
which unmanned loyal wingman will be put into service first? china's aviation and aerospace industries are rolling up their sleeves first


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in the past week, there have been more reports about china's stealth unmanned attack aircraft. the united states announced that its satellites had continuously photographed the activities of the attack 11 uavs at the malan base in china in july. two attack 11s were at the door of the hangar and at the side of the runway. combined with the satellite photos of the attack 11s that were previously found on amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers, the united states believes that this is a more extensive test of the attack 11. it is possible that it will form a combination with the j-20 as a loyal wingman.

in contrast, the united states did not continue to develop this type of flying wing layout drone. in 2005, boeing developed an x45c, which began testing in 2010. earlier, in 2003, northrop grumman had an x47a, ​​which was tested, but this type of drone later gave way to the later x47b and mq25. in other words, the united states gave up in the field where it once led. once again, the opportunity to turn ppt into reality was given to china.

in addition, the cs5000t, which was shown at the 2022 zhuhai air show and is larger than the attack 11, was also seen by the public when it was flying in the air. its aerodynamic shape is not a flying wing, but a crank kite. the original x47b uav in the united states also used this aerodynamic layout. after the x47b was abandoned, china continued on this track, and in addition to the cs5000t, there is also the rainbow 7 of aerospace.

there is another track. the representative works of the united states are the xq58a valkyrie and the xq67. the conventional layout of swept wings and double vertical tails seems to emphasize flight performance rather than stealth. china's corresponding ones are the feihong 97 and feihong 97a of aerospace. at the last zhuhai air show, the feihong 97a model was unveiled. recently, there has been news that the detailed design, semi-physical simulation and other preliminary work of the feihong-97a related unmanned systems have been completed, and the prototype is carrying out test verification. it sounds like it is about to make its first flight. so what about the feihong 97 that will appear in 2021? should the progress be faster? moreover, whether it is 97 or 97a, these are all for external publicity, or for consideration of export, forming a high-low combination with the feihong 95, which has good export performance. if feihong wants to develop china's own loyal wingman, there should also be another model, which is inconvenient to display.

therefore, in the development of unmanned fighter jets, attack aircraft, and loyal wingman aircraft, china and the united states are in full confrontation and competition. moreover, there is a fierce competition between china's aviation and china's aerospace. the 9th and 11th aerospace institutes have different thinking and are also competing.

what does this mean? it means that in the field of unmanned fighter jets and attack aircraft, our scientific research model has entered the state we have always wanted. it is not because of insufficient technology that we are forced to concentrate our efforts on choosing a direction to catch up, but because we practice what the other party wants, have the ability to light up the technology tree on a large scale, and have the courage to roll out trial and error. now, the only two countries that can still do military research in this way are probably china and the united states. the development of the us military industry has slowed down significantly recently, so our following will sooner or later become a thought leader. the reason why the advantage of the us military industry has weakened, in addition to china's own accelerated development, is that one of the important reasons is that the united states has suffered serious talent loss, which has been snatched away by other industries. it can be seen that in the future, if we want to continue to compete, we may need to compare who can stabilize the scientific research team more, whose reserve talent has better scientific literacy, and finally it depends on the field of basic education, who pays more attention to science and engineering.

speaking of this, i remembered another military-related online rumor with a unified script that has been very popular recently. many people copied the exact same content, saying that their children had been admitted to military colleges through the college entrance examination and had suffered losses and hardships, etc. it was just like opposing their children from joining the army. they were all organized and planned to guide the anti-military sentiment in society. it was obvious that they wanted some parents to unknowingly participate in undermining the construction of talent reserves for the military and military scientific research.

i would like to ask my friends who study law whether there is any article in the criminal law that can be used for this kind of blogger. ​