
attention丨green and low-carbon energy transformation is imminent and countries around the world need to work together to respond


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china economic times reporter zhang yiming
although the global energy green and low-carbon transformation is accelerating, it still faces great challenges to achieve the goal of net zero emissions by the middle of this century. at the 2024 global energy transformation conference, which opened on september 7, china's progress in energy green and low-carbon transformation was unanimously praised by the guests, but considering the different progress of various countries, how to work together to meet the challenges is also the focus of attention of all parties involved.
the global energy transformation conference is jointly guided by the development research center of the state council, the ministry of ecology and environment, the china geological survey of the ministry of natural resources and the beijing municipal people's government. it has been successfully held for five sessions so far. it is one of the most influential events in the energy field at home and abroad. the theme of this conference is "transformation and development for a green future". it will be held in beijing future science city from september 7th to 12th. many leaders of ministries and commissions, many international and domestic energy experts and corporate representatives attended the conference. the forum mainly included an opening ceremony and plenary session, nine special meetings, a conference summary and the opening ceremony of the future city energy week, an exhibition and a number of "future city energy week" activities.
significant results
"my country will give full play to the guiding, optimizing and forcing role of ecological and environmental protection, and accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development. we will support the high-quality development of the economy with a high level of protection of the ecological environment, and strive to build a beautiful china where people and nature live in harmony." minister of ecology and environment huang runqiu said at the meeting.
since the 18th cpc national congress, my country has actively promoted the optimization and adjustment of its energy structure, accelerated the construction of a clean, low-carbon, efficient and safe energy system, and carried out in-depth coordinated governance of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, achieving positive progress and significant results. the number of coal-fired boilers and industrial kilns in china has been reduced from nearly 500,000 to about 100,000, reducing the use of coal by more than 400 million tons; the northern region has completed the management of scattered coal in about 37 million rural households, reducing the consumption of scattered coal by more than 70 million tons; and established the world's largest carbon emission rights trading market, covering more than 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. china has vigorously promoted the development of renewable energy, and the installed capacity of hydropower, electricity, photovoltaic and wind power ranks first in the world.
li jinfa, director of the china geological survey under the ministry of natural resources, revealed that a large number of mineral exploration results have laid a solid foundation for the development of my country's energy transformation. for example, high-yield oil flows have been drilled in the sanmenxia basin; major breakthroughs have been made in uranium prospecting, and lithium exploration has reshaped the supply structure; important progress has been made in copper exploration in tibet; my country's independently designed "dream" ocean drilling ship will be put into service and undertake productive trial production; positive progress has been made in the investigation of new energy minerals such as rare earths, beryllium, hydrogen, and helium; and new technologies and processes such as efficient enrichment and separation of lithium have been tackled.
mary bruce warlick of the international energy agency pointed out that china's experience shows that with the right policies, investments and commitments, energy transformation can achieve rapid and large-scale progress. however, china's success is only part of the global effort, and countries around the world must work together to strengthen the global policy framework, accelerate technological innovation, and ensure that the benefits of clean energy benefit everyone.
over the past decade, the global green energy transformation has also made significant progress. taking "hydrogen production" and wind power as examples, the global "pure hydrogen" production is 75 million tons/year. by the end of 2023, the global cumulative wind power installed capacity will exceed 1021gw, nearly 10 times the 138gw in 2008.
beijing's exemplary role in the green and low-carbon transformation of energy has become apparent, and it has been praised by the united nations environment programme as the "beijing miracle" of air governance. the energy valley of future science city in changping district, beijing, where this forum is held, is responsible for building a technological innovation highland with international influence and creating an important mission of building beijing's advanced energy industry highland. it is characterized by innovation aggregation, complete elements, perfect policies, and high-quality supporting facilities.
beijing mayor yin yong said that beijing will anchor the "dual carbon" goal and accelerate the construction of a new energy system that is clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient. deepen the energy consumption revolution and continue to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in traditional industries. deepen the energy supply revolution, promote the development of renewable energy, expand the scale of external green electricity, enhance energy peak-shaving capabilities, and ensure the energy security of the capital. deepen the energy technology revolution, promote the research and development of low-carbon and zero-carbon technology and equipment, and vigorously develop advanced energy and other industries. deepen the energy system revolution, formulate local standards such as new power systems, and build and improve the national voluntary emission reduction trading market.
a long way to go
after years of development, the global energy green transformation has progressed rapidly, but the problem of unbalanced development has not been completely solved. the world energy investment report released by the international energy agency shows that in 2023, china's investment in clean energy will account for 1/3 of the world's total investment, but the clean energy expenditure of emerging and developing economies outside china will only account for about 15% of the world's total expenditure. the least developed countries are at risk of lagging behind the global process.
"energy is at the core of development, and we must accelerate the global energy transition that is fair, inclusive and just. although the proportion of renewable energy in global electricity production is growing strongly and rapidly, more progress is needed in the areas of heating and transportation," said li junhua, un deputy secretary-general.
although china has made rapid progress in its green and low-carbon energy transformation, there is still a lot of work to be done in order to achieve the goal of net zero emissions on schedule.
long guoqiang, deputy director of the development research center of the state council, said that china must form a production relationship that is more compatible with the new quality of productivity and further deepen the reform of the energy system in an all-round way. first, we must further improve the energy market system. build a high-standard energy market system with fair access, diversified subjects and effective competition, so that the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation. second, we must improve the energy price mechanism. promote price reforms in the fields of oil, natural gas, electricity, etc., rationalize price relations, enhance price elasticity, and realize that factor prices are mainly determined by market supply and demand. third, we must deepen the reform of the energy management system. create an energy management and supervision system with clear boundaries between the market and the government, clear rights and responsibilities, and high efficiency and transparency, and promote the modernization of governance capabilities in the energy field. fourth, we must improve the energy legal system. build a complete set of energy laws, regulations and standards system to form a scientific and effective legal system of legislation, justice, law enforcement and administration according to law.
huang runqiu revealed that the ministry of ecology and environment will focus on promoting related work from three aspects. first, actively cultivate and develop green productivity, deeply implement the ecological environment management system of regional, differentiated and precise control, accelerate the optimization and adjustment of industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure, comprehensively carry out multi-field and multi-level coordinated innovation of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, improve green and low-carbon development economic policies, promote the research and development and promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the environmental protection industry. second, actively respond to climate change, implement the "1+n" policy system of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and promote the gradual shift from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions. further strengthen the construction of the carbon market, steadily expand the coverage of the industry, enrich the trading varieties and trading methods, and improve the national greenhouse gas resource emission reduction trading market. third, actively participate in global climate governance, constructively participate in the multilateral process of climate change, and actively promote international cooperation on climate change.
long guoqiang said that china attaches great importance to international energy cooperation and actively promotes the green and low-carbon transformation of global energy. china will participate in the reform and construction of the global energy governance system, strengthen the development of the standard system and international connection and mutual recognition, and promote the establishment of a global energy governance pattern of consultation, joint construction and sharing. china will steadily expand institutional opening-up, take the joint construction of the "belt and road" as the guide, expand the new situation of diversified energy cooperation with high-level opening-up, and build a new win-win model of green and low-carbon transformation of energy.
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executive producerwang hui che haigang
producerli piguangchen bowang yu
editor-in-chief: mao jinghui editor: chen shuhan