
the "ugliest lin daiyu" has a strong lasting effect, and her mindless remarks have caused controversy. her background is indeed not simple.


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"i knew it was shit and took a look at it. it was like i had eaten shit and wanted to vomit but couldn't. lin daiyu was as strong as a bull."

this is what netizens have to say about the newly released film "a dream of red mansions: the golden marriage".

i thought this movie wouldn't become a classic, but i didn't expect it to be so bad.

the most horrifying thing is the casting of lin daiyu, which simply makes the audience feel dizzy.

not only is he ugly, but his mind is also not very clear, and his words seem to be spoken without thinking.

so, how did she manage to play lin daiyu despite her plain looks?

"the ugliest lin daiyu"

recently, "a dream of red mansions: the golden jade marriage" is in theaters.

but the reputation of this film is not even a little bit worse than the previous remake.

i thought li shaohong's version was bad enough, but i didn't expect this version to go even further.

netizens’ harsh comments: her plastic surgery face smells like a prostitute, i can’t stand it after watching the 1987 version!

especially the actress who played lin daiyu, she made people feel dizzy!

there are even many netizens who said that this version should be the "ugliest lin daiyu" and instantly liked jiang mengjie's version.

i don’t think yang zi, zhao lusi and others are ordinary girls. there are actually some who are more ordinary than them.

let’s talk about appearance first. the description of lin daiyu in the original book is:

"two curved eyebrows that seem to be frowning but not frowning, a pair of eyes that seem to be happy but not happy but full of emotion. the expression on her face shows sorrow, and her delicate body is full of illness."

however, zhang miaoyi's version of lin daiyu is as strong as an ox and she doesn't look delicate at all.

his facial features are even rougher, with a flat nose, small eyes, a big face, a sausage-shaped mouth, and a petty air.

and the distance between her eyes is so far that some netizens said that the starting price of a taxi is more than 5 yuan for the distance between her eyes.

this distance between her eyes makes her facial features look too wide, and when she smiles, her two big front teeth are exposed, which makes her look a bit scary.

her temperament has nothing to do with lin daiyu, she looks like an ordinary person.

however, compared to her appearance, this actress' acting skills are extremely poor, her eyes are dull and her expression is exaggerated.

according to netizens, with such beauty, she couldn’t even play the roles of fangguan or lingguan in the 1987 version!

it would be fine if she failed to portray the character, but her speech was also empty-headed and lacked any technical skills!

brainless remarks spark controversy

at the premiere of the movie, zhang miaoyi, who played lin daiyu, also came to the scene.

someone asked her a few small questions about the role.

for example, when daiyu returned from yangzhou with a huge sum of money to attend a funeral, she heard that her cousin and his wife were going to seize the property. what should she do then?

unexpectedly, her answer was to spend all the money, and this idea shocked many viewers.

after all, according to lin daiyu's character in the original novel, she would definitely not do such a thing.

and when asked about her understanding of this role, she answered like this!

she thinks lin daiyu wants to challenge tradition, is a bit unorthodox, and a bit unique.

not only that, she also understood baochai's character, saying that she just follows the rules and does things according to the ideas of her family.

when answering questions, she also stammered and stumbled, as if she was forcing out the few sentences.

seeing her understanding of the role in "dream of red mansions", many netizens were angry.

if you don't know how to speak, you don't have to say anything. but if you insist on making excuses, it shows that you don't have a deep understanding of the original work.

netizens commented that she really thought lin daiyu could uproot a weeping willow tree. although she was a little unique, she was not unorthodox.

what's more, this word is a derogatory term. such an evaluation really doesn't sound like someone who has read the original work.

with such a good understanding ability, it would be a miracle if he could play the role well.

this made netizens curious, how did she get this role?

guan xiaotong also has to admit defeat

it is reported that the original person wanted to play this role was guan xiaotong.

although her temperament is not suitable for lin daiyu, at least she is a professional actor, has acting skills and is popular among the people.

i just didn't expect that zhang miaoyi would be the last one to play the role, and guan xiaotong would play yuanchun!

the most important thing is that the director chose this actress after many talented people, which also caused many netizens to question it.

and in the interview, she also said that she put a lot of effort into playing this role well!

before joining the group, i specially read the original work and received training in etiquette, embroidery, tea art, etc.

but this result is not really visible in the film, and zhang miaoyi's appearance is really not suitable for lin daiyu.

when he acted in idol dramas before, he could still use filters and lighting to keep the audience watching.

it’s not easy to play a beautiful woman with a lot of temperament all of a sudden now.

moreover, even though she had no works and was not well-known, she was able to play such a big leading role, which shows that her background is not simple!

netizens said that the capitalist’s ugly doll is back again, instantly making jiang mengjie’s version look like a fairy!

when her version of "dream of the red chamber" was broadcast, it was criticized by netizens.

she doesn’t look sickly at all, her face looks rosy and her body looks plump!

her complexion is even better than baochai's, but her appearance is not good enough, her facial features are not delicate, and she does not have that elegant feeling.

but after watching this version, netizens immediately accepted this kind of lin daiyu!

even jiang mengjie can't compare to it, let alone the most classic version by chen xiaoxu.

even with her elegant temperament and melancholy expression back then, she was still questioned for not being good-looking enough!

the more i look at her now, the more she resembles lin daiyu, with a sharp gaze and a gentle temperament.

apart from the poor casting of lin daiyu, the other characters weren't much better either?

the whole production is a bit rough, which shows that the understanding of this famous work is not deep enough.

it’s no wonder that everyone’s eyes turned dark when faced with such overwhelming negative reviews.

director hu mei also responded, saying that this was a work she had invested a lot of time in and that she could accept criticism, but now some people hate it to the core!

he believed that someone was deliberately discrediting this work, and he had hired a lawyer to provide evidence.

after seeing the other party's remarks, netizens were also puzzled. it doesn't mean that a work is good just because it is filmed with care.

the fact that so many people are complaining about it shows that there are still certain problems, otherwise the box office wouldn’t be so low!