning municipal education bureau, spent more than 1,800 days and nights visiting hundreds of unlicensed kindergartens no less than ten times to regulate and rectify them; more than ten years later, huang liuping, who became the principal of xingning no. 1 kindergarten, unreservedly exported his experience in running kindergartens, allowing rural children to enjoy preschool education at a level similar to that of urban children.
on the occasion of the 40th teachers' day, the central propaganda department and the ministry of education announced to the whole society the "most beautiful teachers" of 2024. huang liuping, who has been working for 32 years, was honored to be selected.
hold fast
“the children in the mountains need me more”
in 1992, huang liuping graduated from the kindergarten teacher class of xingning normal school, and her career as a kindergarten teacher began. in the 1990s, xingning was economically backward and lacked toys and teaching aids. once, huang liuping and several young teachers visited a well-known kindergarten in guangzhou and saw the rich and exquisite toys in the kindergarten, and the bright eyes of the children, which was a world of difference from the local kindergarten environment in xingning. upon inquiry, it was learned that the government had invested 1 million yuan in running the kindergarten.
this astronomical figure discouraged them at the time. on the train back to xingning, huang liuping looked at the buckets of instant noodles and mineral water on the dining car, and suddenly an idea came to her. since then, they have made more than 2,000 self-made teaching aids using waste materials such as mooncake boxes, milk powder cans, foam boards, and cartons, which coincides with the low-structure materials advocated at the moment. this wisdom continues to this day, and she is still teaching rural kindergarten teachers to turn waste into treasure.
huang liuping has been a frontline teacher for ten years and a deputy director for eight years. of her classmates who graduated with her, only two are still in the mountainous area. huang liuping has achieved great results and was named a "national model teacher". education groups in dongguan and shenzhen offered her high salaries, but huang liuping was not tempted. she said: "i have my own value here, and the children in the mountainous area need me more."
'the greatest pressure ever'
2009 was a critical period for xingning city to build a strong education city. huang liuping was transferred to xingning education bureau as a preschool education specialist and preschool education researcher, shouldering both administration and teaching research. just one year after taking office, in 2010, a serious illness slowed down huang liuping's work pace. the doctor required her to have surgery and rest more. the person in charge asked her if she wanted to change to a lighter position, but huang liuping refused. she witnessed and guided the city's 20 township central kindergartens from scratch to excellence.
after xingning completed its work of strengthening in 2012, the state issued a series of documents in 2013 to clean up and rectify unlicensed kindergartens. huang liuping once again rushed to the front line and took on this "hot potato" for five years. she went to hundreds of unlicensed kindergartens one by one, even in the mountainous villages of luofu town in the northernmost part of xingning, which is adjacent to jiangxi. huang liuping can clearly and accurately tell the problems and crux of any unlicensed kindergarten by mentioning its name.
huang liuping recalled that there were a large number of unlicensed kindergartens at that time, and most of the organizers were laid-off workers. there were many children of school age, but places in public kindergartens were scarce. li aomei, the principal of aomei kindergarten in xinpi town, xingning, met huang liuping at that time. when she heard that the rectification was going to happen, li aomei was in a dilemma: her "couple" kindergarten had been open in the town for 14 years, and she didn't know what a standardized kindergarten was. how to change it? huang liuping took out a pen and a piece of paper and taught her step by step. when li aomei encountered a problem she didn't understand, she would call huang liuping as soon as possible: how long should the faucet be? how high should the stair steps and sinks be...
however, cleaning up and rectifying unlicensed gardens would affect other people's jobs. during those years, threatening phone calls came in from time to time. huang liuping frankly said that he was also afraid: "the pressure at that time was the greatest in history... but when i think about it, withdrawing is a bit like deserting. if i had been more patient and more professional, maybe it would have been better."
huang liuping made a one-to-one rectification plan for each unlicensed kindergarten that wanted to apply for a license, so that they could spend the least money to build a standardized kindergarten. later, 115 kindergartens met the standards for running a kindergarten and obtained a school license. for example, aomei kindergarten, where li aomei lives, has become a standardized kindergarten in guangdong province after rectification. a new building has been built, and two school buses have been equipped. the scale has been expanded from three classes to eight classes, and the number of students is more than that of the public kindergarten next door.
breaking the elementary schoolization of kindergartens
after regulating unlicensed kindergartens, huang liuping still had one thing on his mind: local township kindergartens have always been built and operated in conjunction with primary schools, which is equivalent to putting shackles on the development of preschool education. huang liuping was very sad about the "primary schoolization" of kindergartens and asked the principals to change the education model, but the principals said: "without written exams, how can we measure the level of teachers?"
huang liuping sent messages to his superiors over and over again, hoping that township kindergartens would be established independently, so that kindergartens could be truly independent and principals could have real autonomy in running kindergartens. in 2020, children in xingning townships finally had independent kindergarten sites. at present, each of the 20 towns (streets) in the city has established a central kindergarten, and each administrative village with a population of more than 4,000 is equipped with a standardized kindergarten.
liu yuanxin, the principal of xingning diaofang central kindergarten, was most impressed by the independent establishment of the kindergarten. this summer, diaofang central kindergarten, as a township kindergarten, also opened a branch. walking in the new and bright kindergarten, liu yuanxin said with emotion: "i never dreamed of having such a beautiful kindergarten before!"
in 2021, huang liuping returned to xingning no. 1 kindergarten as the principal. the sentence she said most often was: "the door of xingning no. 1 kindergarten is always open to everyone. you can come anytime you want to study!" the principals of several township kindergartens said that huang liuping was concerned about the development of preschool education in xingning as a whole. there is a meizi kindergarten in fuxing meizi village, xingning city. the principal liu lanying told reporters that when applying to open a kindergarten, she didn't know how to write the application materials before, and they were all written under the guidance of principal huang; wang yingxia, the principal of yetang kindergarten in yetang town, xingning, said that the local kindergartens used to have a serious problem of "primary schoolization", and it was huang liuping who taught everyone how to design the daily process and independent games of the kindergarten.
the reporter learned from the xingning municipal education bureau that in recent years, xingning's preschool education has significantly increased the number of high-quality places. at present, there are 199 kindergartens in the city, with a gross enrollment rate of 98.5% in the three years before school; there are 132 inclusive kindergartens, with a coverage rate of 91.48%; there are 50 public kindergartens, and the proportion of children in public kindergartens is 50.2%. more importantly, adhering to the "child-centered" education concept and actively exploring the scientific education and care practice of "taking games as the basic activity" has become a consensus in the local area.
huang liuping said that the quality of childcare and education is the lifeline of the kindergarten, and dedicating her own strength to the high-quality development of xingning's preschool education is her lifelong belief.