
hangzhou youth alibaba is 25 years old today


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qianjiang evening news
from a babbling baby, to a young boy, to an independent young adult, it seems like just a blink of an eye.
born in hangzhou on september 10, 1999, he turns 25 today.
young knight, enthusiastic and passionate
every hangzhou native can say to this hangzhou native: "yeah, i watched you grow up."
in the eyes of hangzhou people, alibaba is like a boy next door. they are very close to him and can see him clearly. they have watched him grow up from a young boy. he is sometimes a little reckless and impulsive, but he is enthusiastic and passionate, and he is definitely full of positive energy.
in september 1999, 18 people squeezed into a rough house in hangzhou lakeside garden and founded alibaba. they tinkered with a few computers and said they wanted to use these computers and connect a few network cables to help thousands of small and medium-sized businesses find business.
(△the alibaba team at the beginning of its establishment in 1999)
they summed up this idea with a bold statement: "let's make it easy to do business anywhere."
at that time, not many people could understand what they did. they just thought: how dare these kids brag so much?
four days later, qianjiang evening news published an alternative advertisement: a big word "招聘", a running person, and a few sentences in chinese and english.
“if not now, when? if not me, who?”
(△on september 14, 1999, alibaba published a recruitment advertisement in qianjiang evening news)
the person who placed the advertisement was ma yun. before this, he had encountered many setbacks, as no media was willing to publish this advertisement with english subtitles.
"no one had heard of alibaba at that time. it was qianjiang evening news that gave us the opportunity to make our first appearance," jack ma said later.
in that era of rapid development, there were many people with dreams, but people like jack ma who were enthusiastic and passionate were still very special. because of his uniqueness, hangzhou people knew him as early as 1995.
that year, a tv station in hangzhou conducted a test. they found five or six big men and asked them to pretend to pry open the manhole cover on the road to see if anyone would stop them. in the end, only one person took action. he was a thin man who rode his bicycle back and forth for a few times. finally, he mustered up his courage, pointed at the big men and said, "carry it back!" he was jack ma.
this chivalrous spirit later became the character of alibaba. dare to think, dare to act, and never back down when faced with difficulties.
one day in july 2011, in binjiang, hangzhou, a child was hanging in the air on the 10th floor. wu juping, an employee of alibaba, was standing downstairs. at the critical moment, she opened her arms and caught the falling child. at that moment, the impact was so great that wu juping's arm was shattered, but the girl was saved.
qianjiang evening news reported the incident in a full page. at the time, wu juping was breastfeeding and her child was only 7 months old. her righteous act moved the whole city and she was called "the most beautiful mother."
(△wu juping was hospitalized after catching the child who fell from the building. qianjiang evening news featured a special report on "the most beautiful mother")
one day in november 2017, an alibaba team witnessed a car accident while driving in qiandao lake. a car was hit and rushed directly into the lake. liu xinting immediately got out of the car and jumped into the cold lake water. together with his colleagues, he rescued four people, including a pregnant woman, from the sinking car.
to be chivalrous, you cannot rely on just one person, you need a group of people; you cannot rely on just a momentary impulse, you need long-term persistence.
after the 5.12 wenchuan earthquake, zhejiang province provided assistance to qingchuan. as a company rooted in zhejiang, alibaba invested 25 million yuan to set up a disaster relief team to support qingchuan's post-disaster reconstruction. at that time, all sectors generally planned their work within a three-year limit, but jack ma set a seven-year agreement from the beginning, saying, "if seven years is not enough, we will do it for another seven years."
after that, batches of ali people went to qingchuan and worked there for 14 years. because of ali's arrival, qingchuan county was full of e-commerce companies. this small place was connected to the outside world through the internet, and the villagers found a new way to get rich.
(△alibaba volunteer team in qingchuan in 2009)
young heroes change the world
in just three to five years, ali has grown into a man of impressive stature. he likes to stand out, and when he is determined to do something, he will try his best to be better than others.
at that time, the internet was sweeping across the country, and alibaba was engaged in e-commerce. people in hangzhou were not very receptive to it at first - is this thing reliable?
in 2004, taobao and alipay launched free credit guarantee. the platform took the initiative to take responsibility, allowing two strangers who had never met before to dare to buy and sell. the most difficult trust issue was solved in this way.
this key move made online shopping popular in hangzhou and then spread across the country.
(△ mount everest cainiao station)
after watching this neighbor busy for three to five years, the people of hangzhou gradually understood what he was doing. at first, they just thought he had a lot of fantastic ideas, but later they really realized that he not only dared to think but also could do things, and he actually changed everyone's life.
after the popularization of smart phones, mobile payment has become popular in hangzhou, and qr codes are everywhere in the streets and alleys of hangzhou. the direct impact is that pickpockets are "unemployed".
at that time, two young men came to hangzhou from other provinces, hoping to "do something big". but the reality was very bleak. they robbed three convenience stores and only got more than 2,000 yuan in total, which was not enough for the trip home. the shock turned into a "laugh", and hangzhou gained a high-sounding title: "global mobile payment city".
later, hangzhou residents used alipay to take public transportation and subways, pay credit card bills, check housing fund, pay water, electricity, gas bills, handle government affairs, and enter and exit parking lots. things that used to require long queues to be done now do not require queues. when hangzhou residents talk about these things outside, they are full of pride.
the relationship between hangzhou and alibaba is mutually beneficial and two-way. alibaba contributes his abilities, and hangzhou gives him the opportunity to test his wild ideas and gives him enough patience and tolerance.
from e-commerce to payment, from logistics to cloud computing, and even to public welfare, almost every innovation of alibaba is first tested and implemented in hangzhou, and then promoted nationwide and globally.
can china have its own cloud? in 2009, the 10-year-old alibaba asked itself this question: "independent research and development! invest 1 billion yuan every year for 10 years, and we'll figure it out if it doesn't work." they did it right away.
after five years of arduous struggle, alibaba finally created china's own cloud computing, and from then on there was a new and famous name in the cloud computing industry: alibaba cloud.
"going to the cloud" is no longer just for sun wukong, but a problem that all companies have to face. today, alibaba cloud, the largest in asia pacific, supports 80% of china's technology companies and 50% of ai large-scale model companies.
the success of alibaba cloud has made hangzhou a "chinese cloud city" with super computing power. everything is possible on the cloud.
as early as 2016, hangzhou and alibaba cloud worked together to build the "city brain", which made hangzhou the first to become a smart city. the comfort and convenience brought by intelligence can be felt by everyone living here.
25 years old, continue to catch up with the future
at 25, which is the age when a graduate student enters the society, he needs to move towards the future with a greater sense of responsibility. in the past 25 years, ali has run wild and fallen. how is he now?
some people say he has become mature and steady, while others say he is still the boy he once was. hangzhou people hope he is mature but not sophisticated, not greasy or old-fashioned, but still full of youthfulness.
at the beginning of last year, when everyone was impressed by how powerful the overseas ai big models were, alibaba was the first to bring out its self-developed big models and generously open sourced them. this summer, the paris olympics dominated the news, with alibaba cloud's technical support behind it. its global network supported 4 billion people around the world to watch the olympics online.
(△alibaba cloud supports the paris olympics)
at the age of 25, alibaba has become an international technology company and is becoming a hexagonal warrior. 25 years is a history of growth and also a history of tempering. some things have changed, and some things have not changed. what has changed is the experience and way of dealing with the world, but what remains unchanged is the blazing flame of life.
yesterday afternoon, alibaba partner jiang fang posted a post on the company's intranet: "written at the age of 25 at alibaba: why i like my colleagues", telling about her past experience of being "online friends" with a disabled female merchant 10 years ago, and asking everyone if they had "a moment of being touched or proud of a colleague". "let's leave a commemoration together on september 10," jiang fang said.
everyone posted enthusiastically. some talked about helping the disabled, some talked about the olympics, some helped others, some were helped; and some were simply comforted by a bowl of fried rice from the cafeteria auntie when they missed their meal, and they never forgot it.
no matter how big or small, insist on doing something and promoting some changes. those who chase the future are always young.
source: chao news he lingyao zhu yao (pictures provided by the interviewees)