
successful mass production! the first batch of "xiang" hydrogen energy intelligent rail vehicles rolled off the assembly line


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on september 9, the hydrogen energy smart rail independently developed by hunan crrc zhixing successfully rolled off the production line, marking the first time that the model has been mass-produced. in the future, crrc zhixing will deliver 38 hydrogen energy smart rails in stages for urban transportation services in kuching, malaysia. 17 of them will be delivered before 2025 and put into operation by the end of 2025.
zhigui is a new urban rail transit product pioneered by crrc zhixing. it uses rubber wheels instead of steel wheels, does not require the laying of tangible tracks, and its construction cost is only one-fifth of that of trams.
last year, the first hydrogen energy smart rail poc (proof of concept) prototype was successfully tested in kuching. compared with the prototype, the new hydrogen energy smart rail that rolled off the production line this time has a higher level of intelligent driving, is lighter, more energy-efficient, and more comfortable. it also has a 10% climbing ability and can be used in a variety of road environments. (reported by all-media reporter xie zhuofang)
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