
the party leadership group of the ministry of education held an enlarged meeting to study and implement the spirit of the national education conference


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on september 10, huai jinpeng, secretary of the party committee and minister of the ministry of education, presided over an enlarged meeting of the party committee to convey and study the spirit of general secretary xi jinping’s important speech at the national education conference and make arrangements for quickly launching a wave of learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the conference.
the meeting pointed out that this national education conference is an important meeting to mobilize and deploy the construction of an education power in the new era and new journey, and it is a very important milestone in the history of my country's education development. the conference coincided with the 40th teachers' day. before the conference, general secretary xi jinping cordially met with representatives of advanced collectives and individuals in the national education system. at the conference, he extended warm congratulations and sincere greetings to teachers across the country, which fully demonstrated that general secretary xi jinping has always attached great importance to education and has deep concern for teachers.
the meeting emphasized that general secretary xi jinping’s important speech stands at the strategic height of the overall development of the party and the country, comprehensively summarizes the historic achievements and structural changes in the education cause in the new era, systematically explains the scientific connotation and basic path of building a strong country in education, and profoundly expounds the major relationships that must be correctly handled in building a strong country in education. it systematically deploys strategic tasks and major measures for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country in education. it is highly political, ideological, and guiding. it is a programmatic document guiding education work in the new era and new journey, and it points out the direction for building a strong country in education and provides fundamental guidance.
the meeting emphasized that studying, publicizing and implementing general secretary xi jinping's important speech and the spirit of the conference is a major political task at present and in the future. the party group of the ministry and all departments and bureaus must earnestly shoulder their political responsibilities, act quickly, comprehensively and accurately study, publicize and implement the spirit of the conference, understand the essence and core meaning of general secretary xi jinping's important speech, and quickly unify their thoughts and actions with the general secretary's important speech and the spirit of the conference.first,we should do a good job in full coverage of learning and training, and promote the spirit of the conference to be internalized. we should make the important speech of the general secretary and the spirit of the conference an important part of the training for all staff in the education system, and achieve full coverage through various forms of training.second,we should do a good job in all-round publicity and interpretation, and create a strong atmosphere of learning, thinking and practicing. we should publicize and interpret the spirit of the conference in an all-round, in-depth and multi-angle manner, carry out lectures on the spirit of the conference, increase research and interpretation, and guide the teachers, students and cadres of the education system to deepen their understanding, build consensus and pool their efforts.third,we should do a good job in the layout and construction of the whole front, and promote the construction of a strong country in education to start from a high starting point and advance with high quality. focus on the major arrangements of the meeting, plan and propose a series of major tasks, major projects, major reforms, and major guarantees, optimize the promotion mechanism, implement it with the spirit of "nailing down", and make greater contributions to china's modernization with the new achievements in the construction of a strong country in education.
members of the party leadership group of the ministry of education, cadres at or above the deputy director level from all departments and bureaus of the ministry, the ministry’s discipline inspection and supervision group, and members of the leadership teams of directly affiliated units attended the meeting.
photography | zhang jinsong
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