
pakistani media: china-africa cooperation helps africa's "decolonization"


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reference news reported on september 7on september 5, pakistan's national newspaper published an article titled "china-africa relations and 'neo-colonialism'" by aslam javed. excerpts from the article are as follows:
in recent decades, china and africa have established a strong partnership based on mutual respect and support. this relationship has been strengthened and achieved good results through important cooperation in areas such as infrastructure, agriculture, health and education. as africa's largest bilateral trading partner since 2009, china's role has become increasingly important, and large amounts of foreign direct investment have deepened china-africa economic ties. china-africa cooperation is not limited to trade, but also extends to the fields of digital infrastructure, technology and cultural exchanges.
however, some western critics often accuse china of creating a "debt trap" and implementing a "neo-colonial strategy", accusations that stand in stark contrast to the tangible benefits china has brought to africa. china's investment is not limited to the economy, but also includes cultural exchanges, digital infrastructure and health initiatives, which help reshape africa's economic landscape and promote the development and progress of technology and education. china's initiatives in africa, including medical cooperation and education projects, are all aimed at long-term development. this multifaceted engagement reflects a strategic partnership rooted in common interests and goals, allowing china to play a key role in africa's continued development.
china has never colonized or militarily invaded africa in its history. china's involvement in african affairs is based on mutual benefit, focusing on providing substantial economic and technical support in areas such as infrastructure, health care and education. this cooperative effort stands in stark contrast to the colonial practices of some countries in the past, highlighting the china-africa partnership based on mutual respect and common interests. this win-win partnership has made significant contributions to africa's decolonization and development.
since the belt and road initiative was proposed in 2013, africa has benefited greatly from the active participation of chinese private enterprises. these enterprises have played an important role in building a china-africa community with a shared future and promoting africa's development. china's infrastructure construction in africa has not only boosted africa's economic prospects, but also greatly promoted regional connectivity. these infrastructures have laid the foundation for the continued development and integration of the entire african continent. as african leaders gather in beijing for the summit, the development trajectory of the china-africa partnership is worth pondering.
the forum on china-africa cooperation is an important pillar of china-africa relations and has always guided the development of china-africa policies and cooperation.
by focusing on cooperative projects that promote trade and connectivity, china has demonstrated its commitment to africa's growth and development. the support china is currently providing reflects a spirit of cooperation, which is completely different from outdated neo-colonial ideas and highlights china's foresight in international relations. (compiled by hu guanghe)