
the "key class" he led went from being ranked low to being on the podium | "soldier teacher" on campus


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hunan daily omnimedia intern reporter cui beile correspondent huang jianping
"classmates, this student is going to fall from a higher place. it will take our collective strength to catch him safely. can he trust you with his back?"
“yes!” a loud answer came from the crowd, and the student on the platform fell down immediately. a pair of tender hands grabbed together and caught him steadily.
this is the beginning of the school year. xiao yang, a teacher at gucheng central primary school in shitan town, xiangtan county, and his students are playing the "trust backfall" game. now, "trust backfall" has become the most distinctive psychological quality development course in their school, and has also become the favorite "first lesson of the new semester" for every class of students here.
"masculine integrity, courage and responsibility, trust and mutual assistance, unity and cooperation, collective honor, self-confidence and strength..." these are the genes engraved into xiao yang's bones when he was in the army. after switching to the "three-foot podium", xiao yang is more determined to sow the seeds of these spiritual qualities in the hearts of every student.
(photo of xiao yang in the military. provided by the interviewee)
in 2015, just after finishing his freshman year, xiao yang resolutely chose "chinese red" and "camouflage green" as the background color of his youth because of his dream of becoming a soldier, and entered the military camp he had always longed for. during his two-year conscript career, he withstood the hardships, recorded and broadcast more than 300 radio programs and more than 100 tv news for the troops, and was named "excellent conscript".
after retiring in 2017, xiao yang spent three years continuing his undergraduate studies. after graduating from hunan first normal university in 2020, he was assigned to gucheng central primary school in shitan town, xiangtan county as a third-grade class teacher. the class he took over was jokingly called the school's "key class" because there were many naughty students in the class who needed special attention and guidance, and they were often ranked at the bottom of the grade. taking over as a class teacher midway is bound to be scrutinized and compared by students and parents. but xiao yang remembered the belief in the military of "never complaining about hardship, tiredness, or admitting defeat", and he became more determined to "be the best version of himself and a better teacher".
he always said to himself: "my students are my children, they are the best." he ate, trained and studied with the children every day with tolerance and love.
the year he first became a class teacher, the school held a sports meet. he decided to use this opportunity to create a new atmosphere and establish a new class style, helping the children build a core of self-confidence and self-reliance. after discussing a thorough training plan for the sports meet with the class cadres, he implemented the regular military training items of "standing at attention" and "marching", "looking forward with a firm look in the eyes and confidently", "holding your head high, speaking loudly and striding forward" as planned in every training. under strict training, the children became more masculine, upright and positive day by day.
on the day of the official sports meet, watching the children in the class running forward with all their might, he also ran with all his might along the track, shouting at the top of his lungs: "great! come on! i'm proud of you! i'm proud of our class!" in this unforgettable school sports meeting, teacher xiao, with a flushed face and hoarse throat, walked into the hearts of the children.
back-to-back wrestling, three-legged race, group singing, group tug-of-war, and telling stories about challenges and honors in the military camp are all games he often plays with his students. the four chinese characters "育人教书" written in regular script are hung in his office. he has always adhered to the concept of "teaching children to be human beings first, and then teaching them to read", and has helped children to hone their morals and learn knowledge through play.
in this way, the class he taught became a "key class". his class was always on the list of winners of national defense knowledge competitions, calligraphy competitions, speech competitions, etc. xiao yang himself also won awards in teaching competitions inside and outside the school, was named an "excellent party worker" by xiangtan county, and participated in the xiangtan county may fourth youth symposium as an outstanding youth representative and made a speech.
(group photo of xiao yang's class receiving awards. provided by the interviewee)
at the end of the semester, xiao yang received a thank-you letter from a parent, which read: "teacher xiao, thank you for your careful teaching of the children this semester! in fact, at the beginning, we heard some bad comments in the class and considered changing the learning environment for the child. i asked my own child, and the answer i got was that the child did not allow us to say a bad word about his class, and he was proud to be in such a class."
seeing this sincere and heartfelt letter, xiao yang's heart was filled with endless happiness and satisfaction. "i have seen the growth and changes of the children, and i have also felt the recognition and trust of the parents. everything i have done is worth it."
at this moment, he strengthened his belief: retirement does not fade, change careers do not change ambitions, what changes is the identity, what remains unchanged is the original intention. youth burns in the military camp, and it must continue on the podium.